It's just that one of the audience on the stage noticed...

"Sure enough—it's suspicious!" Nymphadora Tonks murmured with a searching look in her eyes, "I'll definitely figure out what the hell you are doing!"

At this time... Stephanie, who lost the game on the stage, wanted to sneak away in a dreary manner, but was caught by Margaret Simmons.

"Lauriel... do you want to go back on it??"

"I...I..." Stephanie murmured with red face for a long time, and then said in a voice that Margaret could hardly hear: "I'm sorry...I was wrong, I shouldn't slander Professor Zhou Ye...please Forgive me everyone..."

"I can't hear it!" After Margaret finished speaking, she asked directly to the stands: "Did you just hear what our classmate Stephanie Laurel said?"

"did not hear……"

"Did she just say something?"

"did not hear……"

"Look... it's not just me who didn't hear it, everyone didn't hear it..." Margaret said, looking at Stephanie and said, "So - please, say it out loud..."

"I'm sorry... I was wrong, I shouldn't slander Professor Zhou Ye... Please forgive me..." After Stephanie shouted these words, she rushed out of the ring with a blushing face... She didn't want to stay here for a moment It''s really embarrassing.

And at this time, everyone suddenly realized-why did Margaret challenge Stephanie to a duel...No way, it's no secret in school that Margaret is Zhou Ye's brainless fan- Before Zhou Ye came, everyone knew about it.

But - now that doesn't matter anymore... everyone is thinking about the new wizarding battle mode.

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

since that day……

It's not just the seventh-grade students who run exercises sooner or later. There are many guys who are more interested in this model... all of them have joined their team.

And after that, many 7th grade guys succeeded...

Of course, their so-called success was just beating their opponents with their speed... After all, Zhou Ye taught them some more practical magic spells, such as—[Applying Oil to the Bottom of the Feet], a blessing spell that could increase their movement speed.

Just ask - how can a wizarding student not panic when he sees a guy rushing towards him with an unconventional card and punching his fist in the face very manly? ?

Therefore, many people were surprised to find that this technique is very useful...

So——there are more guys running laps with the seventh grade...they are not only running laps now, but they also need to spell out spells quickly and clearly in the running laps, in Zhou Ye's words-that is, they are training Their mobile combat abilities...

After all - standing still and casting spells is too easy to be targeted.

And the wave of new skills training at Hogwarts didn't impress her at all, for some people, because - she had more important things to do...

"Tonks...isn't it bad for us to do this...?" Celine lowered her voice hesitantly and whispered.

At this time—it was late at night, and almost all the students had already fallen asleep.

In Ravenclaw's common room, there were two figures carefully hidden behind a bookshelf, talking in a low voice like little mice.

It was none other than Nymphadora Tonks and her friend Celine.

"What's wrong..." Nymphadora cautiously looked at the door of the women's bedroom in the distance, and whispered, "I have long felt that there is something strange between Simmons and Professor Zhou Ye..."

"But does this have anything to do with Chairman Simmons often going to the men's bed at night??" Celine asked stupidly, "Professor Zhou Ye doesn't live there..."

"No, no..." Nymphadora whispered, "You have to know—there are many secrets in Hogwarts, even Professor Dumbledore doesn't necessarily know all the secrets of Hogwarts... ...and Professor Zhou Ye once lived in that dormitory, maybe he discovered the secret passage in that dormitory??"

"And then??" Celine felt that her friend was a little stupid, so what if she knew all this? ? "Do you think Simmons goes to the boys' dormitory every night for a tryst with Professor Zhou Ye??"

"That's right..." Nymphadora said firmly: "I believe it must be like this, otherwise, the next morning, when Simmons found out that we watched her come out of the male bed, he would not be so panicked... …”

"But what does that mean??" Celine felt that her friend must be stupid. "It's just that a teacher has some kind of affection with his students..."

"No..." Nymphadora shook her head and said, "This shows that-Professor Zhou Ye is a scum who plays with women. You must know that his relationship with Professor Black is known to the entire academy... and Now, he's having an affair with Simmons behind Professor Black's back, which is -- unforgivable."

"..." Celine felt speechless for a while listening to her friend's gritted teeth...

"I will definitely expose the true face of this bastard..." Nymphadora said with promise, still staring at the door of the women's bedroom.

"Are you crazy? No one will believe your words..." Celine felt that her head was hurting.

The thing, you must know - at this time, Zhou Ye has a very high reputation in Hogwarts - it can be said that there are countless supporters.

Who would believe that such a well-respected professor Zhou Ye was a bastard who attacked his female students? ?

"They'll believe..." Nymphadora looked at the was almost twelve o'clock in the morning, and at this time—Margaret didn't show up yet, obviously—she didn't plan on tonight. I went to the male dormitory to have a tryst with Zhou Ye...

It's so unlucky... it looks like today is going to come back without success...

and many more----

Just when Nymphadora was about to get up, a bold idea suddenly popped up in her heart - can she become Margaret and go into the men's bedroom to find out? ?

To be honest - when the idea popped into her mind, she was taken aback by herself.

However—the idea was like magic beans, taking root in her heart—and growing rapidly... In the blink of an eye, she found—as if she could no longer refuse this bold idea...

Thinking of this, Nymphadora turned her head and said to her friend Celine, "Celine... I want to go in and have a look... Let's see what secrets this man's bed holds!"

"Didn't we go in there before? Except for the door that only first-year freshman Furong can open!" Celine said with some disapproval.

"No... Maybe Furong is not the only one who can open that door now!" Nymphadora said, turning her head slightly... When she turned around again, her face had changed to that of Margaret. Exactly the same...

"You..." Celine was not surprised that Nymphadora would change her face, after all—Nymphadora was born with a disguised magus, not many people in the school knew about it... …

And Nymphadora also used this innate ability to prank a lot of guys...

What really surprised Celine was—why did Nymphadora do this because of such a thing? ?

Obviously it has nothing to do with her... Moreover, even if she exposes Zhou Ye's true face, no one will be grateful to her... What is his friend for?

"Celine... If I don't come out for more than ten minutes..." Nymphadora explained to her close friend while turning her long hair into long golden hair like Margaret's: " Then you go to the teacher on duty to report..."

"I see..." Celine nodded dejectedly.

She knows that her friend Nymphadora Tonks is a very assertive girl. As long as she decides something, she will definitely do it to the end...

"Wish me luck..." After Nymphadora tidied up her clothes...believing that she really did not make any mistakes, she smiled slightly at her friend, and then walked towards the door of the men's bedroom behind the sculpture... …

And Celine, who was hiding behind the bookshelf... After watching her friend walk into the men's bedroom door, she began to recall the changes in her friend these days—she suddenly realized that it seemed that since Professor Zhou Ye joined Hogwarts ——My friend, Nymphadora began to become different... Could it be? She actually fell in love with Professor Zhou Ye... That's why she hated Professor Zhou Ye's behavior of stepping on two boats? ?

Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489

And this time-

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