In Ravenclaw's men's dorm—

Zhou Ye was lying on the couch, playing with the ends of Narcissa's hair...

And what about Narcissa? It's almost impossible to get up now...

Today, due to a visit from a relative of the president of the female student union, Narcissa was left alone to face Zhou Ye. The result is no question, of course - the tragedy is extreme...

Looking at her body that occasionally shakes from time to time, you can know that she is still floating in a certain state, unable to extricate herself.

And at this moment, Zhou Ye's hand suddenly stopped... A hint of a smile appeared from the corner of the gong, "It's interesting, it's really interesting..."

"What's wrong? Darling??" Hearing her man's words, Narcissa forbeared her body's soreness and arched her arms into her man's arms, asking, "Did something happen?"

" big deal!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and whispered, "It's just that there is a Ravenclaw cutie who is going to dismantle my real scumbag face..."

"Then she might be disappointed..." Narcissa stretched out lazily... She said with a smile, "She will find that you are not pedaling two boats, but - you are simply a driver. The shipyard's...and that kind of super-large shipyard."

Slap—with a crisp sound, Narcissa finally knew what the price of complaining about her man was going to be.

"Dear, what are you going to do with this Ravenclaw girl??" Narcissa ignored her man's innocuous punishment, and continued to tease: "Otherwise—you just pull everything away. Wenclaw's girls are all accepted... Anyway, there are only less than twenty... and each of them is a beautiful blank that conforms to your aesthetics dear..."

"Well - this proposal is not bad!" Zhou Ye said with a serious look: "Okay, it's such a pleasant decision..."

"Uh--!!" Narcissa was stunned after hearing Zhou Ye's words... "Then, I'm just joking... my dear..."

"But—I'm serious..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

This point, Zhou Ye is really serious - after all - why did he secretly modify the sorting hat's distinguishing mode, and deliberately turned the entire Ravenclaw into a beauty sorting? Isn't it just to have a pot one day? ?

Now - it's time to start the harvest season...

Hmm—let’s start with this Nymphadora Tonks who is going to reveal her true face!

"Oh my god..." Seeing her man's expression, Narcissa suddenly had the urge to cover her face... I'm afraid I'll be helping Zhou again, I really don't know what to say next time I see my sister...

But forget it... Since it's already like this, what else can she do? ? stop? Don't be kidding... She will never stop her man.

In other words - after the baptism of the family gathering, Narcissa has almost adapted to the seemingly absurd life of her own man.

Moreover, Narcissa is also very satisfied with the life of that super-large family... Even in modern society, a person with a normal range of communication will never have more than twenty real friends.

What's more, what about the kind of real friends who can make friends?

In the big family of the Zhou family, almost all the sisters can be called friends, of course—maybe there are only a few who really know each other, but—almost if you need help with anything, everyone will lend your assistance. hand.

That feeling—how to say it? very warm...

After all—they were family, closer than friends.

"It's coming..." Zhou Ye's words interrupted Narcissa's contemplation...

"Then I'll dodge it a little now!" Narcissa said, getting up and using the portal spell to return to her residence.

However—it was pressed down by Zhou Ye... "No... It's your acquaintance who is here!"

"Who??" Narcissa asked curiously.

"Wait and you'll find out..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Although Narcissa still wanted to ask a few more questions, but—looking at her man, she knew—I am afraid that even if she asked, her man would not tell her who it was...

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door... Then, a figure walked in...

That figure, Narcissa, is extremely familiar... It can be said that the two of them have been resisting the Great Demon King Zhou Ye for almost a month... But, isn't it good, she won't come today? ?

Thinking of this, Narcissa asked curiously, "Margaret...Didn't you say you can't come today??"

"'m a little worried, so let's take a look!" Margaret said hesitantly.

"That's right..." Zhou Ye said, reaching out his hand to call, and using his telekinesis, he dragged Margaret to her... Before she could speak, he lowered his head and blocked her gaze...


Nymphadora's mood was broken at this time...

To be honest - when she first entered the room and saw Narcissa on the couch, she felt a little surprised... After all, in her thoughts, Zhou Ye definitely came out without telling Narcissa...

The result was so unexpected...

The conversation just now made Nymphadora understand instantly

Now - it seems her aunt Narcissa still knows about Margaret's existence.

Seriously - this is amazing...

That's right - Nymphadora was going to ask Narcissa to call her aunt because - her mother, Andromeda Black, was Narcissa's sister, Bella's sister...

It's just that since Andromeda Black married Ted Tonks, she was removed from the Black family - ahem, Bella and Narcissa who will be removed soon...

When Nymphadora first entered the academy, she also went to Narcissa... After the two met, they were naturally sighing... Of course, on weekdays, Nymphadora would never call Aunt Narcissa. Of... After all, she didn't want people to know that she still has the blood of the Black family in her body.

Therefore, many people in the academy don't know that Nymphadora is actually a relative of Narcissa... and Nymphadora's original intention to expose Zhou Ye's true face is to let her aunt, Narcissa, see clearly the true face of Zhou Ye, a scumbag. .

It's a pity—she's out of control now...

"Mmmm..." Nymphadora wanted to resist...but she didn't, will Zhou Ye give her a chance to resist? It directly blocked all channels for her to resist.

When a burst of pain hit... Nymphadora couldn't help but drip a few tears from the corners of her eyes...

At this time, Nymphadora's disguise magic was also removed by Zhou Ye's intentional release, and returned to its original appearance...

"My God... Little Tonks..." Until this time, Narcissa didn't know what her man meant by this person she knew well... This is her sister's daughter... This is really..." You, how are you..."

"Umm...uh..." Facing her Aunt Narcissa's question, Nymphadora was no longer able to answer, because—Zhou Ye recently developed a new function of his own...named ——The feeling is doubled... Well, of course, the meaning is - when the pain is doubled, some different feelings will also be doubled...

This feeling of pain and pleasure... made Nymphadora unable to take care of her...

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490

outside the house—

Celine looked at the big magic clock placed next to the common room with some worry from time to time.

It's been almost ten minutes... Her friend, Nymphadora Tonks still hasn't come out.

Even——she couldn't hear any voice coming from the male dormitory, which made Celine's heart full of unease...

"It can't go on like this..." Celine muttered to herself, clenching her fists, and she was about to walk towards Ravenclaw's lounge...

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