"What are you going to do to my father??"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Mikala was like a little wild cat whose tail had been stepped on. Her hair was tucked up... She was showing her teeth and claws at Zhou Ye... as if she was going to fight him to the death.

"Guess... what would I do to your father if I didn't get back the $100,000 investment?" Zhou Ye had the expression of Huang Shiren right now, and the profiteer's face was vivid. "Anyway, I already threw $100,000 in, so I don't mind throwing another $100,000 in... Make your father a better life in prison, or—worse!"

"You..." Mikala Bans swore that he had never had the urge to kill someone.

"I'm a good person, I never force people to do things she doesn't want to do..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then opened the door of the supercar and patted his leg, "Your father is doing better, Or worse... it's up to you, Miss Bans!"

"..." Bans really wanted to scold Zhou Ye, "You bastard, you are dreaming. 】

However, she can't...

Because—what the man in front of her said was true, and she also believed that this man could do such a thing.

Even - something worse than this, he is not unable to do it.

For example, let her father die unexpectedly while serving time in prison...

This is not a difficult task, especially for these playboys who don't take money properly, it is not a difficult task...

So that my father didn't commit suicide in prison...

Mikala Bans endured the feeling of being forced to humiliate, and slowly sat in Zhou Ye's arms... "Don't shoot at my father... Otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

"Well, since you made the right choice, how could I possibly take action against your father??" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

I have to say that the big loli in front of me is still very powerful, at least - in Zhou Ye's opinion, her physical condition is enough to make many Asian adult women burst into tears.

Especially - the degree of this girl's twisting, obviously - this is the first time she has had such close contact with the opposite sex... It's a lot of money.

Zhou Ye thought as he put his hand on Mikala's slender waist... This girl's waist is the most tempting part.

"You...you..." Mikala felt the hand stretched out from behind her, lightly attached to her clothes... That kind of exuberant, yet warm feeling made her want to The urge to jump up...

"Don't be nervous... If I wanted to eat you, I wouldn't choose to be here!" Zhou Ye's voice sounded in Mikala's ear as he breathed. "After all—a girl who loves herself should be given preferential treatment!"

"..." Mikala felt sad for a while, for herself... Because she found that she had no way to deal with the bastard behind her.

law? ?

Don't be funny, the law is there to protect the rich...it doesn't protect the poor.

This truth, Mikala understood at a very young age...

So—she could only use words to take Zhou Ye's attention away from her waist... "I, where are we going now??"

"Of course I'm going to your house..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Who made me have no place to live here?"

"..." Following Zhou Ye's words, Mikala discovered that this supercar was indeed heading for the town where her family lived...

In fact, the town of Mikala's family is not far from Los Angeles...

Near Anaheim, in a small town called Nortu, that is also where her school is located.

It's normal, isn't it?

No stupid thief would commit a crime in his hometown. Besides—in the small town of Nortu, there are not many luxury cars for their father and daughter to steal.


Los Angeles has become the place where their father and daughter committed crimes...

"I still don't know your name..." Looking at the scenery outside the car, Mikala asked: "At least tell me, what should I call you? Either Mr. D or Mr. X. ...has to have a name, right? I don't want to know who took me the first time..."

"You can teach me Zhou Ye... Of course, you can also call me Ye!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"Are you a Chinese??" Mikala asked curiously, "No Chinese I've ever met is as bold as you..."

"That's because they're not as rich as me!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"What about her?? Who is she??" Mikala pointed at the white queen who was driving.

"You can call me Sister Xiaobai!" Bai Hou heard that there was actually himself in the topic, and turned to Mikala with a slight smile.

"Why??" Mikala asked unexpectedly...

She originally thought that Queen Bai was just a subordinate like the secretary of the young man in front of her... In the end, she asked herself to call her sister? ? What does it mean? ? Oriental means of communication? ?

"You will understand later..." Bai Hou smiled slightly.

In fact, the small town of Ruoertu is less than 120 kilometers away from Los Angeles... Soon, Bai Hou drove to the door of Mikala's house.

To be honest, Mikala doesn't wonder why Bai Queen can find her own home.

Since people can rush to the police station at an important moment and release her on bail... said people

It's ridiculous that the family doesn't know her at all.

In American society, there are all kinds of brokers, including intelligence brokers, financial brokers and even political brokers...

As long as you have the money and know where to spend it... well, you're guaranteed to be able to do most of the things you want, including the private information of citizens...

"Come in...if you don't mind that the floor of my house will stain your shoes!" Mikala Bans said, opened the door, and walked in.

To be honest, it's really messy inside...

This is a door-shaped two-story building...

On the first floor, there is a garage and various repair tools, and only the second floor is where Mikala rests... Honestly, it's really messy.

In the living room on the second floor, there are tools covered with oil stains everywhere, and there are oil stains everywhere on the floor... Zhou Ye also went to see Mikala's boudoir on purpose - to be honest, Zhou Ye swears - he knows it himself I have been to so many women's boudoirs, and I have never seen such a mess.

The clothes that have not been washed are piled up in the corner...even the list is almost invisible, and the pieces are full of black oil stains.

"You... shouldn't you be sleeping in a repair suit??" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

"I can't help it. Every day I have to help my father disassemble the car at night, and I have to clean the oily parts and put them back on to make them look like new... and I also Classes, homework... For you rich people, a meal, for me—maybe my tuition for a semester!"

Although Mikala Bans deliberately said that she didn't care, Zhou Ye could see a hint of weakness in her eyes.

"Phew—forget it, you go out first, and I'll help you clean up!" Zhou Ye said, and without waiting for Mikla to speak, he pushed her out of his room... "Hey, what are you doing?? Don't. Move my clothes..."

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

"Who would touch your dirty clothes..." Zhou Ye rubbed his head helplessly... What should I say.

This girl, Mikala Bans, doesn't look so carefree on weekdays, but in fact, she is an insecure guy.

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