Growing up without a mother since I was a child, I grew up with my father...

Moreover, his father stole a car for the sake of his family, but he ended up in prison... An underage girl who has to support herself without delaying her studies, I am afraid that only she knows how much she has suffered...

Because she has a criminal record, she can't work at all - I'm afraid all she can do is rely on the car repair skills she learned from her father to make ends meet, right? ?

In the movie, she once said a word - she said that she is more addicted to the kind of sturdy muscular men, if you think about it carefully, isn't this because of her mental problems caused by insecurity since she was a child? ?

"Hey, what a poor child!" Zhou Ye sighed and clapped his hands lightly...

In an instant, a gust of wind blew through the entire room—suddenly, the room became brand new, the stains on the floor, the oil stains on the list... all disappeared.

"Hey, what are you doing in my room? Are you trying to peek at my diary!"

At this time, Mikala also found the spare key of her room from home and opened her bedroom...

White Queen? ? All around...

"How, how did you do it??" As soon as Mikala walked into her bedroom, she was dumbfounded... Is this—is it still your own bedroom? It's totally two worlds, okay? ?

"You'll know when you become my woman!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and walked out. "I feel a little hungry..."

"The takeaway phone is posted on the refrigerator door!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Mikala didn't know why, so she said something like this...

After saying this, Mikala regretted it... [Damn, shouldn't I hate this profiteer? Why should I tell him where the delivery phone is? ? 】

Zhou Ye, who walked out of the bedroom, didn't see Mikala's expression, but Bai Hou did...

She knew after a little guess about Mikala's remorseful expression. After all—even after becoming an electronic elf, Empress Bai still retains her computing power and keen observation ability...

In this regard, the white queen just smiled...

She was not at all surprised by the change in Mikala's attitude, or should be said - it was strange that Mikala's attitude did not change.

During Queen Bai's detection, there has always been a strange brainwave frequency radiating from my master's body - this is the legendary spiritual force field of my master...

Just when Mikala walked out of the bedroom with a look of annoyance, she found that the whole hall had changed a lot.

Luxurious rugs - modular sofas that look very comfortable and high-end, as well as expensive furniture and appliances...

For a time, Mikala was full of curiosity about Zhou Ye, the playboy who forced himself.

"What have you done to my living room??" Mikala forced a look of anger... rushed in front of Zhou Ye and asked.

"From now on, this place is also my home!" Zhou Ye said unceremoniously: "Including you, it is also mine!"

"You..." Mikala almost didn't get a brain hemorrhage from Zhou Ye's words... "Whatever you want... bastard!"

With a loud cry, Mikala turned her head and rushed into her room, locking her door behind her...

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled, and then - ready to cook.

There's no way - this time Zhou Ye didn't plan to fight for a long time, he just wanted to vote and leave, so - he didn't bring his own maid, not even Qiu and Zi, two personal maids...

So - you can only do it yourself.

What? You said let the white queen do it? ?

Are you sure that an electronic elf after Bai can figure out the quantitative words of a little salt and an appropriate amount of pepper in Chinese recipes?

As for - Mikala? ?

Zhou Ye thought about the fast food box in that place when he first came in, and decidedly and wisely gave up this unreliable idea.

Sure enough, it's up to you...

While thinking about it, Zhou Ye picked up the kitchen utensils that he hadn't touched for a long time... I haven't touched these kitchen utensils for a long time, and I still miss them a little.

"Come on, Xiaobai, help..." Although Queen Bai couldn't be asked to cook, it would be fine for her to be a helper.

Just when Zhou Ye started to get busy for his dinner——

In Mikala's bedroom, Mikala was lying on the couch with a look of grievance...

To be honest, she has only a little bit of what a thirteen-year-old girl should look like now. The strength outside is completely the mask she puts on herself.

"Dad...what should I do??" Facing the pressure from Zhou Ye, poor Mikala finally couldn't help crying. After all, she was just a little loli of thirteen or fourteen years old...

What are other people's children doing at this time? ?

Acting like a spoiled child in the arms of your parents? ? Thinking about how to chase stars?

If it is a girl, it may be to discuss with your best friend which boy is more handsome? Or - female consciousness gradually awakened and began to learn to smear on her face?

In short - these things have nothing to do with Mikala...because, she has to live first...

Mikala, who was crying, gradually fell into sleep—after all, too many things happened today.

The loot was found and she was taken to the police station...

Then came a round of bombing, and at the end of her

When Yu saw the lawyer, she found a more terrible bastard standing behind the lawyer - a villain who made her unable to resist.

Both the physical exhaustion and the mental stress made Mikala almost reach the limit... She needs a little rest.

I don't know how long I slept...

When Mikala woke up, she found that her clothes were gone, and she was covered with a thin quilt...

She felt a little nervous about her body, but fortunately, she didn't feel any pain... Only then did she feel relieved a little.

Mikala sat up on the couch with some doubts... and then got off his wooden couch. Only then did she discover that a clean coat was placed beside her wooden couch.

It was a style of clothing she had never seen before. From the exquisite materials above, it could be inferred that its price was definitely not cheap...

"I won't save you money for this bastard!" Mikala said while putting on her clothes... What should I say? It was surprisingly suitable. "This bastard - how many women have you bought clothes for??"

After saying this, Mikala actually felt a little sour... But she definitely didn't admit that it was jealousy.

When she slowly opened her door and walked to the living room, she found that the living room was brightly lit, and on the table in the living room, there were dishes covered by a thermal insulation cover... Zhou Ye He was nestled in the sofa, resting on Bai's hind legs, watching TV programs carelessly.

For a moment——Mikala's vision was blurred by tears... This, this is the family atmosphere that she could only feel in her dreams... Today, it really came true...

Chapter 1505

Chapter 1505

"Ha... Our Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!" Zhou Ye sat up from the sofa with a smile, but when he walked up to Mikala, he found... Mikala was watching with tears on his face He, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "I have always been tolerant towards my women..."

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