"..." Su Yueming felt helpless for the first time...

"Okay...my things are mine, I don't like people who threaten me!" Zhou Ye said, glanced at the man in the suit and said, "There is no next time!"

"Yes... Mr. Zhou!" The man in the suit didn't dare to offend Zhou Ye at all... The man in front of him was not only rich, but also a thoughtful guy who dug a hole and made everyone jump down...

Such a person must never be against him...

"Let's go...Miss Su!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took Su Yueming's hand, and walked directly to his car...

"Let go of me..." Su Yueming is not a weak woman, after all, she has been practicing Sanda for a few years... that skill, not to mention that it is no problem to single out two strong men, it is almost the same.

However——Su Yueming is not an ordinary person, is Zhou Ye an ordinary person? ?

Su Yueming's incomparably skilled throwing and releasing the lock was completely useless to Zhou Ye... In whose hand should she hold her wrist, or in whose hand...

"You..." Su Yueming angrily slashed towards Zhou Ye's Adam's apple.

In fact, she didn't intend to chop Zhou Ye to death, she just wanted Zhou Ye to let go of her hand... However, Zhou Ye didn't dodge or dodge at all, just resisted her slap so hard, forcing She had to switch moves halfway, grabbing towards Zhou Ye's shoulder.

Apparently it was going to be a joint grappling... but, but... it's useless.

Su Mingyue felt as if what she was holding was not a joint of a person, but a thick steel pipe...

She can break a person's joints, but - she can't break a steel pipe the size of a person's arm.

So——Su Mingyue was dragged into his car by Zhou Ye without any resistance...

"Wait...my car!" Su Mingyue hurriedly shouted at this time...

It's not that she really can't worry about her car... but - she wants to try her best to get out of trouble...

And Zhou Ye, as she wished, stopped... "Is it your car??"

"Yes, I promise not to run... But at least let me drive my car!" Su Yueming said panting, she was really tired...

She looked at Zhou Ye with her big eyes blinking, she wanted to try her best to show her sincerity in her eyes...

"Hehe... of course no problem!" Zhou Ye said, took Su Yueming's hand, and walked towards her Son of the Wind... As he walked, he said to Mikala, "Baby, it seems that you have to go back by yourself first... Also, don't speed, and if you are caught on camera again, I swear I will never help you erase the police record!"

"Okay, okay..." Mikala, who was still a little excited, instantly became frustrated after hearing the second half of Zhou Ye's words. "Have a nice night... honey, see you later!"

"See you later!" Zhou Ye nodded...

He casually threw Su Yueming into the driving seat of Son of the Wind, and then Zhou Ye sat in the passenger seat... "Please, Miss Su!"

"Hmph—" Su Yueming glared at Zhou Ye a little unhappy, this guy...has grown a good skin, he is completely a lecher, a bastard... Thinking of this, Su Yueming's tone became even more unpleasant. "At least let those bastards get the spikes out of the way??"

"Ah, I almost forgot..." Zhou Ye smiled and waved to the staff in the distance, and then... those guys moved the thorn barricade in the middle of the road diagonally...

It's not that Su Yueming doesn't want to run away...

On the way, she tried it once...but she was forced back to her car by the sniper in the helicopter...and at the end, she saw the road blocked by the spiked barricade, and she was able to Where are you going? ?

Looking at Zhou Ye next to him with disdain, Su Yueming stepped on the accelerator and accelerated towards the distance...

After leaving the section of the underground racing car, Su Yueming looked at Zhou Ye, who had been ignoring himself and allowed himself to drive around, and said in a negotiating tone, "That... this Mr. Zhou... can you let me go? I promise to repay your 1.4 billion gambling debt, and I can make a note... and pay you back with interest!"

"Cough cough..." Zhou Ye glanced at Su Yueming with a half-smile, and asked, "If it were you, would you believe your own words??"

"Of course it will..." Su Yueming said flatteringly: "Look... I'm so young now, and my Su family is a rich family in Hong Kong, how can I not pay my debts... Well, just give me a few years. Time... I believe I must be able to pay off your gambling debts..."

"Haha..." Su Yueming's words made Zhou Ye see what a woman would look like when she was cheating... "No way!"

"Then I'll fight with you... I'm going to step on the accelerator now, and I won't look at this road. When you agree, I'm opening my eyes!" Su Yueming said, really closed himself eyes...then I slammed the accelerator to the bottom...

With the deafening engine sound, Son of the Wind is speeding on California Highway 1...

A minute has passed...

Two minutes have passed...

three minutes--

Su Yueming never waited for Zhou Ye's voice, she couldn't bear it any longer... She opened her eyes directly.

What to say? She is too familiar with Highway No. 1... She can drive this straight road with her eyes closed, so - she intends to deceive Zhou Ye under the guise of hurting both sides.

In order to leave evidence, she even turned on the recording function of her mobile phone...

The result—— Zhou Ye didn't speak, but she couldn't help it.

Because in her calculation, there will be a big bend in ten seconds, and she doesn't have the ability to close her eyes and turn around...

"It looks like I won..." Zhou Ye's voice sounded faintly beside Su Yueming's ears, "So——I want to get my bet, do you have any opinion??"

"Of course there are opinions..." Before Su Yueming finished speaking, she felt her body light up, and then—— she fell into someone's arms.

And Son of the Wind gradually stopped on the side of the road because he lost his driver.

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515

"Are you crazy??" Su Yueming was almost scared to death by Zhou Ye's sudden action...

"You're not as courageous as I thought!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and moved his hand—a stab.

Su Yueming felt her body get cold... Then, she was horrified to discover that her clothes... had... turned into rags.

It's not over... Zhou Ye then pushed her down on the seat... Gently flattened the seat, and then...

"Don't be like this... Everyone has something to discuss, isn't it 1.4 billion..." Su Yueming was really panicked at this moment... She has imagined what her Prince Charming looks like countless times, but it is definitely not like this now , because gambling debts were...

"You guessed wrong, I don't care about the money, I want you..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and a sound of glass breaking. "Actually, if you think about it, losing the first time in your car seems not bad..."

"It's good that you are tall... I definitely don't want to lose my first time like this..." Su Yueming waved her arms desperately, but unfortunately it was of no use at all, her hands and wrists were directly grasped by Zhou Ye on the back of the chair...

When she found out that she had been hit by the sword, her little face became even more frightened... She shook her waist desperately, trying to cause a little trouble to Zhou Ye, but unfortunately... Zhou Ye saw a chance ——


"Ahhhhhhh bastard-it hurts...it hurts to death...get it out...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Uh--sorry, sorry..." Zhou Ye really felt very sorry. He played a lot of games like this with King Ada before, and accidentally took Su Yueming as King Ada... But, having said that, Why does it matter whether King Ada or Su Yueming - I seem to have obtained it by coercion? Could it be that the two of them were born with a face that is easy for people to have that kind of thoughts? ?

Regarding this issue - looking back and thinking, it's time for Zhou Ye to start his own actions...

In the mirror world - the roadside of California Highway 1 - a red Pagani Zonda is shaking very rhythmically.

And as the Son of Wind shook—indistinctly, there was a woman's begging for mercy kept coming...

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