"Are you an animal... Actually... ah... here again..."

Half an hour later—with a scream, Son of Wind temporarily stopped shaking.

After another hour, Son of the Wind shook again...

In short - this Son of the Wind, in the mirror world, swayed and stopped...for three days.

And Su Yueming was completely taken by Zhou Ye for [Sleep]... He really took it for [Sleep] - no way, who said that the Spring Breeze and the Rain has become Zhou Ye's instinct?

When the Wind Child reappeared in the real world, the time in the real world had just passed less than ten minutes—obviously—someone cheated again in some way.

"Bastard, I was almost killed by you..." Su Yue understood her man's glance, and between her eyebrows, the woman's eyebrows flowed... There are thousands of styles and emotions in it.

"Yeah... I don't know who said it at the beginning - no, stop... But how did it become [don't stop]?" Zhou Ye's remark made Su Yueming's cheeks flush instantly... …

"Bad..." Su Yueming slapped his man lightly... "Don't say it anymore... Where are we going now??"

"Let's go back to the small town of Ruoertu... I have something to do with you!" Zhou Ye said and stretched.

"Just in time, let's get to know those new sisters too!" Su Yueming said with high fighting spirit, and stepped on the accelerator... The Son of the Wind brought a roar and hurried towards the town of Ruoertu...

That night-

Su Yueming saw Mikala again...and, also met Bai Hou...

She was astonished by her ability to analyze and analyze after the dialogue, but she expressed disdain for the management ability of the queen...

Mikala, after directly uniting with Bai, plans to pit Su Yueming together...

It's a pity - after three days of fierce battle, Su Yueming has been completely unable to recover... So, in the end, Mikala and Bai Queen shot themselves in the foot, and the two of them didn't go to the ground for three days together...

And Su Yueming also understood a truth through this incident, don't reason with his own man, he will definitely sleep with you, and you will talk nonsense in your sleep... until you can't explain any reason...

Of course, in the end, after Su Yueming and the girls had experienced several times against their own men, they still established a good friendship.

Su Yueming found out that because of the existence of her sisters, she actually had a bit of extra space...ahem, at least not as embarrassed as last time.

After a few days of messing around, it's finally time to get down to business.

"Dear... I think you'd better find an American to be the company's president..." Su Yueming snuggled into his man's arms and talked eloquently: "In the United States, there is a saying that there is an invisible ceiling... …If you’re not a native American, doing business here is subject to a lot of constraints!”

"But..." Zhou Ye gave Mikala a somewhat embarrassed look... One reason was that she was too young to be useful, and another reason... Mikala had absolutely no business acumen...

"If you trust me dear, how about I help you find the president of the Americas??" Su Yueming said confidently: "I know someone, although she is not from the business school, but - I think she should belong to that A very responsible type..."

"Who are you talking about? Just tell me your name..." Zhou Ye asked...

"Daqian Taili..." Su Yueming said a name without hesitation.

"Darcy Terry - a graduate student at Stanford School of Energy and Environmental Sciences... Currently online..." Su Yueming just said a name, and Bai Hou immediately revealed her identity... The projection ball also showed the current state of Darcy...

I have to say - Darcy is still very cool at home...a cute little dress.

"Oh my god... Queen Bai, you can't do this..." Su Yueming couldn't help but stroke his forehead, "You are violating other people's privacy..."

"Really? I don't think..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, this girl is too familiar...because - she is almost a copy of Erica in the legend of the dark night, no - a little bit more than Erica Younger. It seems - he's about to harvest another set of twins... man-made.

"No, dear, are you going to attack her? I absolutely won't allow it..." Su Yueming jumped up and gritted his teeth.

"Hey, it seems that re-education is still needed..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly...= he carried Su Yueming and walked towards the bedroom...

"No...Bastard, let me go...Empress Bai, Mikala...Save me!" Su Yueming desperately called for help, but unfortunately the two sitting on the sofa just thought they didn't hear it... Just kidding, who would touch me at this time? Who is unlucky for the unfortunate head of one's own man... Only a fool goes to save him--Silence and peace.

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516

A month later-

A company called Umbrella was quietly established...

The president of this company is a little-known woman named Darcy Terry. In the early days of the company's establishment, she acquired several high-tech-related manufacturing companies in a big way...

Of course, given the sensitivity of these businesses, the FBI secretly investigated the company and the woman named Darcy Terry.

But——but no doubts were found.

Whether it's the source of funds or the background of this woman's identity, it's unbelievable how clean it is...

However, the more

The more clean it is, the more suspicious it is.

But - obviously, they can no longer investigate clearly, because - this female business magnate, with her team of lawyers, is ready to sue them for affecting their normal business atmosphere...

Don't think the FBI is great... there are more people than them, like the budget committee...

Obviously, this time a big boss from the Budget Committee came to help...

As for why it would help, the FBI doesn't know why, after all - the big guy only had a relationship with the newly promoted female president.

So——they can only bury this doubt in their hearts.

And this time-

Inside Umbrella's headquarters building...

Darcy Terry was walking towards her office with her two secretaries, walking quickly while explaining some things to her secretary.

To be honest, Daqian now has a feeling of lying in her heart...

She honestly took a good rest at home during the summer vacation. Unexpectedly, Su Yueming, who had met once, called her and asked her to come to Los Angeles to play.

In this regard, Daqian, who was bored, of course agreed.

The result - I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

As soon as I got to LA, I got caught by some bastard...and then—a sleep suit.

No need to ask the result-

Looking at the stance of Da Qian's hard-working old scalper now, you can see what the result is...

"That bastard..." Darcy clenched her teeth and cursed in her heart a bastard who left her in New York and pushed open the door of her office.

"Surprise or not - surprise?" A very familiar voice sounded in Darcy's ear, she looked up... and her body was shocked.

But he didn't say anything, but said lightly to his two female secretaries: "Things are handled like this for the time being, and now you can go down!"

"Yes, Boss!" x2

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