At this time, the two female secretaries also saw the handsome young man sitting on their boss's chair, smiled slightly, turned and left with a clear look.

"This group of blue pools..." After Da Qian finished saying this, she closed the door to death... Then she kicked off her high heels, and ran towards the bastard, and in front of him, her hands were dead Wrapped around his neck and kissed him without thinking. "Bastard... uh... let you not come to me..."

"So I'm not here??" Zhou Ye didn't talk nonsense, he stood up directly, pushed Da Qian down on her boss's table, and flipped his professional skirt...

Moments later—a female solo voice rang out in the office.

Until an hour later, with the sound of a harsh soprano, calm was restored in the office again.

After half an hour—

"Bastard... When you were in Los Angeles, you almost left me with a psychological shadow..." Daqian snuggled into Zhou Ye's arms and murmured, "It was the first time that you didn't care about me at all... Forcibly take me... but this month, don't come to me again, bastard... do you know that I'm going to kill you!"

"I didn't think you were too busy, so I went to find you a helper..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"Looking for a helper?" Daqian asked strangely, "What helper??"

"I think technology companies, how can they not take the R\u0026D talents into their own hands? So I went back and brought a few R\u0026D teams here!" Zhou Ye said here, paused and said, "In addition, I have already given the Ming has sent R\u0026D talents from several teams to you... I have also left you with R\u0026D talents from several teams, and by the way, I have also left you with a few management talents, so you will be able to relax a lot in the future. …”

"I can finally relax..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Da Qian couldn't help but happily said, "Darling, you are so kind..."

"In a few days, I will let Queen Bai get their identities and let them come to you to report, and try not to put the R\u0026D base in Los Angeles... I don't want my research staff to be affected by Chiyu..." Zhou Ye explained Arrived here, and then said: "Okay, you can relax a lot for the rest of the time. When I graduate from high school, I will come to be your secretary..."

"Bad..." Of course Da Qian knew that Zhou Ye's so-called high school graduation was actually a joke. He was just going to high school to play.

"Remember to come to the weekly big party..." After Zhou Ye explained again, he got up and planned to leave... After all, he just stopped by to explain to Da Qian that he would take him from the Umbrella headquarters in Marvel World. The back tech replicator's.

"Wait a minute... at least make me faint again." Darcy said - climbed up again, there should be bgm - Valkyrie's ride here.

When Zhou Ye left Da Qian's office, it was almost two hours later.

But——he didn't immediately return to Mikala's high school, but appeared beside the white queen...

At this moment, there were more than 20 beautiful women in black standing beside the white queen. When they saw Zhou Ye, they couldn't help but have a frenzied look in their eyes. They were short. Kneel down.

"Master!" xn

"Okay, stop being so polite!" Zhou Ye waved his hand and said, "I brought you to this world this time. You should know what the mission is, right?"

"Yes, Master!" A leading woman said respectfully: "Our dark guard special team consists of 20 people, and we have obtained information on the target from Lord White Queen, and have clearly recorded their mission goals. You can't go wrong!"

"Hmm-" Zhou Ye nodded, then said, "Then let's get started!"

In the past, when he finished saying this, the girls in the dark guard nodded one by one, and immediately turned into a cloud of black mist and teleported away, but today - none of them moved... What's the situation? ? ? "What? Is there anything else??"

"That... Sister Yingyi said - as long as she comes out with you, she will become your woman, is that so? Master!!" After saying this, it was not only the team leader with hopeful eyes Looking at Zhou Ye, all the other shadow guard girls also looked at Zhou Ye with expectant eyes...

"Yeah!!" Facing the expectant gazes of these girls, what could Zhou Ye say? lie? ? He really can't speak. "Whoever completes the task first will be able to become my woman in advance... This task - there are no restrictions on means!"

"Yes, master!!" xn

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the girls were so excited that they almost jumped up one by one... Of course, there were also a few with dark faces—who told them to be assigned characters, or babies? It's really unfortunate...hey, no matter what, completing the character is the most important thing.

The shadow guards turned around one by one, and instantly their figures turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared in place...

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

This time, Zhou Ye not only mobilized two business teams from the Marvel world, but also a whole three research teams, and also brought a special elite team of twenty people from the first dark guard team.

These research teams wanted to study Transformers in this world because of Zhou Ye's whims.

How should I put it, what he wants to do is what ksi company has to do in the original movie, Transformers 4.

It's just that this world is really not worth Zhou Ye's mobilization of Umbrella to invade again, so——for the time being, he mobilized

The three research teams are here. As for the special elite team of the dark guards? ?

They are purely for those female protagonists who haven't grown up yet——

Because Zhou Ye wasn't sure if there would be a butterfly effect that would cause those girls to be hurt because of himself... So, I sent them out to protect those girls...

If you say that there is one guard per person, isn't 20 guards too much...

Not much, not much.

Want to know who Zhou Ye is? Zhou Ye was a guy who killed a mistake and never let it go.

From the heroine to the second heroine, even if it was an elevator girl with only one second of pictures, Zhou Ye didn't intend to let it go.

He even used Bai Hou's super-computing modeling to trace the appearance of the elevator girl back to her childhood... Then use the Internet and cameras all over Hong Kong to find the girl...

I have to say, Zhou Ye really found it... It's true that there is a will, and things can be accomplished...

Cough-cough - far too far.

After arranging all this, Zhou Ye said goodbye directly to Queen Bai, dodged and appeared in the school.

Well, he's a little late...because, it's already after school.

"Baby... I'm here to pick you up!" Looking at Mikala who was looking at him angrily, Zhou Ye smiled awkwardly and said.

"Okay... my dear, I think you should explain to me why you went to a bathroom for more than five hours??" Mikala grabbed Zhou Ye's hand as she spoke, and looked towards the outside. go...

Just kidding, arguing with your boyfriend will never be seen by the bitches in those schools. They will only gloat at misfortune and even try to provoke their own men's relationship, so - it's better to avoid them...

"Cough cough... I just went to New York to do something!" Zhou Ye said, reaching out to wrap his arms around Mikala's slender waist, and said with a smile, "You know, Daqian is already busy there, so I I have prepared some helpers for her... In addition, I went to Yueming's place, and she also needs some people there!"

"Okay... You've passed the test!" Mikala reluctantly recognized her man's words when she heard the words of her own man.

"It's time for us to go back..." Zhou Ye said, grabbing Mikala and walking towards the parking lot.

"Where are we going back today??" Mikala asked curiously, "Will we go back to town or Beverly Hills??"

Zhou Ye bought a manor in Beverly Hills. After all, there are a lot of women now, and there are not enough rooms in Mikala's house in town...

"Where do you want to go??" Zhou Ye stopped with a smile, looked at Mikala and asked back.

"Well - today I want to live a two-person world with you..." Mikala wrapped her arms around Zhou Ye's neck and said coquettishly, "We haven't been alone for a long time..."

"Okay, as you wish..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "As long as you don't beg for mercy tonight!"

"Who's afraid of who!!!" Mikala said with an unconvinced look. When begging for mercy, let's talk about begging for mercy, and now - absolutely can't be cowardly.

"Then go!"

The two cuddled and continued to walk towards the parking lot in the school.

And at this time—on the playground not far away, a guy named Sam Witwich was stunned, looking at Zhou Ye with admiration.

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