He looked at Mikala, full of admiration...

Of course Zhou Ye saw this guy and recognized that this guy was the male protagonist in Change 1, but—so what? ? In the movie, he may have become the male protagonist because of the director's arrangement... But - in this world, Zhou Ye will never let him make any waves.

"Sam Witwich... who is Sam Witwich?!!" a man in a football shirt shouted a name.

Hearing his name, Sam suddenly woke up. "I'm Sam Witwich!!"

The burly man in the football jersey looked up and down Sam's thin body, and shook his head speechlessly, "Hey, boy, are you sure you want to participate in the audition for our football team?? I think you are more suitable to play. pingpong……"

"No...I think rugby suits me better!!!" Sam said hastily.

Just kidding, what do football players stand for on American campuses? ? It represents popularity, and it represents the pursuit of countless hot girls... At this age when hormones are volatile, there are no boys who don't want to join the football team.

"Okay... I hope you can persevere!!" The captain of the football team was very disliked by Sam, but according to the regulations, as long as you apply, you can participate in trial training. This is the school's rule... The fear is that the football team will become Someone's personal toy.

Due to school rules, the football captain could only take this little chick to the locker room to change clothes and armor, and prepare for trial training.

At this time, Zhou Ye, who was about to walk towards the parking lot, also noticed this situation, and his horns could not help but tug at a strange arc. "Baby, I think it's too early to go back, how about - let's go and watch the newcomers tryout for those guys on the football team??"

"Watching rugby??" Mikala was stunned by his man's sudden words.

"Didn't you always look down on those muscle sticks?? Why are you suddenly so interested in their trial match today??" Mikala looked up and down at her man, and then——sufferingly understood in seconds. "Well, I knew you would never let those cheerleading girls go, well, dear... I'll let you go today, but—remember, you owe me a romantic two-person world! "

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, he really didn't think of those cheerleader girls, he didn't even look at those guys, he just wanted to let that Sam feel the locker room culture of the football team. That's it.

But forget it, a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye pulled Mikala directly and walked towards the football field.

At this point - the guys who were going to try out for the football team had already walked into the locker room to change their clothes.

There were only a dozen or so new members of the cheerleading team left on the field, preparing their own props and preparing to cheer for the football team for a while.

As Zhou Ye walked into the stadium with Mikala, the girls suddenly became agitated...

"Look...it's the boy..."

"Ah, I hate the girl next to him..."

"Hey, don't I remember that you like strong muscular guys? When did you become interested in such a beautiful boy??"

"You idiot, didn't you know that on the first day of school, that boy beat up Todd from the boxing club? Todd was taught a lesson by this boy and cried!"

"God—are you kidding me?? Todd? The guy who finished 24th under the 24th in the All-American Lightweight Boxing Championship? He beat him to tears??"

"That's right... So, the East is really a magical place, where being handsome doesn't mean being weak... I finally found the boy I wanted, I decided, I want to chase him!!"

Chapter 1518

Chapter 1518

"Aren't you very happy to hear those Bichi's words, dear??" Mikala looked at Zhou Ye with a half-smile, she believed that her man could definitely hear those Bichi's words... "I need a little more. Will I leave you for a while? I believe that as long as there is a chance, those Bichi will come up to talk to you, and you can even get a lot of small notes full of phone calls today!"

"Not interested..." Zhou Ye glanced at the cheerleaders and said nonchalantly, "You know, I'm not interested in them!!"

"Forget it..." Mikala sighed, she knew the virtues of her own men, unless they had very special attributes, he would have no interest in these women who had been dealt with.

The so-called special attribute is - mother and daughter...

To be honest, when Bai Hou said this, she didn't react for a long time. She never saw that a man from home was actually interested in such an attribute.

But if you think about it, it's normal...

There is no man who is not interested in beautiful mother and daughter flowers.

Just as Mikala sighed, she had been carried by Zhou Ye to the side of the rugby field and sat down on the stand.

At this time, Sam had also changed into the football team's protective clothing and helmet. He was taken to the center of the field by the coach...to practice against the old players.

"I-I feel like I'm not suitable for rugby anymore, coach..." Sam felt like he had become a skinny chick when compared to the guys on the other side, especially the nigger on the other side... that size It is no exaggeration to say that it is enough to top the two of them.

"Don't worry, I'll let Phil show mercy!" The coach followed Sam's gaze and instantly

I saw Phil, the No. 8 player, and I have to say - that guy's size is indeed bluffing...

"No no... Coach, I suddenly don't want to play on the football team..." Sam felt that the nigger across from him smiled at him, and he felt his chrysanthemum tighten.

"That's not good, the rules are the rules!!" The coach has long been full of resentment against the school's rules.

In the opinion of the football coach, all football players should be selected by themselves, not let these weak chickens waste his time...

And it just so happened that this little chick who was looking for his own death was a good target. As he said that, the coach blinked at Phil No. 8, the nigger who was standing opposite Sam, who was doing confrontation drills with him, and then ... roared: "Let your new buddies feel the magic of rugby! Boys!"

With one of his screams... the old football players howled and charged towards Sam...

Sam turned around and ran without hesitation... but when he saw a certain figure in the stands, he suddenly stopped his steps.

"It seems that you have a lot of admirers, baby..." Of course, Zhou Ye saw Sam's performance, and turned his head to Mikala and laughed.

"So what if there are more admirers? Anyway, I only love you..." Mikala smiled and pulled her man's neck without any hesitation, just like a nonsense...

Sam's heart was broken when he saw this scene...

However, no matter whether his heart is broken or not, the football players behind him have already rushed over, knocked down the weak chicken Sam from behind, and stacked them up...

After just stacking four people, Sam completely fainted...

"Okay, boys, it's alright!" After all, the coach didn't want to cause death on his own court, and he reached out and dragged the guys who were stacked on Sam's body one by one...

"Hey - boy, are you okay??" the coach shouted loudly, grabbing the collar of Sam's clothes.


After being shaken frantically by the coach for a few times, Sam finally recovered a little bit of consciousness, but unfortunately—he was still somewhat unable to speak due to lack of oxygen...

Looking at Sam's performance, the coach shook his head helplessly, then turned to his players and said, "I need a volunteer among you guys to throw this weak chicken into the locker room to rest!"

"I'm coming!! Coach!!" The largest number eight, the nigger named Phil stood up and volunteered.

"Huh—??" The coach glanced at Phil, then looked at the other guys who didn't plan to volunteer at all, and sighed helplessly. "Okay okay, I know... Phil, I warn you, don't do anything superfluous to this weak chicken..."

"Don't worry, coach, absolutely not!" Phil's simple and honest look still looks quite bluffing...

But——the coach didn't believe this guy's words at all.

What to say? ?

Phil looked simple and honest, but in fact—this guy is an extremely sinister guy... This is nothing, the point is—this guy is gay, and... his hobbies—just happen to be , white people - frail kind of thing.

If you think about it, it seems that this guy named Sam happens to be his type.

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