An hour has passed...

The master didn't come...

Three hours have passed...

The master still hasn't come...

The three women waited until they were exhausted... Suddenly a figure flashed in front of them, and the figure of a man appeared in the room.

"Huh? Do you guys want to drink??" Zhou Ye looked at the three girls, each carrying two bottles of red wine, and asked with uncontrollable laughter.

"We're going to invite you to drink..." Vivian rushed over, holding up the red wine in her hand with lightning speed, and smashed it at Zhou Ye's head...

That posture looked really sturdy.

"In our place... Please do it yourself first as a respect!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and Vivian felt that her whole body could no longer move.

Then, she found that her body kept raising a bottle of red wine, which was automatically opened by the cork, and poured it all down into her mouth.

And the other two girls are basically the same...

Looking at the girls who had finished drinking a bottle of red wine, Zhou Ye let out a wicked smile: "Tonight, this will be an interesting party..."

Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521

Time flies...

In the blink of an eye - a year has passed.

During this year, Zhou Ye is not idle... He goes to Hong Kong from time to time to comfort Su Yueming, who is helping him in the Hong Kong branch, and he also goes to New York every once in a while to see the domineering girl. President Darcy Terry.

And what about Carly Spencer and Maggie Madsen? It was directly operated by Zhou Ye in the dark and got into his own school.

Or use the excuse of exchange students, or simply use spiritual cues to influence their parents to let them come to school in Los Angeles.

As for - England's schoolgirl, Vivienne Wembley? ?

She simply stopped studying for a PhD in literature, and was hired directly by Darcy Terry as a consultant to Umbrella...and now lives in New York.

Of course, Zhou Ye also said that he managed to bring three unscrupulous Yingwei girls into the house...

Their task now is to follow Da Qian, Su Yueming and Vivienne...

Although all the girls have been strengthened by Zhou Ye's x gene, but - ability is one aspect, fighting experience is another aspect. Without Zhou Ye's side, Zhou Ye is not worried about their safety...

As for--Mikala...

She didn't expect that after spending a romantic night in the world of two, she woke up early the next day and found that she had six more sisters, which made her a little annoyed...

But——under Zhou Ye's persuasion, she quickly accepted this reality.

What if you don't accept it? ? Leaving Zhou Ye...?

What are you kidding?

She had fallen deeply in love with her man for a long time, and she couldn't leave it at all...

As the number of sisters increased, Mikala also discovered... the benefits of having more sisters, at least - now I won't be put into a coma every time, and I can finally fall asleep normally, which is really good...

Mikala had already entered the third grade with Zhou Ye at this time... In short, she was almost used to the feeling of going to school with Carly and Maggie.

Of course, Maggie is one level above her, currently a senior...and Carly is the same level as Mikala.

You read that right, in the United States, high school is four years... junior high school is two years... Novelty? ?

When the morning sun shone on Zhou Ye's face, Mikala's gentle voice came from his ear. "Dear, it's time to get up... We have class today!!"

"I hate class!!" Zhou Ye opened his eyes, sighed helplessly, and got up from the couch... And on the whole couch, except for him, all the other girls had already gotten up...

In fact - Zhou Ye, Mikala, Maggie and Carly still live at their home in the small town of Mikala, because it's close to Mikala's school - and the manor in Beverly Hills is It is only used for family gatherings... Bai Hou is always there, because there is no room for Bai Hou's studio.

"Why don't we go to school? Baby... we can travel around the world... we can go to any place you want..." Zhou Ye, who lazily got up from the couch, turned around and hugged him Mikala asked in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to play around in the future, only to find that I regret having missed this stage of school in my life!" Mikala smiled and firmly rejected the temptation of her man... Gently in Zhou Ye After kissing on the cheek, he said, "Okay, dear... Come on up, Carly and Maggie have prepared a loving breakfast for you."

"Okay... I hate going to high school..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... High school students in the U.S. have roughly the same schedules as those in China, and of course the same is only in the morning.

Everyone gets up at six o'clock and arrives at school between seven and seven-thirty.

But high school students in the U.S. leave school at about three in the afternoon...

This is much happier than the high school students in China...

Ahem... Back to the topic.

After Zhou Ye and Mikala got up, they almost fired a gun in the bathroom... If Carly hadn't called them out, Zhou Ye would have started galloping by now.

Of course, it wasn't really fun, but Carrie and Maggie looked at Mika

With the blushing look on his face, Laura could also guess that something must have happened between the two of them in the bathroom.

"I hate going to school!!!" Zhou Ye sat at the dining table, picked up a sandwich, took a bite... sighed.

The most important thing is—going to school is useless for him...

"Oh, my dear, do you have the heart to abandon the three of us at school??" Carly has her own way of dealing with her own men. She walked behind Zhou Ye and hugged her man from behind with both hands. He whispered in his ear: "Think about it... my dear, the three poor kittens were cruelly abandoned in the school by their men, and they couldn't see their men at any time. What a cruel thing for a cat to do..."

"..." Hearing Carly's words, Zhou Ye really wanted to roll his eyes... What about three kittens?

However, his own woman said so... What else could he say?

"Okay, I get it... Anyway, it's going to be a holiday in a few days!" Zhou Ye sighed... "I'll endure it for another year..."

"But my dear, we still want you to go to college with us!!" Maggie also came over, imitating Carly, and said softly, "Look... beautiful college life... I haven't experienced it before. College days are not complete... darling!!"

Just when Zhou Ye was about to say something, the holographic communication ball placed in the middle of the dining table suddenly flashed a red light, and then, the figure of the white queen appeared in front of Zhou Ye out of thin air...

"Master, a command center of the U.S. military in Qatar was attacked by unknown forces. At present, all communications have been interrupted, but before the communication was interrupted. There are signs that the U.S. military's military network has been invaded..."

"Huh??" Zhou Ye sat up abruptly, his eyes suddenly lit up...

What does this represent? ? It means that the first change is about to begin... What does the first change mean? ? It means - he finally doesn't have to go to school.

"What's wrong? Honey??" x3

The girls suddenly became curious when they saw the sudden seriousness of their man.

You know, in the past--even if the sky fell down, his man looked unhurried... For him, there was nothing worthy of his attention.

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