Just the fact that an American military base was attacked made him suddenly so excited? ?

"Remember what I said to you??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "It's the thing about robot life invading the earth..."

"Remember!!" Carly nodded and said, "Didn't you ask Vivian to take out the secret note left by her father??"

"That's right..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Do you want to be a superhero?? Slay these alien invaders??"

"Think!!!" x3

After the transformation, the girls have long been eager to show their strength, but they have not shown their strength - just like the night walk in brocade clothes, how could they be willing? ?

"Soon - dear, you will have the opportunity to show your abilities soon!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly - superhuman versus alien invaders, what an interesting topic.

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522

Although the girls have long been unable to hold back their desire to show their superpowers.


What to say?

Before the Decepticons invaded, everyone still had to go to school.

"Ah... I can't wait to see Transformers invade the earth!!" Carly, sitting in the back seat of Mikala's car, still hasn't received the inspiring excitement from her man in the morning. out of the message.

"I think so too!!" Maggie shrugged her shoulders and said, "However, everything will take some time... When those delusional robots don't appear in large numbers, our presence will only make those politicians panic..."

"Don't worry... One day we will become superhumans to save the earth!!" Mikala participated in the sisters' topic while driving.

As for Zhou Ye, he was sitting in the passenger seat, thinking about the problem...

At present, Mikala has the ability of Quicksilver and Super Speed ​​Recovery. That is to say—she has the speeding space of Kuaiyin and the ability to recover from injuries far beyond that of Wolverine. By the way, for the safety of his own woman, Zhou Ye also gave Mikala a pair of Edman alloy skeletons.

What Carly has is the ability to teleport and Magneto. Simply put, her ability perfectly restrains Transformers.

Maggie has the mental abilities of Mystique and Professor X.

In this way, the three have both life-saving skills and damage skills... If they form a team, they are a perfect match...

However, Zhou Ye didn't intend to let them reveal all of his trump cards all at once. In this world - what is the dirtiest and most untrustworthy thing? ? are politicians...

For the sake of safety, Zhou Ye planned to join in... Of course, he would only reveal his magical abilities.

As for the other women, even his relationship with Umbrella's company, Zhou Ye didn't plan to reveal it... Let's play a game to see who betrayed first.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye's horns tilted slightly.

"Dear must be holding back and hurting people again!!" Mikala instantly caught sight of the weird smile on his man's face.

"No... I just want to play a game!!" Zhou Ye sighed... and said, "Remember what I told you, you must not reveal all your abilities, it's no fun to be targeted..."

"Then I will reveal the super speed regeneration ability and super strength!!" Mikala said.

After thinking about it, Maggie said, "I'll reveal my weakened version of mental power!!"

"I revealed that my magnetic control is done!!" Carrie nodded and said.

"Hey, sisters, I gave our group an extremely cool name..." Mikala said excitedly, "How about calling it Hellgirl??"

"...Not much!!" Zhou Ye sighed and said.

"Why??" Mikala asked with some dissatisfaction: "I think this name is very cool!!"

"I think it's good too!!" Carly nodded, agreeing...

"I think it's okay!!" Maggie also agreed.

"Because, I plan to join in!!" Zhou Ye sighed and said, "Am I a girl too??"

"...Really!??" x3

Hearing his man's words, all the girls were overjoyed... When he was talking about the plan in the morning, Zhou Ye didn't say that he would participate in it...

"Of course! How can I rest assured that the three of you will go out together!!?" To be honest, Zhou Ye felt that if these three guys who were a little bit of a middle schooler were tasked alone, they would die very quickly.

"That's great..."

"Be sure to give my dear a domineering nickname..."

"That's right!!"

Hearing the girls chatting there, Zhou Ye couldn't help but want to laugh wryly... But, forget it, there is a world of play on the left and right, so what's the danger? go with them...

At this time, everyone's car has arrived at the school.

When Zhou Ye took the girls out of the car, he once again attracted envious, jealous and hateful eyes.

Zhou Ye was almost used to this...

The old rules, go to class, go to class, go to class... and then take a lunch break for everyone to eat together, and still go to class in the afternoon...

In high schools in the United States, students do not have a fixed classroom. Everyone goes to that class after this class. The time spent on the road between classes is far more than the time spent on the road.

Time elsewhere...

The last class happened to be history class...

Zhou Ye sat lazily in the history classroom, with Kali on his left and Mikala on his right... a gesture of hugging from left to right.

And Maggie is in the fourth grade, and she doesn't belong to the same grade as Zhou Ye... By the way, because of Zhou Ye, Maggie finally did not choose to join the ranks of the Ministry of Defense analyst...

In a history classroom, almost no one's seats are three together. But Zhou Ye's seats were three connected together.

Of course, he moved there by himself...

No one would say anything about him, after all—as someone who donated millions of dollars to the school, the school wouldn't care about Zhou Ye... Others? ? Don't make trouble, who cares about Zhou Ye, a pervert who can be said to have beaten the school's sports elite? ?

Suspicious of longevity? ?

Today's history class is actually an exam...that is, asking each student to introduce a famous ancestor in his family.

In fact, from Zhou Ye's point of view, this is a complete waste of time...

But since this is an assignment assigned by the history teacher, then of course it's just casual... In addition, participating in this project is completely voluntary, and you can get extra points in the exam.

After several students went up to give a speech, the thin history teacher with glasses shouted: "ok, Mr. Witwich, it's your turn..."

"Okay!!" Sam carried his large schoolbag and walked to the podium. When he came to the podium, he dumped the contents of the schoolbag towards the side of the desk. "Sorry, I brought a lot of stuff!!"

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