As soon as Zhou Ye appeared here, Queen Bai greeted her with a smile. "Master, have you succeeded??"

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and waved casually...

In an instant, the body of the roadblock was thrown directly by Zhou Ye onto the test bench... Before the roadblock could react, four incomparably huge hydraulic clamps grabbed its hands and feet, and the roadblock was unwilling to do so. , As soon as the door of the car in front of the Hungarian opened, Chaos was ejected by it...

The original intention of the roadblocks was to confuse or create riots, or to get rid of Zhou Ye and Bai Hou directly...

It's a pity—— no matter what purpose, the confusion can't be achieved...

It was directly in the air, and it was fixed by Zhou Ye with his telekinesis...

"I like this kind of buy-one-get-one-free event..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said to Confusion: "This little thing is really interesting, Bai Hou, let's start with it..."

"Of course there's no problem, Master!!" Bai Hou smiled slightly, a small console rose from the ground, and Chaos was directly pressed on the console... Enjoyed the same treatment as its roadblock boss.

Chapter 1526

Chapter 1526

"Human, you are killing yourself like this, we Decepticons won't let you go!!" The barricades tied to the large operation platform howled desperately, as if this would threaten Zhou Ye to let it go Same.

"Oh? Won't let me go?? Starscream won't let me go? Or Megatron?? Or Fallen King Kong??" Zhou Ye's words with a smile made the roadblocks suddenly stupid... "You How could you possibly know about us? Are you a hermit warrior from Autobot??"

"Pfft-!!" Zhou Ye almost didn't laugh when he heard the words of the roadblock... "Do I look like a robot??"

And just when Zhou Ye was grinding his skin with the roadblocks, Queen Bai was ready to scan the confusion.

I saw that Bai Hou's hands became empty in an instant... and pressed them directly on the confused head.

As the waterfall-like data flow brushed through Bai Hou's eyes... Confusion gradually became quiet.

"What are you going to do with Chaos??" The roadblock also found something wrong with Chaos and roared again.

"Don't do anything, just parse your language, parse your body, parse everything about you... and then—!!" Zhou Ye said here, leaking a smile at the roadblock, "For my use..."

"..." The moment he saw Zhou Ye's smile, the roadblock swore that he only felt a chill from head to toe at that time - the feeling was so strong that it felt fear for the first time in its life.

Here, the data flow in the eyes of Bai Hou is getting faster and faster, and it has almost become a real waterfall, which cannot be seen clearly...

In the whole workshop, everyone was silent...

No matter if it's Confusion or a roadblock tied to the workbench, or Bai Queen who is searching for data in Confusion's mind, or Zhou Ye who is waiting for the result.

Everyone is silent...

For a while, the atmosphere in the workplace turned out to be a little depressing...

After about five minutes, Queen Bai let out a long sigh...withdrew her hand from her confused mind...

"Is everything going well??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"As you wish, Master... everything went well!!" Bai Hou nodded with a smile, and then said: "I already have some small guesses, maybe... We can interpret the secrets of these Cybertronians in advance. It's gone!"

"It's really good news!!" Zhou Ye said happily.

Of course it's good news for him...because, that means - he will soon have a car that can be transformed in various ways, just ask you - are you happy or excited? ?

"I still need some data support, Master!!" Bai Hou said, walking towards the roadblock bound to the workbench...

"No, you don't come here, stay away from me... You don't come here!!!" At this time, the beautiful White Queen was in the eyes of the roadblock, just like a terrifying wild beast, making it extremely frightening... "Don't Come here... ah--!!!"

Before the roadblock's words were finished, I felt my head tighten...

Empress Bai's hand once again turned into a translucent state of nothingness, and forked into the head of the roadblock...

"Erase the independent personality and start!!" White said expressionlessly, her hands emitting a faint white light, and the data flow in her eyes was even faster.

Following White Queen's words - the roadblocks completely stopped moving, as if they were dead.

"Master, the Cybertronians are based on metal memory..." Bai Queen was seated by her master to popularize. "Their memories are not only stored in their minds, but also in the metal cells of their bodies, just like human DNA."

"But the creator who created them is obviously a half-assist!!!" Queen Bai complained without hesitation. "The programming program in their metal cells lacks the most core loyalty program, but adds an unnecessary self-evolution program... This is obviously unqualified for weapons..."

"That's why there is a difference between the Decepticons and the Autobots in the last Cybertronians?" Zhou Ye asked.

"That's right!" Bai Hou continued to operate and said to his master: "I am now erasing the memory in the metal cells of the roadblock, so that it becomes a blank piece of paper, and I can choose any on it. Painting...I can even put our

The data of the Star Destroyer is input into its memory cells, so that it can form a Star Destroyer... It's just that the metal substance we use to make the mothership is countless times stronger than the metal substance in its body, so... it Even if it becomes a Star Destroyer, it is still a paper tiger! "

"Isn't there a solution??" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically.

He didn't want the Transformers that he had tried so hard to get it to be boring if it didn't work...

What does he really want to see? ? Of course, the deformation of the Death Star Fortress...

Imagine the Death Star Fortress transforming into an oversized Transformer in an instant, what a fun thing...

"Of course there is, but more experimental support is needed..." Bai Hou said, and asked, "Master, do you still have unliquefied Edman alloys?"

"Uh, there are some more!!" Zhou Ye said, and with a wave of his hand, a square metal block three meters high and three meters wide appeared beside him. "Why do you want this thing??"

"I want to test and strengthen the evolution program of the metal cells in these Cybertronians, and then see if they can evolve their bodies to the strength of Edman alloys!!!" As Bai Hou's words fell, she The white light in the hand wins...

As the white light in Bai Hou's hand spread to the whole body of the roadblock little by little, the body of the roadblock began to become like unstable metal particles, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking...

"Go - devour that piece of Edman alloy for me!!" Bai Hou scolded, the roadblock could no longer maintain its current robot form, and instantly turned into a fluid body like a stream of metal particles, swinging to the side Put the Adelman Alloy in it...

No matter how the body of the roadblock changes, the core area of ​​the roadblock has always been under the control of the queen.

If the Cybertronians are born metal warriors, then electronic spirits like the White Queen and the Red Queen are their natural nemesis.

In short, it is - as simple as ordinary human beings meet Professor X.

No, it's even scarier than an ordinary person meeting Professor X...

At least Professor X can only control your thoughts, but cannot analyze the structure of each cell in your body. However, like the Cybertronians, the metal cells in the body have Transformers with deformation factor programming groups. When they encounter the white queen, Even all the secrets on the body will be thoroughly analyzed.

In front of Bai Hou, an electronic elf that evolved from a supercomputer, these Cybertronians were powerless to resist.

After half an hour—

The barricade returned to its original robot shape again, only—its body looked much stronger...and the Edman alloy had disappeared.

"Master, do you want to have a car that can be transformed into a sports car and a space shuttle now??" Bai Hou smiled and asked Zhou Ye.

"Of course I did!!" Zhou Ye said without hesitation.

"Then - please wait for a while, soon - you will have a car that can be transformed into three series of land, sea and air!!" Bai Hou said here, frowning and said: "Then master, you need a car like the Mark series. Wearable machine armor? If I need to, then I will wipe its mind completely!"

"Hmm... I think it can happen, of course, after erasing its sanity, when adding an auxiliary brain to it, don't forget to set the intelligent auxiliary program to female, I don't like male brain auxiliary programs. !!" Zhou Ye said.

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