"As you wish, Master!!" Bai Hou smiled confidently, and began to write the regeneration program of the roadblock with both hands.

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

LOS ANGELES - Beverly Hills - in a huge estate.

In this large estate covering an area of ​​6.7 acres, three girls are preparing lunch on the lawn in the front yard...

Don't ask, just by looking at the barbecue grills they made, you can tell that today's lunch at noon - the barbecue that Zhou Ye hated deeply.

There are only three girls in the huge manor, which makes the manor look a little lonely.

However, there is no need to worry about safety issues. The probes and defense devices all over the place are all under Bai Hou's control.

"Carly, can you bring me the plate of beef next to me??" Mikala said while oiling her grilled vegetables on the barbecue.

"No problem!!" Carrie put down the salad she was stirring, picked up the top-quality marbled beef next to it, and handed it over.

"Thank you!!" Mikala took the beef and put it on the grill... If a Michelin chef saw Mikala's actions, he would probably scold Mikala, saying she was a waste of money...

Beef of this grade is most suitable for the most steak after being eaten. It is simply a waste to use for barbecue.

Obviously, Mikala never felt like it was a waste, because—she was almost used to it.

At this time, Maggie came out of the villa... She still had a bottle of red wine in her hand. "How's the dinner preparation going? Do you need me to call my darling for dinner??"

"It's almost there!!" Mikala said while smearing the sauce on the barbecue: "It's almost time to shout ye!!"

"Then I'll call him!!" Maggie said, putting the iced red wine in her hand on the table, then turned around and planned to call her man in Baihou's studio.

However, before Maggie walked to the studio, there was a sudden sound of machinery hitting the ground...

"what happened??"

"what happened?"

Hearing this voice, all the girls temporarily put down their work and looked at the place where the voice came from with a wary expression.

I saw that the door of Bai Hou's studio suddenly opened... A seven-meter-high all-black robot came out from inside, and beside it, there was a figure standing, it was Zhou Ye...

"Honey, what is this???"

Seeing their own man, the girls were relieved a little, but——then they all gathered around their own man, curiously looking at the big man beside their own man...

"It used to be called a roadblock and belonged to a member of the Decepticons, but now..." Zhou Ye raised his head with a smile and said to the big man, "Come and introduce yourself to your mistresses!!"

"Yes!!" A sweet female voice came out of this manly-looking man. "Hello, mistresses, I'm Diaochan, the mastermind, and the vehicle I currently carry is Umbrella's first-generation transforming vehicle [Doomsday Mecha-I]. This mecha completely incorporates the unique transformation of Cybertronians. Factor, you can switch between various forms in one second, the current forms in the database are - land vehicles - Alt Kalman form!"

As the voice fell, the black doomsday mecha instantly turned into a stream of black metal particles, and in the blink of an eye, it became the exact same form as Mikala's car.

"Wow!!!" The girls exclaimed...

Knowing Transformers is one thing, seeing Transformers transform with your own eyes is another.

However, without waiting for the girls to come back to their senses, Diaochan, the mastermind, continued to say in a sweet voice: "The second form is the Apache attack helicopter!!"

The Doomsday Mecha once again turned into a stream of black metal particles, and in an instant, an all-black Apache attack helicopter appeared in front of the girls.

"The third form is an ultra-small nuclear submarine..." Diaochan said that she was about to transform again...

"Okay, this one doesn't need to be demonstrated again!!" Zhou Ye hurriedly stopped him... What a joke, isn't it stupid to start the submarine mode on the ground? ?

"Yes, master!" Diaochan, the main leader, was obedient, but she continued to give the hostess the final demonstration: "There is also a humanoid mecha form!!!"

The voice fell, the black Apache turned into a stream of metal particles again, and finally returned to the mecha state just now... To be honest, the so-called mecha state Zhou Ye is completely the cos king pesticide, Lu Bu's doomsday mecha skin completed.

Even Zhou Ye spoofed the name of the mastermind as Diaochan...

"That... dear!!" Carly looked at the operating space opened by the doomsday mecha's mouth for the operator to enter while the mecha was in a state of speechlessness, and said to Zhou Ye: "Don't you think it is very manly here? On top of the mecha, a female main brain program is installed, does it feel very inconsistent??"

"It's feelings, you don't understand!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly... The so-called feelings are -- if Zhou Ye went to the Three Kingdoms on a whim someday, he would never leave Diaochan to Lu Bu...

"Okay...you have the final say!!" Carly shook her head speechlessly.

The figure of the white queen also came out from behind the doomsday mecha at this time... She also carried a few cool looking black mobile phones in her hand.

"This is a small gift for you, one for each person!!" Bai Hou said, throwing the black mobile phones in his hands one by one.

All women.

"What's this??" The girls took the phone that Bai Hou had thrown over and looked at it curiously...

"This is an all-smart phone, a real all-smart phone!!" Bai Hou smiled slightly.

Following Bai Hou's words, the girls found that the mobile phone in their hands had turned into a stream of black metal particles, and in the blink of an eye, they had turned into robots smaller than Barbie dolls. These robots turned towards their respective owners one by one. They introduce their use.

That's right, they are...

Zhou Ye again unscrupulously let Queen Bai turn the little King Kongs who were disintegrated and confused into female King Kong...

There's no way - in Zhou Ye's opinion, all dogs in the house have to be female, let alone the little King Kong who has independent intelligence? ?

The girls were really shocked by the surprise of being white...

It can be turned into a watch, it can be turned into a mobile phone, it can be turned into a gun, or even a military thorn...

Simply put, this thing can even be used as a master key for unlocking.

Like the current doomsday mecha, the little King Kong who controlled the confusion and decomposed by the white queen also swallowed some Edman alloys.

Because Queen Bai found that the Transformers who devoured the Edman alloy, the strong radiation reaction on their bodies had disappeared. For Zhou Ye and the others, this is also an extremely hidden way...

Besides, the metal strength of the Transformer after swallowing the Edman alloy has increased again, that is to say, it is more resistant to beatings.

Why not let them devour? ?

Just when the girls couldn't let go of the new gift in their hands, suddenly a smell of burning meat came over.

Mikala, who smelled this smell, couldn't help but let out a mournful cry: "Ah...my barbecue!!!"

Chapter 1528

Chapter 1528

And this time——

Sam is sitting in the police station with a frustrated face, telling the police about his car being stolen.

"Trust me... that car thief was right under my nose and swaggered my car out of my yard!"

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