"Mr. Zhou, good afternoon, I take the liberty to come to disturb you, please forgive me!!" Consul Hou said as he walked in front of Zhou Ye and stretched out his hand.

"Just sit down, Mr. Consul!!" Zhou Ye shook hands casually and sat down... He looked curiously at the pair of girls behind the consul.

These two girls don't look very old, they are about 18 or 19 years old. Both of them can be called a pair of beautiful women in terms of appearance and body-the most important thing is-their The appearances are nine-point similar, and they are obviously twin sisters.

"Who are they??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"I forgot to introduce you!" Consul Hou said with a smile on his face: "They will be the liaison officers who will be responsible for the liaison between our government and your husband in the future. This is Lu Zimo, this is Lu Zixuan!"

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I'm Lu Zimo (Lu Zixuan)!!" x2

The two women said, took a step forward and walked in front of Zhou Ye, raised their hands, gave a military salute, and said in unison, "We will be responsible for the liaison between Mr. Zhou and the Chinese government in the future!!"


Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... He looked at Consul Hou who was standing beside him. What about Consul Hou? He gave him a mysterious smile.

That tacit smile made Zhou Ye instantly understand what these two girls were doing...

Holy crap, isn't this the obvious way to send sheep into the tiger's mouth??

The most crucial point is that Zhou Ye found that these two girls were all thinking about serving the motherland. They didn't even know the real purpose of this mission...

Moreover, these two girls are also top students of the Army Academy. The most important thing is that they were born in the army compound and have been in strict control of the family since childhood, so until now they are still a little white who has never even talked about love...

have to say--

This trick is ruthless... It is precisely because it is in the system, so it is more restrained... Your family is in the system, where do you want to go? ?

But—— Zhou Ye just took this one.

"The liaison officer...??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly. "Then what is your mission??"

"Our mission is to be on call 24 hours a day, and to establish a smooth channel for you to communicate with the high-level government of our country at any time." Lu Zimo said softly.

"Twenty-four hours??" Zhou Ye smiled. "That means, you will follow me wherever I go??"

"Yes, sir!" This time it was Lu Zixuan who answered Zhou Ye.

Perhaps for ordinary people, the two sisters' looks are super easy to confuse, but for Zhou Ye, they can still tell the difference.

"What do you guys know??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"We will analyze the intelligence!"

"we will…………"

"we will…………"

Zhou Ye just looked at these two energetic little girls in front of him. You talked about your strengths one by one... Seriously, if it was on the battlefield, their strengths might be useful. , but—by his side, they had only one use—warm beds.

After laughing and chatting with the Lu sisters for a while, Zhou Ye chatted with Consul Hou about the progress of the base and the unusual places found in various places... Then, the Consul Hou got up and left.

And this pair of sisters were just left behind by Zhou Ye.

What about Zhou Ye? You're welcome - the sisters were wiped off that night - really - maddening.

Chapter 1541

Chapter 1541

"Sister..." As soon as Lu Zixuan opened her eyes, she saw Zhou Ye's handsome face. She was looking for her sister Lu Zimo with some fear.

Unsurprisingly, on the other side of Zhou Ye, she saw her sister.

"Sister!!" Shaking her sister's shoulder gently, Lu Zixuan whispered to her sister, "Sister... wake up!"

"Ugh..." Lu Zimo also opened her eyes under the shaking of her sister. "Zixuan..."

"I, we were abandoned..." Seeing her sister, Lu Zixuan couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears... "Sister, what should we do now??"

"Zixuan doesn't cry..." In fact, seeing her sister's crying face, Lu Zimo also felt a little sore in her eyes...

Last night - when Zhou Ye hugged them, they also asked Zhou Ye to respect him, otherwise they would be rude to him.

As a result, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, let go of his hand, and let them call and ask for help from anyone, whether it was the consul, or the family....

At that time - the two sisters called the consul first, but - there was no answer, and then they called their own home... This time they were connected, but - their father told them in a very heavy tone [ It's all about the bigger picture]...

What is the big picture? ?

The cake of alien technology is the big picture...

Although Zhou Ye wasn't involved in dividing the cake... but he had the ability to turn tables, and he was friendly with Autobot.

This is enough to prove his importance, especially - as an out-of-spec existence, proper friendship is necessary. So it's not surprising that this happens...

Originally, they thought that with Zhou Ye's handsome face, it was enough to make this pair of sisters who were in love at the beginning of their relationship fall into the mud, but they didn't expect that Zhou Ye would play a card in an unreasonable way.

Play strong... So, this is embarrassing.

When the two sisters thought of the information they had obtained when they asked for help last night, they suddenly felt a sense of grief coming from them. The two sisters simply hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Okay...don't cry!!" Zhou Ye couldn't even pretend to sleep at this time... He directly wrapped the two sisters in his arms with both hands.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" x2

The two sisters are indeed telepathic, and they even say the same thing.

"Okay, isn't this your home??" Zhou Ye patted the dolphins of the two... comfortingly: "It's time for a daughter to marry, sooner or later you will all leave your parents..."

"Bad...we won't marry you!!" x2

Well, the two sisters are in sync again... Zhou Ye is particularly interested in this, there are quite a few twins, but not many twins with telepathy, because of this last night... He almost didn't... well, I can't think about it anymore , If you think about it again, the two sisters will be unlucky again...

It took a lot of effort to persuade the two sisters... Speaking of which, the two sisters don't actually hate Zhou Ye. Rather than saying they don't hate it, it's better to say that they can't leave this feeling... After all, some people like to cheat.

The reason they cry is because—they feel like they've been abandoned by their family...

But after Zhou Ye coaxed for a long time, the two sisters finally turned around.

Last night, Carly and the other three girls gave up the master bedroom to the newly joined sisters. They had been waiting for a new sister to join... There was no way, they couldn't take it anymore.

As Zhou Ye took the Lu sisters downstairs... Mikala, Kali Maji and the others also pulled up the Lu sisters with enthusiasm to share their experiences.

At the beginning, the Lu sisters were still very unaccustomed to... But, gradually... they all let go.

Comrades-in-arms who have had common experience of fighting the enemy will always have a good relationship.

Three months later—

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