Joint Base - The lair is built.

Zhou Ye brought the girls directly to the base, and I had to say—in this military camp full of gentlemen, the beauties behind Zhou Ye were a beautiful sight.

It's a pity that no one dared to attack Zhou Ye's woman's idea...

Although it is said that there is an order from above, it is not allowed to offend Zhou Ye, but—for those soldiers, isn't the military order used for disobedience?

The reason why they were so obedient when they saw Zhou Ye was that it was the first time that the lair troop dispatched a robot to destroy the Decepticons.

That time, Zhou Ye didn't even use the Hercules transport plane to transport those Transformers, but directly opened a portal and sent the lair troops and the Autobots to the palace-like sewers under Tokyo.

Here are two Decepticon droids hiding...

The two Decepticons were cunning as soon as they met, and one of them turned around and ran away. As a result... Zhou Ye fired a magic cannon to settle it.

In particular, Zhou Ye deliberately swept most of the sewers with a magic cannon... The entire sewer system in Tokyo was completely paralyzed.

However, this is not the end.

After finishing all of this, Zhou Ye opened the portal again - he took the lair troops and the Autobots to drag the Decepticon's body and returned to the base on the Pacific Ocean.

From that moment on, Zhou Ye's reputation spread throughout the entire lair army.

In the army, the strong are the most respected, and no one wants to offend an elusive magician with amazing firepower.

Therefore, now many soldiers will respectfully shout "Your Excellency the Mage" when they see Zhou Ye.

With the victory in the first battle, Zhou Ye led the Autobots to sweep away the Decepticons on Earth for a month in a row. And the team of Autobots has gradually become less single-handed because of the return of others...

Among them, the three sisters of Elita became the fighting partners of the Kali girls as soon as they returned to the team... This made the Lu family sisters envious.

After a month of cleaning, the Decepticons became more careful... They were like mice in the sewers, hiding their shadows.

This also brings a lot of difficulties to the search.

But—no country finds this troublesome.

Because—they did feel the dividends brought by this war...

Through reverse derivation technology, many technologies that have fallen into bottlenecks have new ideas.

At the same time—the two Chinese liaison officers who were inseparable beside Zhou Ye also came into the sight of the other four countries.

Because—they found that, despite the impressive results of the first raid,—in terms of gains, it was clear that China had gained more than them. In the final analysis, they put the cause on the pair of liaison officer sisters...

Well, you can send liaison officers, and so can we—everyone needs to be fair.

I don't want to be able to win Zhou Ye completely, but at least let everyone try to get on the same starting line, right? ?


In Zhou Ye's team of liaison officers, there were again four more pairs of sisters and eight beauties... Among them, the liaison officers from France and England were returned twice by Zhou Ye. In the end—they found out—after much thought and pain—that Zhou Ye was this guy. There is actually a first girl plot.

In desperation, they could only lower the security level and find them from some private units... For example, the pair of liaison officer sisters in France, who are just sixteen, are in high school, and they are also reservists of the gymnastics team... And England is a pair of sisters with Indian blood... russia - ahem, that's a pair of little sisters from the National Ballet...

The US is directly a pair of sisters in figure skating...

As long as it meets the standard, Zhou Ye will not pull any of them, and will accept all the orders... So——the soldiers in the lair can only watch Zhou Ye bring his team of liaison officers every day with envy and hatred, and dangle in front of them. ...what a tragedy.

Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542

Mars - Underground - Secret Decepticon Base -

"My great leader, His Royal Highness Megatron... Your most loyal subordinate, Starscream is back!!" With this slightly flattering tone, Starscream's tall figure appeared in a secret like an underground cave in the base.

"Starscream, you'd better bring me some good news..." Megatron sat on a rock, staring at Starscream coldly: "Have you found the traitor who stole the source of fire? ??"

"Uh—!" Hearing Megatron's words, Starscream said a little embarrassedly: "My great leader, Sonic is already in synchronous orbit and has begun to monitor Earth's intelligence. If there is news about the traitor at the roadblock, I will You will definitely be notified as soon as possible!"

"Damn... Damn... Damn..." Hearing Starscream's words, Megatron was furious, he stood up suddenly, grabbed Starscream's mouth, and slammed him into the rock. on the wall. "You told me... the roadblock will never betray, so I went back to the Mars base and waited for the news of the source of fire! But an Earth year has passed, and you told me - no roadblock was found, he was like in this Like news in the world, without a trace..."

"This... Your Royal Highness Megatron, I don't know why the roadblock suddenly disappeared..." Starscream was really about to cry.

He was really trying to find a roadblock.

But—even so, so far he still has no news at all.

Whether it's the call of the Decepticon channel, or the sound waves

Searching through the network that invaded the earth through the earth satellite, there has been no news of roadblocks...

This is simply unimaginable.

Even, they tried to find roadblocks through the positioning elements on every Decepticon, but they couldn't find it...

The roadblocks disappeared without a trace, as if they had completely disappeared from this world.

"I—going to Earth!!" Megatron shoved Starscream away, stood up... and strode toward the deepest part of the cave. "I'm going to find our source of fire... If the roadblocks are really dead, then the source of fire must be in the hands of the earthlings, or the hands of those Autobots... I want to invade the earth in an all-round way and force those Fragile humans hand over the source of fire..."

"No... His Royal Highness Megatron!!" Starscream stopped Megatron fiercely, and hurriedly said: "Those Autobots have reached an alliance with the Earthlings, and they are now searching the world for our Decepticons, we The soldiers lost a lot..."

"So what??" Megatron waved his hand, and behind him, green thin sacs like hanging bats spread throughout the cave. "Our new soldiers are about to grow up, and with these little King Kong, we will soon be able to achieve our goal!"

"Great Highness Megatron!!" Starscream became even more anxious after hearing Megatron's words. "Without the source of fire, if we hatched so many little King Kong at one time, the energy of our spaceship would be completely exhausted... Also, have you forgotten the human who defeated you??"

"What did you say—what??" Megatron burst into anger when he heard Starscream's words.

Being crippled by Zhou Ye's two magic cannons was a scar that Megatron never wanted to mention.

As proud as him, how could he bear the fact that he was defeated by a human being?

"His Royal Highness Megatron... I have already figured out a way to deal with that guy!!" Starscream hurriedly said with the fastest speed in her life: "I have sent a hermit warrior to infiltrate the earth, and she will soon approach that human being By my side, when the time comes... we can easily get rid of him!"

"Are you kidding me?? Starscream???" When Megatron heard Starscream's words, instead of quelling his anger, he became even more angry.

Even though Megatron was reluctant to admit it, he had already regarded Zhou Ye, who had crippled him with two magic cannons, as an opponent second only to Optimus Prime.

How could such a powerful opponent be killed by a hermit warrior? ?

Was Starscream mocking himself for being inferior to a hermit warrior? ? ?

"No no... Your Royal Highness Megatron, listen to me!!" Starscream looked at the increasingly cold gaze in Megatron's eyes, and hurriedly explained: "I have found the weakness of that human being in the network of the earth... …”

"Oh???" Megatron looked at Starscream noncommittally, staring at him coldly, waiting for his explanation.

"Please wait a moment, I have brought these materials back!!" Starscream said, using his own eyes, and began to put up what he called the materials.

If there is an otaku here, seeing the information of Starscream, it is estimated that he will not be able to resist... Isn't this special code the information of the mage in the game?

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