"Great His Royal Highness Megatron, I have worked hard to find some information in the vast data in the earth network!!" Starscream played various film and television works and games to the mage. Introducing, while saying: "According to my analysis of the earthman's situation that day, I finally found out that this is a profession that has been handed down on the earth since ancient times - the name of this profession is called magician!!"

Looking at the information in front of him, Megatron became a little interested.

Seeing Megatron slowly let go of himself, Starscream seemed more confident. "According to the data - this is a very powerful profession, and people with such professions usually have very high mental strength... and their profession gives them extremely powerful offensive power, but - at the same time , their fragile bodies are also weakened by the invasion of this so-called magic element..."

Fragments, pictures were projected in front of Megatron by Starscream.

"So, I can assume that - this Earthman is a magician!!" Starscream said firmly: "Although his attack power is very strong, but - his weak body is his weakness, so I dispatched The hermit warrior infiltrated the earth, and the moment she succeeds, your enemy will completely disappear from this world!!"

"That's right!!!" Megatron said slowly: "But - I want him to be my pet more, because - I am very interested in his powerful energy attack, maybe, we can Transform him into a hermit warrior too, so we can get the secret of that so-called magic!!"

"Everything is as you wished, Your Majesty Megatron!!" Starscream's flattering voice was enough to disgust anyone with a conscience.

Obviously, Megatron wasn't among them—he was pretty much used to Starscream's tone, too. "You go to the front to supervise the battle... I have to ask my teacher how to replenish more energy!!"

"Yes, His Royal Highness Megatron!!!" Starscream was born to be a hard worker, and as soon as he came back, he was going to return to Earth again... Hey, what a bad luck.

Chapter 1543

Chapter 1543

Six months later - the Pacific -

Lair Force Joint Command Post -

It is very busy here. From time to time, large military transport planes painted with national flags land here, and—in the port, there are also large ro-ro cargo ships loading and unloading materials.

These are cargo ships and transport planes that secretly deliver supplies to the lair troops from various countries.

At the same time, they also undertake the mission of transporting the corpses of various Decepticon robots back to their home countries.

The corpses of the Decepticon robots in the top five hooligans naturally belong to them, but—if it is a Decepticon robot found in a country other than the five hooligans, then it needs to be divided equally...

As for how to divide? That is the matter of the commanders of the countries stationed there...

At this time, an Osprey fighter flew from a distance to the station of the nest troops, and after verification, it finally landed on the tarmac.

"Sir, hello!!" A ground crew in a combat uniform greeted him and asked the middle-aged man with glasses who walked down from the Osprey fighter, "Is there anything I can help you with??"

"I'm from the White House, and I need to meet the commander there!!" Said here, the middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, and said, "I mean the commander of the US military!!"

"Of course, please come with me!!" said the ground crew, and he was about to lead the middle-aged man to the command center of the Mi Army - just at this moment, he suddenly saw the Osprey fighter, walking down again. A blond girl in a military uniform, the beauty of that girl made him stunned for a moment.

"How is it? Isn't she beautiful??" The middle-aged man smiled slightly at the ground staff: "Every boy who sees her is like this, it's nothing!!"

"Okay, in fact, we're used to beautiful women!!" The ground staff said, turning around and taking the middle-aged man to the outside of the apron.

"Oh? Why?? Isn't this a military camp??" At this time, the blond girl had also come over, apparently she had also heard the ground staff's words.

"In this base, there are a lot of beautiful women!!" The ground crew got even more excited when they were approached by the beautiful women. "The liaison groups around our Master are all beautiful women, and most importantly, they are all twins..."

"Aren't you jealous of that Master Mage??" the girl asked back.

"It's envy, miss..." The ground staff stopped sternly and corrected the blonde girl: "We're not jealous, we're just envious..."


"Because Your Excellency the Master is powerful and undisputedly powerful." The ground crew laughed: "Have you ever seen a space gate that can transport tens of thousands of troops?? I've seen it before...that's when we exterminate a Decepticon in Africa. It's the time of the old nest!!"

"That space gate is as high as a skyscraper, and even the largest transport aircraft can pass through two at the same time!!" The ground staff said here, and smiled slightly: "If I have such ability, I think even if I Tell my country, I want to marry a hundred wives, and they will arrange it for me too... It's a pity I don't have one!!"

"I'm a little interested in the Master Mage you mentioned!!" The blond girl smiled and said.

A group of people came to the US military command post talking and laughing. After the ground service greeted the soldiers guarding the gate, they turned and left.


The middle-aged man showed his identification directly. After the soldiers confirmed the identities of the middle-aged man and the blond girl over the phone, they were released.

"Hello, Chief of Staff Vincent!!" The middle-aged man walked up to Vincent Strauss, who was wearing a school officer's uniform, and stretched out his hand, "I'm the Assistant Chief of Staff to the President, John Rouse. , this is the weapons assessor from the 68th Research Institute of the military - Lieutenant Alice Lucas!"

"Hello, I've already received a call from the White House!" Chief of Staff Vincent nodded, then stretched out his hand and let them into the temporary living room next to him.

If other headquarters do not have a parlour, here, there must be a parlour.

Whether it's England or France, or even Russia and China...

In the independent command post of every country, there will be a parlor.

After all - every country has the idea of ​​exploring other countries, so the number of visits to other colleagues is more frequent.

And the United States is precisely the most visited, who told them that they had previously kept Megatron's body and source of fire? What other countries want to know most is whether the Americans have hidden some technology and weapons to deal with the Cybertronians.

And this kind of honorable visit seems to be nothing, but - see the truth in the details, and sometimes, you can still see a lot of problems.

Therefore, in order to prevent unnecessary leaks, everyone has now set up a reception room at the headquarters.

"It seems that you have a good life!!" Assistant John looked at the reception room and joked: "You know, the President has been questioned by Congress several times!!"

"That's his business!!" Vincent said indifferently: "Our soldiers are fighting for the United States, not for the president... We must distinguish between priorities!!"

"Okay!!" Assistant John didn't want to discuss too much about this issue. Who said that the current president is very unpopular?

"I'm here on behalf of the Military Research Institute this time!!" John said, taking out a document from his handbag and putting it on the coffee table. "The personnel of the Military Research Institute said that at present, it is difficult for them to make technological breakthroughs on the corpses of the Cybertronians. They need more and more important parts, not the whole piece, such as more weapons. important components in the aspect, as well as their weapon energy supply components and so on..."

"I know..." Hearing this question, Vincent rubbed his temples with a headache. "But do you know how hard it is to argue with those guys?? If you want to get one thing you want, then you have to pay two other prices...especially if some of the Cybertronian weapon components are hidden It is extremely tricky, if you don't disassemble it on the spot, you can't recognize it at all, we have paid too much unnecessary price for this..."

"So, here I am!!" At this time, Alice Lucas said: "As an excellent weapon evaluator, I believe in my vision..."

"Huh??" Vincent glanced at Alice, in his opinion... this chick is just a decoration, or it is estimated that a second-generation official came here to brush her qualifications, there is no way, this chick looks too young ... "Do you know what you're talking about? Miss Lucas!!"

"Of course I know, and—I will prove to you with facts how accurate my vision is!!" Alice Lucas said rudely.

Vincent looked at John who was sitting beside him.

"Don't look at me, this is the idea of ​​the guys at the Weapons Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense..." John shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: "I'm just a foil!!"

"Okay... I hope so!!" Since it was an order from above, Vincent could only accept it.

Chapter 1544

Chapter 1544

The helpless Vincent was worried again after leaving Alice behind.

In the entire base, except for the female soldiers' quarters next to Zhou Ye's barracks, there really were no female soldiers' quarters anywhere else.

In desperation, he could only find Zhou Ye, and discussed that he wanted to put Alice in the female soldier's dormitory next to Zhou Ye. After all—those dormitories were originally for Zhou Ye's liaison officers and officers...

And everyone knew that there was never a single person there because—those female liaison officers lived in Zhou Ye's room at night.

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