By the way, in the military camp, the nickname comparable to the magician of Zhou Ye is Thirteen Lang.

The so-called Thirteen Lang - is to satisfy thirteen women in one night.

It is said that this nickname came from the Chinese army... Zhou Ye just smiled and didn't respond.

Just kidding - if my brother is ruthless, let you see what is called Wanlang.

In the end, Zhou Ye agreed to Vincent's request... and met Alice.

The first time he saw Alice, Zhou Ye recognized Alice's identity...a hermit warrior of the Decepticons.

However, Zhou Ye didn't say anything, because—he planned to play games with this beautiful hermit warrior.

Time flies-

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed...

After another full-fledged battle, Vincent was delighted to find that this weapon tester named Alice was indeed very capable. At least she really recognized the weapon energy supply components hidden in a pile of scrap iron, which was very well hidden. The weapon energy supply component of , let him only pay a small part of the price to get this important component, which made Vincent feel a lot happier.

"Okay, that's it for today!!" Zhou Ye, who helped to open the door, waved his hand, and then brought his women, intending to be the first.

After all, he doesn't stay here, and only comes here when there is an action - under normal circumstances, a mission once a month is a lot, and sometimes there may not be a mission every two months.

"Babies, where are you going today??" Zhou Ye turned his head to look at his girlfriends with different hair colors and different expressions behind him and asked, "Would you like to go shopping at the Champs-Elysees, or go to the hot springs in Hokkaido? Or Go to Huaguo to taste delicious food??”

"It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon now!!" Lu Zimo looked at her lady's watch and said, "Let's go to the Champs-Élysées, which happens to be around four in the afternoon in Hokkaido, let's go to the hot springs... After the hot spring, you can also enjoy a neon meal in time!!”



Obviously, Lu Zirong's words won the support of the women, and they also want to take a good bath in a hot spring, then eat something, and then have a fight with their own men...

Regarding the topic of this group of women, whether it is the surrounding civilian staff or the soldiers, they are already envious and don't want to be envious anymore.

Just ask you, how convenient is it to have a mage who can open portals as a boyfriend? ?

If nothing else, at least - traveling to various countries does not need to wait for the troublesome visa and customs clearance time.

Just when Zhou Ye was about to open the portal, a crisp voice came from behind him... "Can you add me??"

Seeing the owner of this voice, a group of soldiers suddenly wailed.

"Goddess, you can't just be so depraved..."

"Yes, Master Mage, please leave us some thoughts..."

"Woooooo... Goddess, Master Mage is not suitable for you..."

The wailing of the gang of soldiers did not shake Alice's determination. She walked in front of Zhou Ye without caring, and stared at Zhou Ye's eyes with wild eyes... "What? Are you afraid of me??"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a golden portal opened in front of the girls. He shouted directly at his own women, "Let's go, babies!"


The girls, led by Mikala, walked into the portal one by one. When they entered the portal, they all had to look at Alice with strange eyes, and then let out a meaningful chuckle...

This posture made Alice stunned there...

Until all the women walked into the portal, Alice was still stunned, at a loss.

"What? Miss Lucas? Don't you dare to go??" Zhou Ye smiled.

"I have nothing to dare to go!!" Ellie walked into the portal without hesitation.

Zhou Ye smiled and waved to the wailing soldiers before disappearing into the portal in a flash.

"Woooooo... It seems that our goddess is doomed this time!!"

"Accept your fate..."

"Ahhh...I asked for a vacation, I'm going to Hawaii for vacation..."

"I also want to go on a date with the passionate bikini girls there, but - we're still a month away from our vacation... so!"

"Ah ah ah …………"

the other side--

Hokkaido——Noboribetsu City——

In a deserted alley, a dozen beautiful girls in military uniforms emerged. Their uniforms were uniform, but the military emblems on the uniforms were not uniform. Some were from France, some from England, etc...

It was none other than Zhou Ye's girlfriend group -- after the girls walked out of the deserted alley, a handsome boy walked out from behind them. As soon as he came out, he was surrounded by the girls with a hula...

Although it was said that the girls were wearing military uniforms, Zhou Ye, who was surrounded by the stars and the moon, was wearing normal clothes. This was his special treatment... As for why the girls wore military uniforms? That's because Zhou Ye feels that military uniforms are also a kind of uniform...

"Honey, let's go to that one last time!!" Mikala excitedly suggested: "I think the sake of that one is good!!"

"I think that sashimi is also good!!" Maggie added

and Road.

"I just want to soak in the hot spring now!!" Yevgenia shook her pale blonde hair and said, "I feel like I have returned to my hometown when I get here!! Hot springs in winter are really great!! "

Ekaterina complained: "Everything is good here, except the sake has no taste at all!!"

This pair of twin liaison officers from Russia is really resentful about Neon's sake...

"Okay, let's go!!" Zhou Ye said and led the girls to a bus stop, where there would be a free bus to Noboribetsu Hot Springs every five minutes. It's been almost half a day in the car, and the girls want to walk even more...

As for - the snowy weather here?

With the women's transformed physiques, this coldness is nothing at all... They even find it fun.

On the front feet, they were still in the military base near the equator with a temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius, and on the back feet they came to Hokkaido, where the snow was falling in the minus ten degrees in the sky - this situation is still very interesting for them...

Of course, Alice, who was following behind everyone, didn't care about the weather. For her, it didn't matter.

It's just that the thin clothes of the girls attracted the people of Hokkaido, who were known to be not afraid of the cold, to watch for a while.

Zhou Ye and the others didn't care, anyway, they were almost used to it. Even if the police checked their identities, they were not afraid. There were five hooligans who endorsed them. After blowing up half of the sewer palace that people are proud of, didn't the Neon government still bite its teeth and swallow it? So - man, Meng Danai...

Chapter 1545

Chapter 1545

"Welcome - ah, guest, it's you!!" The proprietress of a hot spring hotel in a kimono was surprised when she saw Zhou Ye.

He is extremely handsome, and his actions are generous. This is enough to make many women excited, but it is a pity that Zhou Ye has no interest in the female general of this hot spring hotel.

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