Especially the devil combination of Chaoshan dialect mixed with Wenzhou dialect and Hakka dialect, even pure Wenzhou people or Chaoshan people, may not be able to fully translate. Not to mention a mere sound wave...

Even Sonic would involuntarily classify this kind of information as useless information and remove it from its own data analysis database.

After hanging up the phone, Zixuan got into her man's arms again and fell into a deep sleep.

Just kidding, there are nearly 400,000 kilometers from the moon to the earth, and those Decepticons have to fly for a while - what's the hurry.

At this time - in the joint base of the nest, a large independent radio telescope is aiming at space, and through the observatories densely scattered around the world, using the secret language of wind whisperers from various countries to monitor the dynamics of those meteorites.

In the joint headquarters of the nest, the commanders of the five countries were not as leisurely as Zhou Ye. They sat in their seats with sinking faces, waiting for the latest report to come out.

To be honest - they are now full of a sense of crisis in their hearts.

Most of the Decepticons they killed in the past were only one or two, and no more than five at most.

However, this time—more than 100 people came at one time, which also put a lot of pressure on their psychology. How will this battle be fought? How to fight to minimize the damage? This is what they have to consider.

At this time, a Chinese officer came over and reported, "Your Excellency Zhou Ye said, let them fall on the earth and then talk about it!!"

Hearing the officer's words, the five commanders couldn't help but smile wryly... Your Excellency the Archmage is also quite casual. It seems that he doesn't care which country the meteorite will land on.

But as the commanders of the other five countries, they dare not gamble...

Almost at the same time, all the observatory information was reported to their desks - a space expert was popularizing the commanders.

"Now - these meteorites are coming towards us at a second cosmic velocity, for now - in eight hours, they will enter Earth's atmosphere - no, maybe sooner because - by our estimation, As they approach the Earth, they are affected by the Earth's gravity and accelerate to 50,000 km/h!"

"I don't want to hear this bad news!!" Commander France patted the table and asked, "I just want to know where they landed..."

"Sorry, Your Excellency Commander, I can't answer you this question!" The space physics expert sighed and said, "Because—they are living creatures, not real meteorites... Therefore, we can't calculate their whereabouts! !"

"damn it--!!"

Hearing the words of the space physics experts, almost all the commanders are scolding the mother... This kind of thing, I know you will come, but I don't know where you will come, it's too embarrassing...

Minutes and seconds have passed, and almost all the fleets of the five countries have gone to sea and are on standby at will...

Five hours later—

The latest information was once again gathered into the hands of the commanders——

"It's impossible - why are they slowing down??" The space physics expert looked at the collected information in his hands with a look of surprise.

"What happened?" asked the Huaguo commander who had been smoking for a long time.

"Those meteorite groups not only did not accelerate under the action of the earth's gravity, but slowed down their speed..." The space physics expert said while listing various physical formulas and speed formulas on the blackboard...

And the commanders weren't in a hurry, just watched him keep calculating...

Finally - he stopped his pen and said: "Yes, those guys slowed down... and maintained a speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour, heading towards the earth..."

"So is it possible to calculate their whereabouts now??" asked the English commander.

"Well..." The expert nodded, then walked to the world map next to him, pointed to a point, and said, "This is it..."

"This is—Neon Hokkaido??"

"Damn, Your Excellency Zhou Ye should be there by now... The target of these extraterrestrial bastards is Your Excellency Zhou Ye."

"Quick, contact our Master Mage immediately and let him get out of there quickly..."

The commanders suddenly became anxious - Zhou Ye is now their baby...

The safety of the neon is none of their business, they only care about their archmage.

With the existence of Zhou Ye in the nest base - the world opened the portal at will, and really achieved a quick response - if something happened in the Eastern Hemisphere, they only needed ten minutes to reach the accident site here. Ten minutes is still the time for the troops to gather... Just ask if you are afraid.

It can be said that with Zhou Ye's existence, how much trouble did they save...

The ideas of the politicians are the ideas of the politicians, anyway, they will never allow the baby of their own base to have problems.

It's just that the officer who was in charge of contacting Zhou Ye soon came back, and he said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Zhou Ye refused our request, but he said that after an hour, the anti-aircraft missiles will be assembled. Troops, he'll give this group of Decepticons some interesting starters..."

Hearing the officer's words, the commanders looked at each other and spread their hands helplessly. "Okay, just prepare according to the words of Your Excellency the Mage..."

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548

It wasn't that those commanders didn't want to force Zhou Ye back, but they couldn't do anything about Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye has a very high degree of freedom in this base.

They can't do without Zhou Ye, not Zhou Ye can't do without them... Therefore, they can't do anything about Zhou Ye's rejection.

However, if you think about it in another direction, the commanders also have a feeling of enlightenment.

Obviously—these Decepticons knew about Zhou Ye's existence, so they probably went for Zhou Ye this time. And Zhou Ye has certain advantages in Hokkaido - that is, the fire of war will not burn to his own country.

Moreover, with hundreds of Decepticons at a time, they can't guarantee that the local residents will have no losses at all, so——it really is the best choice to start a war on other people's land...

Thinking of this, the commanders looked at each other and tacitly chose to follow Zhou Ye's arrangement.

The entire nest base suddenly became busy - they began to quickly gather their anti-aircraft missile units, and lined up neatly on the huge playground waiting for Zhou Ye's portal to open...

Hokkaido - Noboribetsu Onsen Town.

After a good night, whether it was Zhou Ye or the girls, their faces were full of energy... After enjoying a traditional Japanese breakfast at the Sakura Restaurant, everyone reluctantly said goodbye at the proprietress. Go out of the Sakura Mansion.

"Okay, darlings, it's time for us to start today's work!!" Zhou Ye hugged Alice and Carly one by one, and said, "Today is a big cast, be careful and pay attention to your own safety... …”

"OK, dear……"

"No problem, those chops are not enough to see..."

Alice looked at the way the girls were united, and to be honest, there was a strange feeling in her heart...

You know, she used to be a member of the Decepticons, but now - looking at the appearance of the girls, she didn't take the Decepticons in her eyes at all.

Zhou Ye took the girls, and simply opened the portal and took the girls to the highway not far from Noboribetsu City—opening the portal to the lair army.

An anti-aircraft missile vehicle drove along the portal to the highway...

And Transformers also came here under the leadership of Optimus Prime - against the backdrop of hundreds of missile vehicles, several civilian vehicles were particularly eye-catching.

The lair troop that had followed the military vehicles into this place had already headed to both ends of the road to intercept passing vehicles. Fortunately, there was not a lot of traffic on the highway in the morning.

Of course - as the suzerain country of Neon, the interception mission is handed over to the United States...

At the same time - the Seventh Fleet stationed at the Neon Yokosuka Base has also reached Uchiura Bay in Hokkaido, Russia's Northern Fleet has also reached the Nemuro Strait, and China's North Sea Fleet has also reached the Pacific Ocean outside Hokkaido. .

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