For a time - the gathering of the Three Kingdoms fleet made the Neon government panic all day long.

What are you doing? ? Do you want to unite to destroy the neon again? ?

However, at the same time, the three countries secretly sent a note to their Japanese consuls, announcing this time as a top-secret military exercise among the three countries—a purpose to strengthen military cooperation between major powers and prepare for future threats from space.

In this regard, the neon consuls just want to say - I believe in your evil.

But - what if you don't believe it? ? Three countries, any one country is enough to hang them, and now the three countries are united, they have to listen to it, and they have to listen to it...

For a time - the whole neon political circle was mourning, and a pessimistic mood of the death of my great neon empire was spreading.

Neon time - nine in the morning -

The neon people in Hokkaido witnessed a feast of extinction——

I saw—hundreds of burning fireballs fell from the sky, and they were about to smash the entire Hokkaido into the sea level.

Just as these fireballs were about to fall, thousands of anti-aircraft missiles spewed out from the fleet on the sea or from the road-based missile vehicles—there was an apocalyptic beauty for a while.

To be honest, don’t look at so many air defense missiles, the real role is too limited. After all, the speed of these meteorites is too fast, basically everyone is blindfolded to beat flies...

Someone said - if this is the case, why launch anti-aircraft missiles? ?

The three countries are taking the opportunity to test their own air defense systems, plus clearing missile inventories.

After this wave is over, there is still an excuse to pay too much and ask for more spoils, why not do it? ?

For a time, the air defense network formed in mid-air was really flaming, and the smoke was lingering...

Less than half of the thousands of air defense missiles were eventually shot down...

After sending out this wave of air defense missiles, the fleets of various countries will scribble their own pieces... Why? ? Of course, it was the Transformers that fell into the sea after being salvaged in mid-air. It was all alien technology...

At this time—those of the Decepticons who successfully landed in Hokkaido were also unlucky, and one by one they were pressed and rubbed on the ground.

Starscream didn't see things well, he slipped away long ago, and he didn't even land on the ground...

The rest of the unlucky ghosts, one by one, were captured tragically like turtles in the urns of the nest troops.

These small Decepticon King Kong, for the lair troops, is simply a free bonus... Is a man more than five meters tall? A gigantic rope net blaster will make you a hapless prey.

This special mesh lock made of graphene is enough to withstand hundreds of tons of pulling force. Do these Decepticons have a pulling force of hundreds of tons? ? Apparently they didn't - if they had they wouldn't be trash.

Unprepared, Transformers can indeed cause a lot of damage.

But - when there are precautions, then it is not a problem. Is it really when the armaments of all countries on earth are made of mud? ?

For the lair troops, this time is a big harvest...

Soon these fallen Decepticons were cleaned up.

The car people standing on the side have an indescribable strange feeling, it seems that in just one year, they have changed from pig's feet to supporting roles... This feeling makes people a little... unhappy...

"Boss, I think it's a mistake that we handed the Decepticon's body to these Earthlings!!" Ironhide said in a muffled voice, "Because of the Decepticon's body, the technology of these Earthlings has already developed by leaps and bounds... I feel like this collaboration was a mistake."

"No, Ironhide!!" Optimus Prime said dully: "This is what we owe the Earthlings... In our war with the Decepticons, the Earthlings are the most innocent victims... So, that is necessary. Compensation...and, those corpses are useless to us, aren't they?"

"You will regret today's decision sooner or later, boss!!" After Tiepi said in a sullen voice, he turned around and left.

Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549

What do the dozens of living Decepticon Transformers represent? ? It represents another technological breakthrough and represents the imminent birth of new technology.

This time, almost all the leaders of the participating countries came to the lair base in secret - one was to condolences to the lair troops who won this great victory, and the other was to share the spoils...

The top leaders of these countries have brought various condolences to the troops of their respective countries, and even brought song and dance troupes, of course - these performance teams only know that they are about to arrive at a secret base , Everyone has no idea where this secret base is. Before boarding the plane, all electronic equipment was confiscated.

After arriving at the base, they didn't even have time to take a look at the base, and were taken out of the airport by several tightly sealed buses and went straight to the performance hall.

And this group of top leaders, with their staff team, listened to the whole process of the operation in a conference hall of the highest joint headquarters of the lair. And Zhou Ye, once again as a non-voting representative, participated in this meeting.

It's funny to say...

In this meeting, all the leaders led a staff team of men and women, but only Zhou Ye, with a dozen beauties sitting on the side, euphemistically - I just look, I not talking.

During this battle, the five countries

The commander spoke at the same time... The heads of state of their countries introduced the entire process of this battle, from discovery to layout, in this process - perhaps the most indispensable part is Zhou Ye...

Without Zhou Ye's portal - these troops could not have arrived at the predetermined location in advance to ambush, without Zhou Ye's existence - even if they shot down the falling Decepticons, they would still escape a lot in the end, because it is very difficult for ground troops Get to the place quickly.

It can be said that - in the entire lair army, anyone can be lacking, even without the help of the Autobots, but - Zhou Ye's existence cannot be avoided.

With Zhou Ye's portal, this lair troop is a super mobile troop that can reach the battlefield in an instant and go into battle.

In this regard, the heads of state of various countries thanked Zhou Ye for a while... For this, Zhou Ye just waved his hand——[I also want to thank the liaison officer you sent me]

When these words were spoken, the heads of state were embarrassed for a while...a slap in the face—it's really a slap in the face.

However, the most important thing for politicians is to be thick-skinned... Put your cheeks in your pocket, and after a while—everyone starts chatting and laughing like no one else.

Next, it's time to enter the most critical moment - dividing the spoils.

The United States said [We have contributed a lot in this battle, and we demand the largest share! 】

Hua Guo said [We also contributed a lot in this battle, and we also asked for more shares! 】

Oxus said [Our most elite Northern Fleet has been dispatched - you don't give more points - are you embarrassed? 】

France […]

England […]

Ma Dan's - Neon is close to you, so you're just cheating on your teammates? ?

France and England unite to protest the spread of this injustice….

And what about Zhou Ye?

This guy simply sat next to the venue, watching the heads of state of several countries there, bargaining like an aunt in a vegetable market buying vegetables. To be honest, it still feels very interesting... And the girls are sitting on the side, talking and laughing, watching the play with their men...

After these countries finally reached an agreement, Zhou Ye said slowly, "Have you forgotten the Decepticon base on Mars??"

After hearing Zhou Ye's words, everyone fell silent...

"Don't you think that this is the full strength of these devious Transformers, right?" Zhou Ye asked again: "It's just that some of the scum in the Transformers are like scum, so you snatch it up like this... What are you going to do when the Decepticons come out next time?"

"I don't know if Mr. Zhou has any good suggestions??" The old man of Huaguo asked with a smile.

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