"Actually—I think this world is really too small!!" Zhou Ye did not directly answer the words of the old man of Huaguo, but said unhurriedly: "It is so small that in order to compete for some industrial resources, countries are constantly fighting each other. The outbreak of war...the constant internal friction...do you think it's good to do this??"

"..." xn

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the leaders of various countries fell silent. Of course, they were asking for their own death. However, on the road of exploring the universe, countries have reached a bottleneck that cannot be broken through with current technology. , so they had to drink poison to quench their thirst, and kept using various means to plunder various energy and materials.

Although they knew that if this continued, they could only end up being trapped in the small land of the earth, but there was nothing they could do.

The breakthrough of science and technology does not happen overnight, it needs to rely on a lot of experiments to gain accumulated experience...

And now, what is lacking the most is time - the world is warming, the sea level is rising... In this way, the end of the world will definitely no longer be an illusory term, but will become a label of an era.

Seeing the silence of the leaders of various countries, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned to look at the Prime Minister of England and asked, "England's latest energy plan secretly researched based on the source of fire on the Decepticons is about to make a breakthrough, right? ?"

"Cough cough...that...still under study, still under study..." The Prime Minister of England kept wiping the sweat from his forehead and said embarrassedly.

"Isn't the research on the ion cannon in the United States almost the same??" Zhou Ye looked at the President of the United States again... and asked.

"That...cough..." The President of the United States almost choked to death on his own saliva.

"Russia's material research has also made a breakthrough, right??" Zhou Ye asked, looking at the Russian president.

"Well, now there are only some small data problems left!!" For this, the leader of Russia generously admitted.

Zhou Ye looked at the old Chinese man again...

Seeing Zhou Ye's gaze, the Chinese old man said in a very naive manner: "Our research on large-scale military manned mechas has entered the stage of a verification machine..."

"Since everyone is studying this, why not just unite??" Zhou Ye asked back with a smile, "You know—if you join forces, there will still be a lot of achievements..."

"We don't care about the union... But, in the end, we are all afraid of making wedding dresses for others!" The Chinese old man said after deliberation.

"Isn't this joint headquarters a good precedent!!" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically, "If everyone wants to take the lead in entering the universe in the future, then I suggest you join forces... By the way, give Just a reminder, in the future—there will be large spaceships descending on Earth, and they will also belong to the Cybertronians!”

"What??" x5

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, everyone was shocked, and then their faces leaked with joy...

What do you need to travel across the vast universe? ? It is the hint of materials science, the improvement of power science is the improvement of the entire technology system, and what can an alien technology spacecraft bring to the earth? ?

A bigger technological leap...

Chapter 1550

Chapter 1550

"Mr. Zhou, is what you said true??" The President of the United States has stood up excitedly.

The technology of the Cybertronians, after two years of analysis, they have almost had enough knowledge about this technology.

Let's just say, they wouldn't be so happy if there was suddenly a spacecraft with biotech reaching a galaxy-spanning alien race.

But Cybertron's spaceship is worth looking forward to.

After all—Cybertron technology has a lot in common with Earth technology, which makes them take a lot less detours when they study Cybertron technology.

In the most vivid way of expressing it, if technology is divided into ten levels, and the earth is between the second and third levels, then the technology level of Cybertron will not exceed five...

It is precisely because of this extremely small technological generation difference that the technology of the Cybertronians has more research value for Earth. If you throw a creation of a tenth-level scientific and technological civilization to the earth now, the earth is also very difficult to understand - just like letting a caveman study computers, he simply cannot gain much knowledge from it.

But—if someone in the eighteenth century were to study modern rifles, maybe he wouldn’t be able to understand a lot of things inside, but—it’s still possible to make a poor-quality earth gun based on a gourd and a scoop.

This is the relationship between the technology generation gap.

Cough-cough - far too far.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye nodded with a smile: "I used prophecy magic to see the near future..."

If it was someone else who said something about prophecy magic in front of these people, these leaders would definitely slap each one and tell him to get out, but - the person who spoke was Zhou Ye, the only magician - a magic that can open the door of space Master, how could they not believe it?

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, everyone was excited again... The technology of the spaceship...

Looking at everyone's excited expressions, Zhou Ye said again: "I know that everyone is looking forward to the technology on alien spaceships, and I am also the same. I am waiting for your technology to improve. When your military strength reaches a certain level, I can even help you open a portal to Cybertron, that abandoned planet is useless to Cybertronians, but—for

For all of you, it's a treasure! "

"..." xn

Faced with Zhou Ye's words full of bewilderment, leaders of various countries were moved...

What's the point of fighting back and forth on this one-third of this acre of earth every day? ?

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the nearest Mars... After the scientists’ demonstration, it is already one of the candidate locations that can be transformed into a habitable planet.

Now, it's time to make a decision for the future destiny of mankind...

After the leaders of the five countries glanced at each other, they nodded...

In fact, for China and Russia, it is not difficult at all to sign such an agreement, but the difficulty lies in the other three countries.

They have an electoral system. After the term of office is over, whether they can be re-elected next time are two different things. How can they sign a complete coalition agreement?

Finally, after negotiation--, the five countries again signed a secret memorandum, and-- signed a draft resolution to jointly establish a public research laboratory in which all The five countries have the right to share the scientific and technological achievements, and the five countries are also obliged to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the laboratory.

And the location of this secret laboratory is set in the four northern islands.

Who said that it is close to the military bases of China, Russia and the United States? ?

As for Neon's wishes? Who will take care of him? ? Of course - this laboratory will not be established for a while, and some minor procedural problems are still needed.

Next is the condolence conference of each country...

Corresponding to the hot scene of the nest headquarters here, it is the appearance of Neon's heavy losses.

Several Decepticons who were destroyed by high altitudes changed their locations and fell into the most prosperous areas of Neon Osaka and Tokyo. For a time, the whole Neon was about to fall out.

However, before the action of their Self-Defense Forces, the base of the Mi Army has already dispatched hundreds of Osprey fighters to rush over, and the place where the Decepticon robot fell was put under martial law at the first time.

Soon, several large transport helicopters flew over and took the wreckage of the Decepticon directly to the Mi Army base.

In this regard - the neon government expresses a solemn protest.

The U.S. government said -- sorry, that's a military secret.

Then? ?

There's no such thing as then... What would Neon dare to say if the American father said it?

Knowing that the United States is talking nonsense, what can he do? ? Knock out your teeth and swallow...

Of course, all of this is a game of various countries, and it has nothing to do with Zhou Ye...

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