Don't you lose some people? To say a cold-blooded word - Earthlings, a hundred for a Cybertronian, the Earth earns it all...

The technology of the Cybertronians is enough to make the technology of the earth develop by leaps and bounds.

So - countries like these guests quite a lot.

Alien spaceships without energy shields? ? Ah - I like it very much.

Alien robots that can be damaged by terrestrial weapons - I love them.

Mechanical creatures that are almost in the same vein as Earth's technology - I like them very much.

A group of commanders are already eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Cybertronians...

After an hour-

Dozens of small Cybertron starships descended on the earth, they passed through the earth's atmosphere, and headed towards the countries...

Accompanied by these dozens of small spaceships, there are also hundreds of meteorites... They flew to various places on the earth, and in the universe, there are still two or three small spaceships waiting to hit.

The Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier formation cruising on the coast of the United States in the North Atlantic was sadly smashed into scrap iron by the meteorites transformed by the fallen King Kong and sank into the sea.

Several cities in France were also attacked... I have to say, these countries are really unlucky.

In the headquarters of the nest, the faces of the commanders of the United States, France and England became extremely ugly... They received the news the first time they attacked.

"Your Excellency Zhou Ye... Can we start the [closed door] battle??" The US commander said angrily, "I'm going to find out those mad sect King Kong and kick their inedias!!"

"Of course you can!!" Zhou Ye stood up with a smile and walked out...

And the commanders also stood up and walked towards the outside field...

At this time—in the middle of the wide field outside, there are already seven or eight modified heavy tanks on standby. Their original forts are gone, replaced by huge guns like spear gun launchers. On top of those barbed guns, there are small propulsion devices - in order to catch the sound waves lying on the spy satellite in the vacuum state.

Zhou Ye walked to the side of those vehicles and greeted them casually...

The drivers of those vehicles got into their tanks one by one and started the tanks...

When these guys were ready - Zhou Ye opened a portal with a diameter of ten meters... As soon as the portal opened, the modified harpoons on seven or eight heavy tanks launched towards the portal...

The sound wave lying on the satellite looked at the scene in front of him with a dazed expression——

A golden portal suddenly appeared next to the spy satellite—and then—a dozen hooks were ejected from it, before he could react...

These bizarre, shackles with small jets behind him tied him, including the spy satellites under him, into a sturdy one.

A huge force struck - he was dragged into the golden portal.

Chapter 1555

Chapter 1555

With Sonic's figure and the satellite appearing in the base, several Autobot members rushed over... suppressing the confused Sonic.

Several heavy-duty vehicles drove over, using specially made large-scale hydraulic clamping equipment, and slammed the sound wave to the ground...

And Zhou Ye also completed his task, turned around and left...

And at this time-

After smashing the aircraft carrier, the Fallen King Kong has also flown to the largest city nearby, and then on the highest TV relay tower, he removed the antenna and cloned a teletubbie...

[Humans on Earth, your leaders cover up the truth, you are not the only ruler of the universe. We are with you - hidden, but not anymore. As you will see, we can destroy your city at will... and you have nothing to do with us unless you hand over this girl...]

And then—it's Alice's camouflage profile scrolling back and forth across the screen...

After a while—

All the TV shows switched to the Fallen King again.

[Dare to resist, we will destroy the world...]

However, he is not finished yet...

People all over the world gathered around the TV and saw a very funny scene...

I saw——a dozen tactical missiles dragged their long tails and smashed directly on the face of the Fallen King——

At this moment - the whole world fell silent, and then - everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter...

Nima - pretending to be stupid, right? ?

Also [your team we have nothing to do]? ?

And at this time—the fallen King Kong who was called out by more than a dozen missiles was also stunned... What's the situation? This script plays out differently...

In the distance, more than a dozen f22 fighter jets have appeared in the distance of the Fallen King...

They were ordered to come to contain this guy, just shoot it down... After all, the Fallen King Kong is not one of those miscellaneous fish King Kong, it is enough to contain him first.

"The ants... you annoy me!!" The face armor on the face of the fallen King Kong has been shattered, including his body, which has also been blown off countless fragments...

It looks really miserable, but - to him, it's nothing at all, he is the few Transformers standing on the top of Cybertron


With a roar, the Fallen King jumped up and transformed into a Cybertron-style spaceship, chasing after the dozen or so f22 fighter jets...

And those fighters have already received the order, and immediately, scattered and escaped...

"You sly little bugs..." Fallen King angrily stared at one and chased after him...

The other timing rack flew back again, chasing behind the Fallen King Kong, and launched missiles beyond the visual range...

Fallen King Kong was entangled by dozens of f22s...

Fallen King Kong was so angry... These ants, all of them didn't know what the glory of a warrior was, they ran away after a single hit, never giving him a chance to melee...

No, it can't be said that he is not given a chance to melee combat, but—that he is not given a chance to approach at all...

When the Fallen King stared at one chasing, dozens of others came from behind and attacked him - if he dropped that target and chased after the dozens, they would disperse again and run away...

For a time - The Fallen King Kong has nowhere to vent his anger at the dozens of f22s...

In the end, he hit hard - simply stared at a chasing.

This chase, from San Francisco - to Texas...

In the end - the Fallen King caught up with the unfortunate f22... After all, when he was flying in the atmosphere, he was not as laborious as in space... In fact, his top speed was less than Mach 3...

It is much faster than the f22's maximum speed of Mach 2.25, but it is not to the point of crushing.

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