The Fallen King, who caught up with the f22 fighter, deformed, jumped to the top of the f22, and then pulled the pilot of the f22 fighter out, shattering it with confidence. "Damn ants, go to hell..."

After doing all this, the Fallen King kicked the f22 fighter forcefully and flew again...

This time, he doesn't fight those f22s anymore...

Just kidding, even after the Fallen King Kong hit a dozen missiles, it's still a little uncomfortable, okay?

In a word - he was a little cowardly.

He really didn't expect that the Earthlings would be so tenacious... The will to resist was so firm, which made all his thoughts come to nothing.

The unfortunate F22 fighter jet, after being thrown to the ground by the Fallen King, unfortunately hit a small residential house and killed a second-hand inventor named Cade Eagle. This is really a tragedy... The male protagonist who changed four died just by accident.

Ahem--don't talk about that, let's talk about the other Decepticon King Kongers who landed on Earth.

Their tragic discovery - Earth is not a place where they can run wild.

The Transformers that landed in other small countries were better, they didn't receive too strong resistance, but - they also lost a lot.

The Decepticons who fell in the territory of the five hooligans were tragic.

They found that in an instant, the roles between hunter and prey were completely switched.

The Decepticons who landed in China found themselves caught in the ocean of face-to-face warfare.

The leaders of China simply acquiesced to the accusations of the Decepticon King Kong, and published the way to identify the Decepticon King Kong - their conspicuous Decepticon logo, once found this logo, all Chinese citizens can call the report hotline - xxxxxx

After verification, the whistleblower will receive a generous cash reward.

Of course - the Chinese government does not encourage its own citizens to arrest those devious kings...

But—how to say it? In the end, it is the people of China who are creative—

After some of them discovered it, they chose to report it, while others simply grabbed a Decepticon King Kong.

The Decepticon turned into a muck truck, and he was discovered by the guy who was working on the excavator at the construction site...

This guy is also a tiger. He directly operates the bucket of the excavator, aiming at the hood of this guy...Unfortunately, whether it's the Decepticon King Kong or the Autobot King Kong, their source of fire is in the engine. hidden...

This time - this hapless Desperate King Kong was smashed by the excavator boy, and the boy also won a lot of money for catching a Desperado King Kong alive.

By the way, this guy graduated from Huaguo Shandong Lanx Technical College...

Not only this unlucky bastard, but the other Despicable King Kong who fell in the bustling city are not so good...

They found that not long after they landed on the ground, countless soldiers flocked to them - these guys were holding weapons specially aimed at them, high-voltage overload grid transmitters, it was really a catch...

Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556

Starscream was being chased by more than a dozen fighter jets at this time...

He found that his methods had no effect on the weapons of these earthlings, such as electromagnetic interference bombs and the like, which were useless to them...

Now, Starscream has a firm view of the seven billion humans on the entire planet.

The entire Cybertron star, when it was most prosperous, did not have more than one million Transformers...

And after the civil war, there are only three or two kittens left... Seven billion ants are enough to gnaw an elephant to death, and obviously, their Cybertronians are far less than ants and giants to Earth people. The huge gap between the elephants...they are -- too arrogant.

Now, Starscream found that he could not escape... just as he was about to turn around and fly into space. A circular portal suddenly opened in front of him, and he slammed into it without being able to avoid it... However, not far from the other side of the portal — there was a solid lead wall more than 30 meters thick.

It can't be pulled up, Starscream can only deform, and then hit the lead wall...


With a loud bang - Starscream was mounted on the lead wall... for a moment, parts of him flew all over the place.

When the dizzy Starscream didn't understand what was going on - he found that his limbs had been firmly held down, and he could no longer move.

It was not until this time that Starscream discovered that not only himself, but many Decepticon members who transformed into planes were in this huge square, being suppressed to death.

And——it seems that there is still his own boss, the existence of Megatron...

"You damned human beings, you will be wiped out by my teacher, the Fallen King, sooner or later!!" Even though he was pressed to the ground and unable to move, Megatron still kept cursing. .

"Hi, my great's a pleasure to meet you!!" Starscream still had room to greet his boss.

"Shut up, idiot!!" Megatron was furious when he saw Starscream.

"Don't worry, leader... The Fallen King Kong can definitely save us..." Starscream didn't care about his leader's posture at all, he firmly believed that he would be saved.

He thinks really well, because - Fallen Gold

Gang has indeed come to the periphery of the lair army by virtue of the perception of the Decepticons members.

Just facing this heavily guarded joint base, the Fallen King Kong is also somewhat incapable of starting... So, as expected, some cannon fodder is still needed.

Thinking of this, the Fallen King Kong directly ordered several small spaceships that were staying on the outer orbit of the earth to drop the Decepticon King Kong at the nest base.

Why don't you just come down with a spaceship? ?

Because—the countless anti-aircraft weapons in the nest base made the Fallen King’s mind a little hairy, the ghost knows whether those small transport ships can withstand the invasion of these anti-aircraft weapons, so—it’s better to let them jump down, this way You can use the power acceleration of jumping to escape the capture of some anti-aircraft weapons.

Following the orders of the Decepticon Kong—

Dozens of fireballs hit the nest base from Earth's orbit.

For a moment - the air defense alarm sounded in the nest base.

The screeching siren kept all the soldiers busy, launching missiles for high-altitude interceptor missiles, and organizing low-altitude anti-aircraft fire nets.

All of a sudden—everyone got busy.

"Your Excellency Zhou Ye, please take refuge in the air defense fortifications!" A staff officer in a senior colonel's uniform walked over to Zhou Ye and said respectfully.

For them, anyone can sacrifice, only Zhou Ye can't sacrifice, because - he is the soul of the entire lair army.

"No need..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, looked up at the Decepticon Transformers who were smashing towards the base of the lair, snapped his fingers, and snapped his fingers...

In an instant, dozens of golden portals were opened out of thin air on the tracks that the Decepticon meteorites must pass through...

Smashing it down is a means. Although the Decepticon King Kong has the ability to aim in advance, they really don't have the ability to change course halfway.

Just like this, the Decepticon King Kong was swallowed up by the portal...

And the Fallen King Kong, who noticed this scene in the distance, almost didn't fall out of his eye socket... "Could it be that the earthlings have mastered space technology?? That's really scary!!"

However, Fallen King Kong, who was expressing emotion, did not notice that a golden portal just appeared above his head...

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