As the portal was opened, the meteorite fireballs that had been transformed from the Decepticon King Kong flew out of the portal - smashing straight towards the Fallen King Kong.



The Fallen King Kong was directly sunk by his own Decepticon King Kong meteorite—a cannonball with a speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour. Learn about it...

When the Fallen King sank to the bottom of the sea, the portal that opened out of thin air just disappeared...

Whether it's Starscream -- or Megatron --

In an instant, they felt the signal of the Fallen King Kong disappearing——

Megatron was dumbfounded for a moment: "No... how is this possible?? Teacher - why did the teacher die like this?"

"My God... The Fallen King Kong is also...!" After a brief period of horror, Starscream's desire to survive made Starscream raise the little white flag for the first time. "I am willing to cooperate, I can provide you - everything you want to know!!"

"Damn traitor, shut up!" Megatron roared.

"Hey, don't yell at me, from today, you are no longer my leader..." Starscream said loudly: "Help, human, tell your supreme leader, I am willing to rely on you, can Can't give a little favor..."

"...I will convey your meaning to the upper side!!" The non-commissioned officer in charge of guarding them said with a strange expression.

Maybe he has never seen such an unscrupulous Decepticon... It's really hard for him.

And on the other side-

Standing on the edge of the playground, looking at his enemy, Optimus Prime, who was so easily defeated by the earthlings, also looked strange.

Is this the end? ?

Didn't even help yourself? Is it so easy to end? ?

So what is the centuries-long war between yourself and Megatron? ? Do children play at home? ?

As more and more Decepticons were captured by various countries... Megatron felt that the day of the demise of his family was not far away.

If he had to do it all over again, he would definitely dissuade his teacher from falling into King Kong and let him make such a hasty decision - but now it's too late.

Adding fuel to the tactics, plus underestimating the enemy - made them Kuangpai King Kong pay an unbearable price...

He looked at Optimus Prime who was standing not far away, and said slightly mockingly: "Optimus Prime, this is the result you want to see?? Our last warriors are also consumed by these humans here. , and then become the guinea pig in their lab??"

"You brought it on yourself, Megatron!!" Optimus Prime said without hesitation: "When you invade other planets with the idea of ​​enslaving others, don't blame others for resisting you, Destruction is self-inflicted!! Megatron!"

Chapter 1557

Chapter 1557

This time, the Decepticons' desperate attempt to invade the Earth ended in complete failure.

Not only them, but even the few spaceships on standby in space did not escape.

Zhou Ye opened the portal and sent nearly 10,000 soldiers from various countries wearing mechanical exoskeletons directly to the spacecraft.

With a mechanical exoskeleton with a life-support system, a crazy raid was carried out on the spacecraft in outer space-after clearing the Decepticon members in the spacecraft, the special forces team led the expert team directly to the spacecraft. The ship is in control.

After two years of non-stop research on Cybertronians...

It can be said that the secrets of the Cybertronians are almost exhausted.

Don't underestimate the power of a country, when it really breaks out the potential for war, it is far beyond what these simple-minded Cybertronians can resist.

The dozens of small transport ships captured this time were divided among the five countries.

They are nothing leftovers and are unwilling to leave it to other countries.

This is also normal... Countries are all linked by interests, and no one wants other countries to share their cake.

The entire battle was over in two days, and what was left was to clear up the Decepticon King Kong who fell on the earth and was not found.

This is a relatively long process... these little guys can't make any waves.

Not only the five big hooligans are looking for them, but even the small countries are paying attention to them.

Of course, there are also so-called organizations that don't know how to live or die and want to cooperate with these stray fish, but the result is not to ask, of course it is - dead, not only those who want to die, but also the organizations or small countries that cooperate with them.

In the absence of any restraints, the five hooligans played an unprecedentedly efficient and reached a consensus——

All organizations and countries that cooperate with the Decepticon King Kong will be jointly sanctioned by the five hooligans. They will be expelled from the earth and become veritable rebels.

At this moment, those small countries that have been living in the cracks discovered just how shameless the five hooligans who got serious.

The 7th Fleet - headed to the Persian Gulf, threatening Jordan to hand over all the Decepticon King Kong and the organizations and individuals who cooperated with the Decepticon King Kong within one hour.

Jordan refused to comply, crying at the UN General Assembly...

The five hooligans voted unanimously and decided to expel Jordan from the United Nations qualification, and at the same time launched a local war called [Sweeper].

A day later, Jordan fell across the board - managed by the United Nations.

With this baby Jordan

It seems that no small country dares to try to touch the cake of the five hooligans again.

And this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye. As the biggest contributor to this war, he won the United Nations Peace Medal, as well as the permanent honorary national qualification issued by the five hooligans.

In other words - Zhou Ye has the qualification to walk anywhere in these five countries without being checked for household registration. Although such qualifications are useless to Zhou Ye, but - speaking out, isn't it very bluffing... …

For the time being, Zhou Ye didn't have time to pay attention to those bullshit things, because—he had new things to work on.

United States - Texas - on a farm far from small town.

The only villa on the farm has been completely destroyed by an F22 fighter jet.

At the same time as the farm villa was destroyed, there was also a complete family——

Tessa Igor never thought that she was just going to school, and when she came home from school, she looked like a broken family.

The home that carried her countless memories was destroyed by an F22 fighter jet that fell from the sky, and at the same time, her only remaining relative, her father, Cade Igor.

A month has passed...

She still doesn't know how to face this sudden disaster.

She met the family of the sacrificed fighter pilot, and she also heard the ins and outs of the matter from the mouths of others.

Tessa knew that she shouldn't blame the sacrificed fighter pilot. He was trying to lead those aliens to sparsely populated places, in order to let more people survive... But she really couldn't greet them with a smile. The driver's family...

The large pension compensation from the state has kept her from falling into financial difficulties now, but - no matter how much compensation, how can she return her father's life? ?

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