The King of Order, Tyr... discovered Loken's depravity, but—he knew that he was no match for Loken who had stolen the management of the Forge of Will, so he called for the help of the Guardian Dragon, but...

This time, Alexstrasza and Ysera refused to help.

They brought their father's words, 【The progress of the world cannot be disturbed too much... Therefore, he will not take action to clean up Loken this time. 】

With these two queens of the Dragon Clan, Malygos the Spellweaver will certainly not help...

Only Nazario and Nozdormu are left...

Facing this pitiful lineup, Tire gave up completely. He took the mechanical dwarves who had not been poisoned by Loken, and Azadas and his family - the earth spirits, followed those who wanted to His descendants, along with the Vrykul who fled their hometown, migrated to the east of the continent.

However, Loken did not intend to let Tire go.

Because before leaving, Tyr stole the [Norgannon Disc] from the center of Ulduar, which is a creation that records everything that happened in this world.

Tyr stole the Norgannon Disc so that one day, the Father God Titans would come to Azeroth again, so this is Loken's crime.

How could Loken allow such an important thing to be stolen by Tyr?

He was also worried that Tyr would present the Norgannon Disc to his father god Titan... Although he didn't know why the father gods suddenly lost news, but——the fear of the creators made him never dare to think about it ...

Loken only thought that the titans had fallen into a dormant state and had no time to care about Azeroth for the time being, rather than a complete demise - this idea, he dared not even think about.

Therefore, he was still afraid of the day when the Titans would return... In order to regain the Norgannon Disc, he frantically cast two generals of Xelaki, one of the ancient evil gods, Zakaz and Kisix.

And ordered them to hunt Tyr...

Feeling the coiled aura belonging to Yogg-Saron in Loken's soul, the two generals of Xelaki gladly accepted the order.

They traveled through the starry night, and finally caught up with Tyre and his migration team in a lush woodland.

In the face of these two generals of the ancient evil gods, Tire bravely resisted, and finally—at the cost of his own life, he killed one and seriously injured the other...

The remaining Kisix didn't dare to stay here any longer, and he fled all the way to the west of the mainland.

In order to commemorate Tire who sacrificed his life, the giantess Elonaia who fled together named this woodland Tyr's Fall, and in the Vrykul language, it is "Tirisfal".

Those Vrykul people especially respected Tyre's spirit. Not only did they promise to pass down the deeds of Tyre from generation to generation, they even proposed that they would settle here and become eternal guardians until the end of their lives.

Azadas and Elonaya respected the wishes of the vrykul to stay in Tirisfal, and then continued southward with the earthen and the mechanical gnomes. Finally, they finally reached the titan-forged facility in the extreme south of Kalimdor - Uldaman.

Azadas and Elonaya expanded Uldaman, created a new inner chamber to store the Norgannon Discs, and swore to defend Azeroth's true history, even if it cost them their lives.

And at this moment——

Some of the earthen gradually began to show signs of the curse of flesh and blood, and these titan-forged feared the further deterioration of the curse. They then hoped to enter a deep sleep until one day they found a cure; and Azadas agreed to their request, promising to wake them up in the future. Therefore, in the vast underground palace of Uldaman, Azadas personally sealed all his followers.

But Loken, who is far away in Ulduar, has already fallen into the end of death.

Chapter 1615

Chapter 1615

"Lord, what do you mean??" The fallen Loki was looking at Zhou Ye who suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment.

As if he really didn't know why Zhou Ye appeared.

"Actually, when you killed your mistress, Thorim's wife—Sif, I have been corrupted by Yogg-Saron!!" Zhou Ye looked Loken up and down, smiling Said: "But... I have not shot to stop you, because - the creation of this world is not in line with my aesthetics..."

"Then... you, now..." Loki asked cautiously.

He was really afraid of this Eternal, if it wasn't because of Yogg-Saron's corruption that completely made him lose his mind... Then, he really didn't dare to do it.

Because——in this world, there is a titan living now, and her spouse is still an eternal person who knows no depth. As long as Loki has a little sense, he will not choose to die under the noses of these people .

But—obviously, Yogg-Saron's corruption has driven him completely crazy...

However, when this kind of madness faced Zhou Ye directly, the fear still made him regain a little bit of reason.

"Me now??" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "I don't intend to let you release Yogg-Saron just's not time to release him yet!!"

If it is said that the shape of the devil is still a little slick...then-the creation of the ancient gods is really not at all...

One by one, like deformed children made of flesh and blood, how did you let Zhou Ye do it? ?

If Yogg-Saron is really cast by Loki, then there will be a big problem


At that time, the guardians who are scattered in the sand will not be able to resist Yogg-Saron at all.

For the sake of his future high elves, Zhou Ye decided... to make a move.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Luo Ji pulled a forced smile on his face and said, "Don't worry about this, I will never let Luo Ji out..."

"I don't believe you..." Zhou Ye blocked all Loki's words with one sentence...

"Then what are you going to do?" Loki asked.

"I still think it's safer to do it myself..." Zhou Ye raised his hand slightly as he said.

Seeing Zhou Ye's actions, Loki couldn't help shouting: "You can't kill me, I have rewritten Ulduar's communication equipment... If I die, then the star body Agalon will come In Azeroth... and according to the content I wrote, it is judged that this world has been completely revived by the ancient gods, and there is no point in surviving. At that time, he will activate the Titan's world-destroying machine and completely purify this world with raging fire. of all the living creatures of the world!"

After saying this, Loki couldn't help laughing happily... "Come and kill me... Killing me is equivalent to killing the living things in the entire world..."

"Alas..." Looking at the crazy Loki in front of him, Zhou Ye couldn't help sighing... "What made you think that after I killed you, I couldn't kill that Astral Body Agalon?"

"Uh——!!" Hearing these words, Loki stopped laughing like a cock whose neck had been strangled.

Looking at Loki's funny face... Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you can also relax a little bit... I won't let you die for the time being... You still have a lot of uses... ..."

As the words fell, Loki felt that his eyelids were so heavy that it was almost difficult to open... Gradually, he fell into an eternal sleep.

After finishing Loki, Zhou Ye went around in Ulduar again. He first released Mimiron who was imprisoned in Ulduar.

However, he helped him get rid of the corruption from the ancient evil god Yogg-Saron.

"My God, what have I done..." Mimiron, who had been expelled from the corruption, shouted as if waking up from a dream, "Zhou, what happened..."

"It's hard to say..." Zhou Ye said: "Azadas has gone to Uldaman in the south, you should go there to find him now, he will explain to you... Now, in order not to let the ancient evil god Yugosa Long escaped completely, I decided to completely seal the entire Ulduar..."

"Oh..." Mimiron, who had just recovered his sanity, took his own creation, Mimiron's flight device, and flew out of Uldua, heading towards Uldaman in the south, with doubts in his head.

After Mimiron flew away, Zhou Ye looked at the majestic palace complex in front of him and smiled slightly... The copy of Ulduar, the sharp weapon for picking up girls in the future, took shape.

Of course—in order to prevent Yogg-Saron from escaping, Zhou Ye directly put him into an eternal sleep...

After completing all this, Zhou Ye returned to his floating city in a flash again.

At this time, a group of dragon girls in the floating city are trying their best to build various equipment for themselves.

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