The material, of course, is the body of the Titan that Zhou Ye got.

Such a large body is enough for Zhou Ye to arm his dragon army to the teeth.

The armor girl is also a cute point, okay?

The girls chattered about their favorite armor styles...

Influenced by Zhou Ye, they also like to make their armor beautiful, and they can't compete with other girls...

Therefore, Zhou Ye has been a little bit hard lately... He has become the armor image designer for all the girls.

If you have a problem, find a husband—this sentence has almost become the mantra of girls.

Whether it is the design concept of the armor, or the degree of exquisiteness, or even the enchanting mechanism, they all like to ask their men for their opinions.

For this reason, Zhou Ye is extremely busy...

Of course, he was also in pain and joy.

Because, he designed two sets of armor for the dragon ladies, one is for wearing in front of outsiders, the standard armor of the Dragon Legion, and the other is for wearing at home, personalized armor.

Hmm - what does personalized armor look like? ?

Please refer to the style of bikini, which is roughly like that.

Although it is said that the armor that the dragon girls wear when they go out is standard armor, it saves Zhou Ye a lot of effort, but—the beauty-loving dragon girls will not let Zhou Ye go so easily, they start looking for theirs Men, help them design hair accessories, corner accessories, etc...

Of course, the unscrupulous Zhou Ye won't just work without getting paid...every dragon lady who goes to ask for help from her own man will be fooled by him...

And while Zhou Ye was enjoying this incomparably happy daily life, the dark trolls also started their exploration towards the center of the mainland.

Zhou Ye, who has been paying attention to these dark trolls, knows that in the near future... perhaps a race called the Children of the Stars, the Highborne, will be born, and he also needs to prepare something for the birth of this beautiful race.

Chapter 1616

Chapter 1616

A squad of dark trolls walked cautiously in the jungle.

This exploration team is led by a dark troll named Yakir...

In their language, Yakir means hunter.

And Yakir lived up to his name. He hunted with his father since he was a child. For other ordinary dark trolls, the dangerous and unfamiliar jungle was like walking into his own. The territory is average.

He knows all the knowledge needed to survive in the jungle, but these are not enough for him to live in the dangerous primeval jungle.

What helped him the most was not the hunting skills his father taught him, but—taught by his mother, a occultist of the dark troll tribe—the ability to communicate with all things.

And it was this ability that made him feel that there must be some strange things in the unusually lush forest in front of him.

He wants to enter this jungle and explore the unknown things, but——his companion is a little reluctant...

"Yakir, it's time for us to go back!!" A dark troll with gray skin said to Yakir, "We are almost a month away from the tribe's nearest outpost, if we don't go back... …Perhaps, we will…”

"No, I can feel something calling me in the jungle in front of me..." Yakir said excitedly, "I'm going to see... If you want, you can wait for me here!!! "

"This..." The dark troll looked at the deep forest in front of him, and he also noticed the difference here. Compared with the plants in other places, the trees and vegetation here are a bit too big, and what happened to them today The two giant beast attacks also made them feel the abnormality of the terrain in this area.

The giant beasts that attacked them twice were actually a leopard-like creature, but compared with the leopard-like creatures in other places, the leopard-like creatures here seem to be too big.

The nearly two-meter-high leopard creature can already be called a giant beast.

Those two attacks made the members of the exploration team feel very bad. Fortunately, they saved themselves from danger by relying on Yakir's ability to communicate with creatures.

Because of this, the dark troll didn't want Yakir to venture alone...

In the end, he still gritted his teeth, "We'll go in with you, if we still get nothing before dawn, then we have to go back!!"

"Thank you..." Yakir said happily, and rushed into the jungle first.

He can't wait to explore the secrets in this jungle.

And his dark troll companions couldn't help but smiled wryly, and followed them... They didn't have Yakir's strong curiosity, and they had already traveled far enough. You know, the nearest outpost is far away from them. Home, there is still nearly a month away.

They really want to go home early if they can...

However, they couldn't leave their leader here alone. Along the way—they saved themselves from danger many times, all thanks to their leader's blessing.

It's just that they have almost had enough of Yakir's curiosity, and they were almost led here by Yakir. If he wants to continue exploring before dawn this time, then his Team members, almost knocked him out, and brought him back.

Thinking of this, these dark trolls gave each other

His teammates gave him a clear look, and then... stepped towards Yakir and chased after him.

And at this time——

Yakir, who had gone deep into the jungle, felt as if something was calling him in front of him. He didn't care much, and ran desperately towards the direction of the calling sound from the bottom of his heart...

closer, closer...

Following the call he felt in his heart, Yakir felt that he was getting closer to his destination...

When the full moon rose into the sky, he finally came to a clearing in the forest

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes——

I saw that in front of him was a huge and incomparably blue lake. On the calm lake, dots of stars were reflected on the lake.

Looking at the lake in front of him, Yakir swore to his ancestors that he had never seen such a beautiful sight.

He couldn't help but sat by the lake intoxicated, breathing the slightly damp air from the lake...

At this moment, he let go of all the distracting thoughts in his heart, as if he had returned to the original mother body, immersed in the meditation brought to him by the lake.

I don't know how long it took, Yakir woke up from that mysterious and mysterious state...

However, he didn't wake up by himself, but was woken up by his companions behind him.

"Hey... Yakir, are you crazy, are you trying to exhaust us to death??"

"Hush... don't talk!!" Yakir made a silence gesture to his companion, and then whispered: "Feel it well, this gift from the earth!!!"


Hearing Yakir's words, those dark troll companions who followed his footsteps to find this place after so many hardships, only then discovered that the abnormality of the huge lake in front of them, they quickly, also like Yakir Like you, I was intoxicated by that mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Until—the moon sets and the sun rises.

Only then did the members of this exploration team wake up as if they had woken up from a dream...

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