"Is this lake water has a hallucinogenic effect??" A dark troll said with some fear.

"No, this is the gift of life!!" Yakir retorted: "Didn't you realize that we just sat there all night without feeling even the slightest bit of fatigue??"

"That's right, I feel that my mind is more clear than ever..." One of the trolls echoed: "Many things that I couldn't figure out before have been solved!!"

"That's right, me too..."

"I feel like my whole body is full of strength..."

"This is a miracle!!"

Listening to the words of his fellows, Yakir waved his hand and said, "We have found a better gathering place for our people...I propose that we rush back every few days now to report the good news to the patriarch... "

"I agree... I feel that the big fireball in the sky can no longer cause any damage to my eyes!!"

"I agree!!"

Under the suggestion of Yakir, the team leader, this passionate exploration team embarked on the journey home full of excitement.

Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617

a month later—

Because of the blessing of the magical power in the lake, each member of this exploration team felt that their bodies had endless energy. They rushed day and night, and finally returned to their tribe in Mount Hyjal after a month. In the gathering place of the dark troll tribe at the foot of the mountain.

The situation they reported attracted the attention of the clan chief.

But—this kind of thing like migration is really too big.

Moreover, the patriarch also needs more evidence to convince his clansman and those mystics.

So - Yakir, once again leading a huge exploration group, walked towards the magical forest he discovered.

This time, the expedition team included not only the most powerful fighters in the tribe, but also several mystics, and their leader, Fina Night Breeze, the chief mystic of the dark troll tribe.

Under the leadership of Yakir, this unprecedentedly powerful exploration team took nearly three months to reach the center of Kalimdor, where the Well of Eternity is located.

Unlike the half-baked Yakir, the chief mystic, Fina Night Breeze, immediately discovered the endless power contained in the Well of Eternity...

After thoroughly investigating the environment around the Well of Eternity, Fina Night Breeze was even more convinced that this land was the best gathering place for her tribe bestowed by the earth.

After finishing these things, Fina Night Breeze sat by the lakeside of the Well of Eternity, resting.

Guided by the energy of the Well of Eternity, she entered a mysterious dream. In the dream, she saw a beautiful figure in a gorgeous white dress appearing in front of her. She didn't know what words to use to describe it.

The language of the dark troll, in Fina Night Breeze's view, was so barren, and it was a great insult to her to use such adjectives to describe this beautiful figure.

Through the conversation with this figure, Fina Night Breeze learned the name of this heaven-sent land, and even more understood the name of this god—Goddess of the Moon, Elune.

She begged Elune to allow their tribe to live in this magical land.

And the benevolent Moon Goddess also agreed to her request—and was willing to shelter their entire tribe and bestow upon their tribe, the glory of the Moon Goddess.

When Fina woke up from this dream, when she saw the moon crown symbol on her forehead representing the glory of the moon through the quiet lake, she knew that this was not a dream.

She really communicated with a great being in a dream.

Fina Night Breeze excitedly told the news to her subordinates who came here with her, and taught them how to communicate with this great existence.

As for the mystics under her command, it was not surprising that they received the gift of the Moon Goddess.

Since then, they no longer call themselves mystics, nor do they believe in the earth... They call themselves priests of the goddess of the moon, and believe in the moon god Elune.

Of course, this is something.

After getting the exact news of this magical land, Fina Night Breeze set off to return to the location of her tribe.

She couldn't wait to return to her tribe, and suggested to her patriarch to start the migration journey of the whole tribe as soon as possible.

The dark troll clan, who got the exact news, was excitedly preparing for the migration of the whole clan.

With the guarantee of Fina Yefeng, the most respected and respected mystic in the tribe, all the dark trolls began to look forward to their future happy life.

After all—among the tribe of dark trolls, the Chief Mystic represents infinite wisdom.

To some extent, her authority is even greater than that of the patriarch.

As for the dark troll's grand migration journey, Zhou Ye had no chance to watch it...

Because, at this time, he is on a planet named Argus, helping those races named Eredar.

Well—to say it's helping, it's better to say it's picking up girls.

Argus - Mac'Aree Continent - in the Palace of Mysteries.

As an incredible race, the Eredars are born with the ability to perceive various magical elements from the moment of their birth.

With the help of their innate talent, the Eredar clan established a highly developed magical civilization.

Their political system is the Archon system, and above the Archons, the eredar have three wise leaders.

The names of these three leaders are - Kil'jaeden - Archimonde and Prophet Velen.

After the Battle of the Pantheons, Sargeras discovered the flaws in his Burning Legion.

His fel demons are inherently chaotic, and it is absolutely impossible for him to command all the demons at the same time.

So, he began to search for a race that could act as the commander of those chaotic demons in the endless universe.

After accidentally discovering the planet Argus, Sargeras felt that he saw the hope of completing his most ideal Burning Legion.

Eredar people - a race full of wisdom.

So, Sargeras promised the three leaders of Eredar that he would give them endless knowledge and power in exchange for their loyalty.

Regardless of whether it was Kil'jaeden or Archimonde, they were all moved by Sargeras' promise.

Only the Prophet Velen, through an artifact handed down from ancient times, saw the scene of the Eredar family joining the Burning Legion.

The beautiful planet Argus was completely destroyed, leaving only a few remnants of continents floating in the universe... and his people were also distorted into various ugly appearances by Sargeras' evil energy.

This horrifying scene woke up Prophet Velen.

He knew—the future he saw was happening... But he was powerless to stop the fall of his two friends, in order to leave the seeds of revival for the great Eredar family.

Prophet Velen had to turn to the oldest allies of the eredar, the naaru.

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