A creature of energy...

And the naaru family did bring a lot of help to the prophet Velen.

It's just that Prophet Velen has a headache at this time...

Not because of anything else, but because of the man in front of him—a man who claimed to be the Eternal.

"Master Eternal, we really need to hurry up...or we won't be able to catch up with Naaru's spaceship!!" Prophet Velen said anxiously: "When Kil'jaeden and Archimonde find us, It's dangerous!!"

"I know, I know..." Zhou Ye still said unhurriedly: "But, in order to save more Eredar people, such a danger is worth trying!!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Prophet Velen was a little speechless...

Of course he knew what Zhou Ye said was right, but—what he was more worried about was that if those two former friends and current enemies found out...the remaining eredar people would also believe in their fate No guarantee...

"Ha, look who this is?"

"Isn't this our great prophet??"

"Huh? There is another foreigner here? Who is he??"

Following the sound, two tall and slim figures walked into the gate of the main hall of the Mystery Academy.

Chapter 1618

Chapter 1618

"Saloras, Aureises... don't tell me you are too!!"

Looking at the pair of twin sisters in front of him, Prophet Velen couldn't help but said in amazement: "You also believe in that demon?"

"Of course... Lord Sargeras can give us more power, more vast knowledge...why not?"

"That's right, for power and knowledge, all sacrifices are worth it!!"

Hearing the Prophet Velen's question, the twin sisters sang together and said in unison.

"You..." Prophet Velen looked at the pair of sisters in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache.

This pair of sisters can be said to be the best in the secret academy...

Two people, one focused on fire magic, while the other focused on shadow magic.

Their achievements, in the eyes of Prophet Velen, are limitless...

But now, like their two friends, they believed in demons.

"It seems that the Prophet is really planning to escape from Argus!!" Saloras looked at the temporary teleportation array behind the Prophet Velen, and she recognized that this teleportation array was the teleportation array on the spaceship of the Naaru family...

Because——Kil'jaeden, who had already planned to completely surrender to Sargeras, had completely severed his relationship with the naaru of the Holy Light family. They activated the protective magic of the eredar family to prevent the naaru family from descending on Argus.

But now—in the hall of the Mystery Academy, there is a temporary teleportation array dedicated to the spaceships of the Naaru family...

Isn't this trying to escape? ? "Master Prophet, you can't escape!!"

"Stand down and witness the rise of the eredar clan with us!!" Aureses echoed her sister Sarolas, and raised her hands together with Sarolas—in their palms, magic The light is gathering.

"Quick, stop them, they are going to send a signal to Kil'jaeden!!" Seeing the actions of the two sisters, Prophet Velen couldn't help shouting.

Once the two sisters are allowed to send out the magic signal, Kil'jaeden will bring the soldiers who have already surrendered to the demons to attack the secret school...

Then all of his painstaking efforts will come to naught.

You know - in order to delay time, he told his two former friends, give him some time to think about it...

"Don't worry, they won't be able to send anything!!" Zhou Ye said, his figure flashed...appeared beside the twins in an instant, and then raised his hand - lightly tapped on the back of their heads.

Immediately—the two eredar girls fainted, and the magic light condensed in their hands gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, Prophet Velen breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the eredar twins in Zhou Ye's arms blankly, and after a while—he said: "Look for them to find a safe place and lock them up, we can't take them away from Argus together...they have been arrested That kind of evil power has completely invaded!!"

Velen said, pointing to the huge demon horns on the foreheads of the twin sisters, which were different from ordinary eredar.

That's a sign of demonization.

Following Wei Lun's words, several Eredars came over, wanting to take the pair of twin sisters in Zhou Ye's arms...

Will Zhou Ye be willing to do this? ?

He worked so hard to come to Argus, willing to be Lei Feng's good deeds and help the Prophet Velen escape, why?

Isn't it for the eredar twins?

In order to get the pair of twins, he even did not hesitate to whisper his soul to lure the pair of twins to the Secret Academy, bypass the guards outside, come here, and discover the secret of the prophet Velen. For all this, Zhou Ye paid How many?

Uh - well, he really didn't pay anything.

But—want to snatch a girl from him, have you ever asked about his golden cudgel? Uh—no, did you ask him? ?

"I think, maybe I can save them!!" Zhou Ye retracted his hands, "I have traveled countless star fields, and I have also learned some abilities to eliminate demonization from an unknown race... ..."

"What? Is this true??"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Prophet Velen asked with surprise.

"Of course—!!" Zhou Ye said with a swearing look, "I can show you right now... But I need a quieter room and some time!!"

"Of course there is no problem!!" Prophet Velen nodded and said, "Nasa, take Lord Eternal to the next meditation room..."

"Yes, Lord Prophet!!" A male Eredar walked up to Zhou Ye, and said respectfully, "My lord, please follow me..."

"Yeah!" Zhou Ye nodded, then took the fainted twin sisters and followed the male Eredar towards an entrance in the side hall.

Prophet Velen watched Zhou Ye's back disappear into the side hall—until he could no longer see his back, Prophet Velen sighed slowly.

"Master Prophet...!!" A female Eredar wearing a defender's costume said with some concern: "Although this Lord Eternal suddenly appeared when we needed it most, and used an unknown method to send The arcane guards sent by Kil'jaeden to guard us are all paralyzed...but I still can't see him clearly..."

Hearing the words of the female garrison officer, the Prophet Velen smiled and said, "Don't worry, this Lord Eternal is not a spy sent by those demons. I have seen him in the prophecy given to me by the artifact." ...He will be like a morning star, leading us to find a new hometown to prosper!!"

"I hope so!!" Although the Prophet Velen had already said so, the female garrison officer was still a little worried.

In other words, this is the habit of living things...

No matter it is any creature, it is full of vigilance against its own kind... This is not surprising.

Therefore, Prophet Velen didn't care about the words of the female garrison officer. "I feel that with the coming of this noble Lord Eternal, the fog surrounding the eredar clan is finally about to lift... I even see our bright future!! So - don't let the narrow Your eyes have blinded your pure heart, Elsa!!"

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