And the Prophet Velen took a last look at his once beautiful hometown, and then—with a long sigh, "Let's go..."

"But Master Prophet, your child is still..." Elsa the defense officer said hurriedly: "The team that went to look for your child has not returned yet..."

"No, they won't come back..." Velen sighed and said, "In order to threaten me, Kil'jaeden will definitely guard against my family... the team you sent out to find my family , I didn't let them go too far..."

Speaking of this, Prophet Velen clapped his hands... Four or five eredar soldiers in armor walked in. This team was the one sent by Elsa to find the child of Prophet Velen.

"I can't just let them sacrifice in vain for my own children...they are also my children, they are the children of other parents..." After the prophet Velen finished speaking, he turned his head towards the temporary teleportation leading to the spaceship. walk away. "Let's go... our time... is running out!!"

"Master Prophet..." Elsa couldn't help but choked up at this moment.

"Ah——!!" Zhou Ye felt that the scene was a bit too sad... He could see that Wei Lun was not as strong as he appeared, in fact——After saying those words, Wei Lun's body seemed to be a little rickety It's... At this moment, he is much older.

Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620

Honestly, race aside...

In the entire World of Warcraft, Zhou Ye feels that there are many admirable leaders in it.

Prophet Velen is one of them.

To some extent, he can be regarded as a perfect man, a perfect man.

Wisdom—selflessness—justice—and sacrifice.

For these people who are about to go into exile on alien planets, Velen sacrificed his relatives... He knew that once there was any change in his relatives, Kil'jaeden would definitely notice it. will all be in vain.

And these clansmen who follow him will also become tools in the hands of those demons...

So—for the sake of these clansmen, he couldn't...he couldn't save his wife and son...

Zhou Ye sighed, walked to the side of Elsa who was covering her face and weeping, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said: "It is the luck of your Eredar clan to have such a great leader! !"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Elsa couldn't bear it any longer...She clasped Zhou Ye's hand tightly with both hands, and begged: "Master, the Prophet said that you are the morning star of the Eredar clan, and you are the Eredar family." The hope of the family... I beg you, please save the relatives of the Prophet, he has sacrificed too much for us!!"

Facing the pleading eyes of this beautiful defender...Zhou Ye...

Hmm - how should I put it? ?

Zhou Ye himself wanted to help Wei Lun a little bit, because he planned to sell Wei Lun a favor. In the future... Maybe this favor can be exchanged for a huge reward.

Coupled with the fact that you can now swipe your sister's favorability by the way, this is really a good business to sell two people, why not do it? ?

Of course, do it beautifully...

If you save people lightly, people will think that you are too easy... This kind of favor seems a little worthless.

So—even if Zhou Ye can easily rescue people, he still has to pretend that he has gone through untold hardships.

Thinking of this, he held Elsa's hand tightly, nodded vigorously... and said: "I will go and rescue Velen's family, but—for safety's sake, you have to leave here..., now , you board the spaceship immediately... don't wait for me, I will join you after I rescue his relatives!!"

"My lord..." Elsa was beyond excited.

She did not deny that she had a different affection for this handsome Eternal, and it was precisely because of this that she would say that when Zhou Ye brought the twins in to exorcise the demon. Everything stems from jealousy...

But now, Zhou Ye's style made her feel as if her whole heart was going to be melted...

In the most helpless time, someone is willing to grant her wish, how heart-warming it is?

It's just——At this moment, Elsa didn't want Zhou Ye to take risks.

Still the same sentence, every creature has a selfish side, even if Elsa respects the Prophet Allen, she doesn't want the person she loves to take risks for it... So, she regretted it. "Otherwise...forget's too dangerous..."

"It's not dangerous, at least for me, it's worth it if the beautiful garrison officer smiles!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

These words hit Elsa's heart instantly... She felt her heart was beating so fast... In the end, she stepped hard and pecked lightly at the corner of Zhou Ye's pimple. "This is a blessing for the warriors... I will wait for you on the spaceship, if... I mean if, if you can't come back, I swear to the Holy Light, I will definitely return to Argus to accompany you... ...So, be sure to come back safely, then I will give you a better gift..."

After saying this, Elsa turned her head and walked towards the teleportation array...

Zhou Ye watched with a smile as the back of the red-faced eredar girl disappeared into the teleportation formation, and turned to look at Saloras and Aureses behind him who were staring at him jealously..."Why? Is it? Such a look of bitterness and hatred!!"

"Master...why did you say hello to Elsa?


"That is, with us, isn't the master satisfied??"

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the twin sisters speechlessly, what should I say? At this time, only he and these two girls were left in the whole hall, so they no longer concealed their feelings. "If you think you can... then let's try again now? Don't worry—time is meaningless to me! We have enough time to prove whether you two can do it..."

"don't want……"


Hearing what their master said, the twin sisters screamed and the other refused...

Of course they knew that time was meaningless to their masters. In their perception, the two of them had been toyed with by Zhou Ye for three days and three nights, but——when they came out, they found that less than an hour had passed... …

Now, when Zhou Ye said such a thing, it was obvious—the meaning might not be three days and three nights this time, but... something even longer.

How could this make them not scream? ?

"Crack!!" x2

After two crisp sounds, Zhou Ye withdrew his big hand patting the twin sisters... "Don't hurry up and get on the ship? Tell them after you get on the ship... just start the spaceship, don't wait for me, I will rescue the relatives of Velen After that, I will join you!!"

"Yes, Master!!" x2

The twin sisters looked aggrieved, one by one at the corner of their master's mouth, and reluctantly let go of Zhou Ye... Then, stepping back and forth, they walked onto the teleportation formation.

With a flash of light in front of their eyes, the twin sisters found that they had arrived inside a gorgeous spaceship.

In the entire spaceship, there are crystal stones everywhere, and these crystals emitting a faint halo illuminate the entire spaceship like daytime.

"Where's Zhou Ye??"

Elsa asked hurriedly when she saw the sudden appearance of the twin demons.

"Didn't you ask Lord Zhou Ye to save Lord Prophet's relatives??" Salolas said disdainfully: "Of course he went to break into Kil'jaeden's prison alone!!"

"Okay, don't do this, sister..." The high-level warlock Oresis pulled her sister's hand, and then said to the Eredar soldiers waiting at the side: "Go and tell the prophet that the spaceship can be activated, Mr. Zhou Ye Will join us in space!!"


The eredar soldier nodded, then ran quickly to the control room ahead.

In the control room of the spaceship, the prophet Velen, who was communicating with the Naaru family, was silent for a while after receiving the report from the soldiers... and then—an order to start the spaceship.

Wei Lun is grateful to Zhou Ye. He knows how dangerous it is to rescue his relatives, and he knows that Zhou Ye doesn't need to do such a thing.

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