But——all he can do now is wait...because he has no other choice but to wait...

And at the portal, there is also a chick waiting for Zhou Ye...that is Elsa.

Chapter 1621

Chapter 1621

Vindicator Elsa sat on the ground of the spaceship, staring at the portal.

She actually knew that once the spaceship started, the temporary teleportation array on the ground would be automatically destroyed.

However, she didn't know, where else could she look besides this? ?

She's actually regretting it...

Regretted that he let Zhou Ye save the Prophet's relatives.

Compared with Elsa, who is worried about gains and losses, the twin sisters are much calmer.

They understand their master's strength better than Elsa, and they have also seen Kil'jaeden's strength... Comparing the two, they feel that Kil'jaeden is not worthy of their master's shoes.

So, they didn't worry about their master's safety at all... Moreover, they didn't remind Elsa badly. For them... Elsa is a villain who wants to rob their master. How could they tell her Woolen cloth? ?

And what is Zhou Ye doing at this time? ?

At this time, he had found the place where Kil'jaeden imprisoned the relatives of the Prophet Velen...

A place called the Seat of the Triumvirate.

When he arrived here, Kil'jaeden was roaring frantically.



Kil'jaeden stood in the hall, looking at the family who had been his best friend in front of him, with anger burning in his eyes.

"Veyron...abandoned you...He is a coward, he dare not accept the fate that can make our entire race stand above all the races in the universe-so, he shamefully chose to escape!!" Kil'jaeden's roar The sound spread throughout the hall. "He still uses you... as pawns to stabilize me. He is a loser, a sad loser, and a betrayer, a shameful betrayer!!"

"No, Velen just chose the right path!!" An eredar woman, holding her teenage child in her arms, glared at Kil'jaeden. "You are the traitor who betrayed the entire Eredar family, you are the betrayer who brought the entire Eredar family into the endless abyss!!"

"Hahaha... Betrayer? No... Look at the eredar people around me, you will know who is the real betrayer!!" Kil'jaeden said here, pointing to his surroundings Those eredar demons who have been transformed by fel energy said: "At one time, I thought... Velen would know his way back, so I waited patiently, waiting for the day when he would return to us... But, Today—his escape made me see the true face of his betrayer...and your preferential treatment time is over!!"

As the words fell, a green flame ignited in Kil'jaeden's hand - and then with a flick of his hand, the green flame flew towards Velen's wife. "Go and whine in hell... in hell, go hate and curse the husband who abandoned you—Velen!!"

Facing the green fel flames of Kil'jaeden, the eredar woman hugged her child in despair and closed her eyes.

However——half a day later...she still hadn't waited for the pain of the fel flames burning her soul...

Instead Kil'jaeden's angry growl was heard. "Who are you??"

...she couldn't help opening her eyes...

All she saw was the figure of a person appeared in front of her eyes...

"Well—please call me Lei Feng!!" Zhou Ye laughed and teased Kil'jaeden... I have to say that the males of the Eredar clan were ugly and ugly, and this damn has accepted the fel flame After that, it's almost impossible to watch...

"Hmph, you pretending to be a ghost..." Kil'jaeden saw that his fel flames were blocked by the masked guy in front of him, and he said angrily, "Guard, take this shameless guy for me!" Down!"

As his words fell, the eredar demons standing around the hall rushed towards Zhou Ye.

Hearing Kil'jaeden's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while. Didn't he cover his face just for future plans? ?

How dare you say that you have no face to face people...?

It seems that these guys need to be taught a lesson...

Immediately, Zhou Ye's hands appeared with a huge battle sword shining with blood-colored light... If a Warcraft player saw these two battle swords, they would definitely shout—fuck, the holy weapon of the paladin—the Ashbringer ...

Of course, this is not the real Ashbringer, but... a transformation of Zhou Ye's exclusive weapon, Bingpin Tingting.


Zhou Ye used his actions to explain to Kil'jaeden what is meant by a violent battle that can charge and kill infinitely.

In just a moment, Kil'jaeden realized that he was the only one left in the hall... "You can't escape!! Face your true self..."

After casting his spell, Kil'jaeden looked at Zhou Ye calmly, waiting for him to be exhausted from being tortured by his illusion...

It is not difficult for a strong person to surpass others, but what is rare is that he wants to surpass himself...

This point has trapped many self-proclaimed strong guys.

However—a scene that left Kil'jaeden dumbfounded appeared.

I saw Zhou Ye walking in front of him calmly, with the look of looking at the two idiots.

, looking at him... "You, can't you see your own phantom?"

"Aren't you stupid to use illusion magic on me!!" Zhou Ye said, and unceremoniously slashed at Kil'jaeden's neck. Kil'jaeden hurriedly leaned back and avoided Zhou Ye Ye's blade...however, he dodged it...but his fleshy beard didn't dodge it.

"Ah!!!" Kil'jaeden screamed, instinctively used teleportation magic, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Looking at the fleshy beard on the ground that was still twisting like an octopus' whiskers, Zhou Ye chuckled...

He didn't intend to kill Kil'jaeden just like that. If he really wanted to kill Kil'jaeden, how could Kil'jaeden have a chance to escape?

In other words, Zhou Ye didn't even think about destroying the entire Burning Legion... although it would be easy for him to kill Sargeras.

You know, the Burning Legion is a very interesting legion... How can it be wiped out like this? What's the point behind that? ?

Therefore, Zhou Ye deliberately kept a hand...

Looking at the completely empty hall, Zhou Ye smiled and walked to the side of the eredar mother and son, "Veylon begged me to save you, so here I am!!"

"Thank you... Thank you so much, my lord!!" Velen's wife finally couldn't help crying.

Although what she said at the time was so righteous...

But who wants to die if they can survive? ?

But now, under despair, she sees the hope of life... How can she not burst into tears with excitement?

"Okay, we should go!!" Zhou Ye said, grabbing Wei Lun's wife in one hand and Wei Lun's son in the other, and then disappeared into the hall in an instant.

When the menacing Kil'jaeden came here with more guards, facing the empty hall, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Velen the Betrayer, I will definitely kill you... and Your followers... search the entire universe, I will find you... and that shameless guy!!"

And those guards looked at Kil'jaeden with strange expressions. Kil'jaeden without a beard looks a little weird.

Chapter 1622

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