Chapter 1622

In the outer space not far from the planet Argus...

Several purple spaceships are floating here.

Different from the spaceships that ordinary people recognize, these spaceships are not made of steel. Their main material is a kind of purple crystal.

This is exactly the energy creature, the spaceship of the Naaru family.

At this time, on one of the largest flagships called the Tempest... Prophet Velen was communicating with a naaru creature.

With a jingling sound like a crystal wind chime, the naaru creature explained his point of view to the prophet Velen.

The language of the Naaru clan is like music.

And this is obviously not a problem for the Prophet Velen, who can communicate with this creature by virtue of his own spiritual power.

"I know, my friend... I know!!" Prophet Velen said softly, "I know you've seen what's happening on Argus, and I know they've discovered that we've escaped from Argus, but, Please wait a little longer..."

On Prophet Velen's face, there was a trace of expectation...

Who would give up their loved ones if they could choose? ?

Just because he had no choice, Prophet Velen had to make a difficult choice between the people and his family to give up his family.

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, brought him a new glimmer of hope.

At this time, the prophet Velen sincerely hopes that... this great existence that can bring hope to the Eredar family in the prophecy can really help him save his relatives.

So, he was waiting—a miracle happened.

While the Prophet Velen was anxiously waiting for the result... the naaru creature made another pleasant sound.

【I sense that that powerful existence has come to my spaceship, and beside him, there are two Eredars connected with your blood! 】

Hearing this voice, Prophet Velen was pleasantly surprised...

However, he still resisted the urge to immediately rush out of the operation hall to see his relatives, and said excitedly: "My friend, I think we—we can go!!"

As Velen's words fell, the crystal-like naaru creature made another beautiful sound like music. It was communicating with the clansmen on other spaceships, and the fleet——is ready to go.

Soon, a dazzling brilliance began to shine from the crystal stone of the naaru spaceship... Immediately afterwards, a small fleet of several naaru spaceships turned into a stream of light and flew towards the endless star field in the distance.

It wasn't until—after the fleet entered a period of steady flight that Prophet Velen walked out of the control hall and went outside.

He saw at a glance his wife and children surrounded by a group of eredar refugees.

And his wife also saw him at this time.

Eredar refugees spread out a road in a tacit understanding...

With reverent eyes, they watched the leader who led them to escape from Argus, the prophet Velen...step by step, he walked in front of his wife.

"I'm sorry——!!" Velen looked at his wife with his child, and the only thing he could say was this sentence. "Please forgive me……"

"Don't say I'm sorry, I know..." Velen's wife said with a smile, "It's all for the eredar!!"

Looking at his wife's understanding smile, Wei Lun only had one sentence left. "Thanks!!"

As the husband and wife hugged each other, the eredar refugees gathered in the hall cheered...

After a while——

Wei Lun gently pushed his wife away, and then asked, "Where is Master Zhou Ye? I think I owe him a thank you!!"

Hearing Velen's words, his wife said with a strange expression: "If you are talking about the hero who led us out of the clutches of Kil'jaeden, I don't think he has time to listen to you saying thank you..."

"What do you mean?" Vinyl asked in surprise.

"Our beautiful garrison officer is helping that lord bandage the wound!!" Having said that, Wei Lun's wife smiled slightly and said, "I think it's better for you not to be annoying!!"

"..." Hearing his wife's words, Wei Lun instantly understood. "Okay... But, is Lord Zhou Ye injured?? Is the injury serious...?"

Hearing his question, Velen's wife's face became even weirder. "I think...whether the injury is serious or not, in everyone's eyes, the definition is different? At least——for that beautiful lady of the defense officer, Lord Zhou Ye's injury is still very serious ..."

And at this time———on the spaceship, in a separate cabin.

"My are..." Elsa was making useless resistance with a grim expression on her face.

The armor she was wearing was being gently removed one by one by the handsome man in front of her...

Faced with this situation for the first time, Elsa was at a loss and didn't know what to do... She didn't even dare to resist, because if she moved, Zhou Ye would feel pain.

"You... Didn't you say... You suffered internal injuries??" Elsa said a little helplessly.

"Yeah... But, this kind of injury - needs a very special method to heal!!" Zhou Ye said, temporarily stopping his movements. Looking at the beautiful garrison officer who looked like a frightened lamb in front of him, he asked in a low voice: "Then... El

Will Sarah help me? ? "

"I... I am willing..." Elsa said, stepping on her feet actively, and kept her mouth shut...

Of course she knew what Zhou Ye wanted to do...

However, she didn't want to stop Zhou Ye from doing anything to her, even——she wanted to approach him more actively...

Because, Elsa has long been unable to restrain herself from falling in love with this man.

love him for what? ?

Handsome, powerful, and... mysterious.

These elements are enough to attract women to sink...Even Elsa is no exception.

When Elsa couldn't help but snorted in pain - she knew that from this moment on, the two had a new relationship, a relationship that was not relative but far more intimate than relative.

However, she soon had no time to think about anything...

Because, she has been taken by someone and ascended to heaven... In heaven, she sang unrestrainedly, and that singing made the Eredar twins who were guarding the door a little bit upset.

"I really let this woman succeed..." Shadow Queen - Sa Luo Lasi said with an unhappy expression.

And her sister, the high-ranking warlock Oresis, said with a smile on her face: "I think you should feel happy, sister..."

"Happy?? Do you think so? My sister..." Saloras glanced at her sister in dissatisfaction and said, "Originally, the master who belonged to our sisters now has another guy to share it with, isn't it? Do you think I should be happy??"

"No, sister..." Aureses smiled and said, "You should think of it this way—finally there is someone to share the master's favor, so you don't have to faint every time..."

"...I hope so!!" Although Saroras felt that her sister's words were somewhat reasonable, but—she instinctively felt that maybe Elsa's joining could not save their sisters from fainting every time destiny……! !

It has to be said that at this point, Salo Lasi's intuition is still very reliable... This amount is really not enough to save them.

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