Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

In the lobby of the naaru spaceship—

"Honey... this is my brother, Mardera!!" Elsa smiled, her face flushed slightly, she took Zhou Ye's hand, and introduced to the burly eredar man in front of her: "Brother, this is my lover, Zhou Ye!!"

"I know you, alien!!" Mardera looked up and down at the man holding hands with her sister...then said in a deep voice, "Thank you for saving the Prophet's family. Dar refugees, feel much less guilty towards the Prophet...every eredar refugee in this team will be grateful to you for this!!"

"Uh—is that so??" Although Zhou Ye's face looked a little calm.


In fact, his heart is broken...

Damn, Elsa, you never told me that you have an older brother named Mardela! ! !

Martha, who is it? ?

He is a very famous character in Warcraft, in fact——more famous than him is his niece, an orc mixed-race female assassin who single-handedly caused the destruction of a human kingdom—Garona.

And Garona was a tragedy deliberately created by the orc warlock Gul'dan after he captured Mardera's sister.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye couldn't help turning his head to look at Elsa, and asked curiously, "Elsa, do you have any other sisters?"

"No..." Although she didn't know why her lover would suddenly ask this question, Elsa still replied: "In our family, only my brother and I escaped...Our parents, in order to escape Argus for us Gain time, and join Lord Hatton's rebel army..."

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Elsa speechlessly...

It seems that I unknowingly changed history again...

According to the original history, Elsa's later experience in Draenor would be very tragic, but—Zhou Ye never followed the normal history, since he came to this world, Zhou Ye did not intend to follow the glass The plot set by the scum...

What is the difference between a traveler who does not change the plot and a salted fish? ?

"What's the matter?? Honey??" Elsa felt the way her lover looked at her, a little strange...

"It's nothing..." Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, then kissed Elsa lightly, and said, "Suddenly realized that you are so beautiful..."

"..." Hearing her lover's compliment, Elsa couldn't help but smile.

"Ahem..." Seeing that the kid in front of him dared to show his affection for his sister in front of her... Mardera couldn't get angry at all.

However, his dry cough obviously didn't attract the attention of those two people... On the contrary, the two became more tired.

If it wasn't for the thought that he might not be able to beat this bastard, Mardela would have already punched him.

"I heard that you have a very close relationship with the pair of magical twins..." But there was a sentence, and Martha had to ask.

"Yeah..." Zhou Ye nodded without hesitation, "They can also be said to be my women, they can be regarded as Elsa's sisters..."

"You playboy..." Mardera was so angry that he almost didn't jump up. What he originally thought was that as long as Zhou Ye was willing to stay away from the pair of sisters, he would not say anything. The Redar clan does not expressly stipulate that one husband and one wife must be monogamous, but... For a long time, the Eredar clan have adhered to the tradition of having only one partner.

"Is there a limit to the number of spouses?" Zhou Ye began to babble nonsense, "I'm sorry, but in our place, there is no such limit. For us... responding to every opposite sex who loves us is a virtue. ...Please respect our traditions!!"

"You..." Mardela almost choked to death at Zhou Ye's words.

He knew that what Zhou Ye said was correct... The biggest principle for getting along between two different races is mutual respect, respect for each other's traditions, respect for each other's habits, etc...

If it were someone else, Mardela might turn into a peacemaker, persuading both parties.

But——now, it is his sister who is in trouble, his only sister... How can you make him calm down?

And Zhou Ye was not in a hurry, he calmly held Elsa's slender waist, and happily watched his cheap uncle blowing his beard and staring there.

To be honest, at the beginning Zhou Ye didn't realize that the very famous defense officer Mardella in the future... It was really because of alien prosopagnosia.

Just as Asians look at ordinary Europeans, they all look the same——Zhou Ye sees men of the Eredar clan all looking alike. Almost all have half-bald foreheads, hexagonal faces... at most plus long beards...

This made Zhou Ye completely unaware that Mardela was on this spaceship. Although he knew that Elsa had an older brother, he never expected that her older brother was actually him.

At this moment, Prophet Velen came over...

The scene that happened here has already been reported to him.

So he had to rush over...

"Master Eternal..."

As soon as Wei Lun came, he greeted Zhou Ye first, and said with a smile: "Thank you, you saved my family!!"

"You're welcome!!" Zhou Ye waved his hand, and said calmly, "This is a reward that a selfless person deserves!!"

"No, I also

I want to say thank you! ! The Prophet Velen said with a serious expression: "For you, this may be just a piece of cake, but for me-it is my priceless treasure!" ! "

Speaking of this, the Prophet Velen paused for a moment... and said with a sad expression: "On the day my child was born, I saw in a vision that I was crying bitterly with an eredar man in my arms... and the The child's body is covered with fel herpes..."

"I don't know why there is such an illusion, until - when Sargeras, with fel flames all over his body, appeared in front of me and promised with endless knowledge and great power, I didn't know... where did the illusion come from ..."

"So, I resisted his temptation, and used an artifact to predict the future of the Eredar clan..."

"I saw endless wars, and countless destroyed planets... My people were twisted by evil energy, and their souls were howling in pain..."

"So, I rejected Sargeras' recruitment, and led the clansmen who were willing to leave with me, and searched for our shelter in the vast starry sky!!"

Following the words of Prophet Velen, more and more refugees gathered here... They listened intently to Prophet Velen's speech.

For many people, this is the first time they have heard the words of the prophet.

Seeing this situation, Prophet Velen deliberately increased his volume.

"I once tried to make a prediction about this escape from Argus—at that time, what I saw was a future shrouded in a vast mist..."

"However, after your arrival, this future gradually dissipated... I saw that under your guidance, we found a new settlement planet... We lived a peaceful life on that planet, ... We have finally ushered in a hard-won peaceful life..."

"Let us cheer for our great Lord Eternal...he is the eternal morning star of our family!!"

Chapter 1624

Chapter 1624

Listening to the cheers of my compatriots around me...

Martha looked depressed. If he continued to grab Zhou Ye at this time, wouldn't it appear that he was an ungrateful villain?

But—he entrusted his only sister to Zhou Ye, and he was a little unwilling...

At this moment, Prophet Velen patted Mardera's shoulder lightly, then turned his head and said to Zhou Ye and Elsa: "Maybe we should find a place to have a good talk!!"

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