"En!" Martha nodded helplessly.

And Zhou Ye also agreed with a smile, he could tell... Prophet Velen wanted to be a peacemaker between him and Mardera.

Of course Zhou Ye would not refuse such a thing.

Several people separated from the cheering crowd and walked towards a room.

In this semi-open room, several people sat down around the table.

"I saw that something unpleasant happened to you just now?" Prophet Velen asked with a smile: "Can you tell me? Maybe I can give you some advice!!"

"Of course! My Lord Prophet!" Martha said, describing what happened.

And Zhou Ye didn't make a sound, just smiled and watched Mardera talking...

He has long seen that the Prophet Velen intends to help him, otherwise, he would not have raised his status to the position of [the savior of Eredar refugees] as soon as he came, although Zhou Ye could solve the problem by himself. This incident, but—someone is willing to help him, why should he refuse other people's kindness?

Elsa was a little uneasy. She was afraid that the Prophet would also persuade her to leave her lover, which was absolutely unacceptable to her.

Sensing Elsa's nervousness, Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, signaling her not to be afraid...

After listening to Mardera's words, Prophet Velen asked with a smile: "Actually, Mardera, have you asked your sister about this? Have you understood her thoughts?"

"Elsa was just..." Mardera was about to say that her sister was deceived by Zhou Ye, but was stopped by the prophet Velen. "Mardera, you are an excellent fighter. Your understanding of the way of the Holy Light is far superior to others, but—prejudice has blinded your eyes, why don't you ask your sister what she thinks?? If even She doesn't even want to know what she thinks, so how can you say that you are doing it for her own good??"

"I..." Mardera was stunned by Prophet Velen, and fell silent...

Some people are born to be leaders, and a very simple sentence can be convincing when spoken out of his mouth. This may be the charisma of Prophet Velen.

"I love Lord Zhou Ye, and I am willing to give everything for him..." At this time, Elsa also mustered up the courage to say to her brother: "So, please bless us, brother...I only have you now My loved ones!!"

"..." Mardera sighed after being silent for a while... "Okay, I get it—my sister, since this is your choice!! I will bless you..."

Having said that, he looked at Zhou Ye again, and said, "Lord Eternal One, I know that your strength is unfathomable, and I know that you are our light of hope, but—please don't let my sister die because of you!" Cry, otherwise—I risk my life, and I will die with you..."

"With me, Elsa will only be happy!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

For this, he is very confident...

"I hope so!!"

This moderate turmoil is over like this...

Time passed day by day, this fleet full of eredar exiles was sailing aimlessly among the stars...

During this period, Prophet Velen proposed to rename their race as Draenei.

The name means "exile" in the Eredan language.

The meaning of changing this name not only means to avoid Kil'jaeden's search, but also means to let them remember their past when they escaped from the parent planet Argus.

And Zhou Ye also began to guide them, heading towards an unknown star field...

Out of trust in Zhou Ye, Prophet Velen carried out Zhou Ye's order without hesitation.

Along the way, they saw too many planets destroyed by the Burning Legion... which made them even more afraid of being discovered by the Burning Legion.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Burning Legion, they gave up their natural magical talents and learned from the Naaru how to use the energy of the Holy Light.

This kind of energy is not only the nemesis of evil and chaotic evil energy, but also - it is not easy to be tracked by demons.

What makes Zhou Ye depressed is that he somewhat overestimated the technology of the Naaru people...

In his eyes, the spaceship of the Naaru is surprisingly slow...

At this speed, it would take at least tens of thousands of years to reach the orc planet.

Although it is said that all the draenei are long-lived species, tens of thousands of years is just a long journey in life for them, but Zhou Ye does not want to spend tens of thousands of years here with these draenei time……

So——he directly opened a huge stargate, and led the draenei through the stargate, which can span tens of thousands of light-years. Kil'jaeden was dumped.

When a beautiful planet full of vitality appeared in front of these draenei... and Zhou Ye told them that this was their new hometown.

They couldn't help shouting excitedly...

"On this planet, there are only some primitive tribes!!" Zhou Ye looked at the planet outside the spaceship, turned his head and said to the prophet Velen, "But I suggest you, for the sake of your reproduction, wipe out these primitive tribes!! "

"No, Lord Eternal!!" The Prophet Velen shook his head and said, "As foreign guests, we have already felt very sorry for our master, and it would be too much to drive these masters to extinction. This is not the way of the Holy Light!

! "

"...Haha!" Zhou Ye gave Prophet Weilun a meaningful look, and said, "I hope you won't regret this decision you made in the future!!"

The Prophet Wei Lun felt uncomfortable when he saw Zhou Ye's eyes. He felt that the Eternal One seemed to have a lot to say...


Prophet Velen looked at the people in the hall who were cheering, and finally decided to stick to his own ideas—after all, his people were exhausted after this long interstellar journey and could no longer start any wars.

However, he did keep Zhou Ye's words in his heart.

He will not initiate a war on his own initiative—but he will prepare for the war bit by bit, and—even when he is asleep, he will open one eye and watch the new neighbors, At that time... Once there is a change, he will not hesitate to launch a war that can destroy them.

Soon—the Draenei people controlled the spaceship of Naaru and landed on the planet they named [Draenor].

[Draenor—meaning in the Eredan language—the sanctuary of the exiles. 】

The draenei carefully explored this unknown planet, and built their temple here - the Temple of Karabor.

But all of this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye, because when they came to Draenor, Zhou Ye had already taken his three Eredar women, left the Draenei, and returned to his home in Aize. Lars' home.

Chapter 1625

Chapter 1625

When Zhou Ye was leading the draenei to escape Kil'jaeden's pursuit——

Those dark trolls have also migrated to the woodland where the Well of Eternity is located.

As they settled near the Well of Eternity, they gradually found themselves undergoing some changes that made them happy and sad...

Their stooped bodies could already stand upright—their dull gray skin gradually deepened, turning into a noble and beautiful violet color.

The change that surprised them the most was the change in their faces.

Their prominent tusks, originally of the troll race, dwindled, and their long snouts shrunk.

Their facial features have become softer and more beautiful, except for the long pointed ears-they have become completely different from the trolls.

This has caused a lot of panic among the people at the lower level...

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