And the patriarch was also very worried about the commotion caused by the change of image among the clansmen... In desperation, he could only invite the former chief mystic—the current High Priest of Elune, Fina Night Breeze came to explain his confusion...

Facing the patriarch's panic, Fina Night Breeze smiled...

She asked the patriarch to call all the clansmen, and she would clarify the matter in front of the eyes of all the clansmen - and the patriarch readily agreed.


The first family meeting, three days later in the evening, at the lakeside of the Well of Eternity—began.

On this day, thousands of dark trolls gathered beside the Well of Eternity, ready to listen to the teachings of their chief occultist.

When the full moon rises...

Fina Night Breeze boarded a temporary high platform made of logs specially for speeches——

She looked at the people in the audience who were uneasy because of their own changes, and said with a smile: "My people, I heard your comments, are you afraid of this kind of change that is happening to us? Right? ??"

"That's right..."


"Master Sacrifice, please clear the fog in front of us..."

"Our fangs... why are they all gone..."

"My God, Elune, I'm so unaccustomed to this kind of behavior. Now I put two wooden sticks in my canister every day, as the fangs I once lost..."

Fina Night Breeze smiled as she listened to the chattering voices below.

She was very satisfied that her clansmen didn't say anything like [Ancestral spirits are on top] [What kind of master mystic].

This shows that after these years of preaching... her achievements are remarkable, at least her people no longer believe in ancestor spirits and spirits of the earth, but instead believe in the great moon god——Elune. .

Thinking of this, Fina Night Breeze said with a smile, "Everyone be quiet..."

Fina's voice was not loud, but—it was heard clearly in the ears of every clansman. Those clansmen who were terrified stopped their words in Fina's soft yet majestic voice... ...Looking quietly at the high platform, their chief high priest.

"Everyone knows that two years ago... under the guidance of the moon god Elune, we found this place, our god-given land..." Fina said unhurriedly.



"And we, in this god-given land given to us by the moon god Elune, live a happy and beautiful life!!" Fina continued: "We no longer need to sleep in cold and damp caves, There is no need to worry about other tribes coming to snatch our territory... This is all a gift from the great moon god Elune!!"

"Yes, praise the moon god Elune!!"

"We love you, Moon Goddess!"

Seeing some pious believers in the audience, who had already started to praise the Moon God, Fina Night Breeze nodded in satisfaction... asked unhurriedly: "I heard that you are afraid of the changes that have taken place in your body? ?”

"Yes, my lord..."

"Without the fangs, I found that I can close my jaw, but... I feel very uncomfortable!"

"And my original long nose is gone..."

"Woooo...I think I look like a girl now!"

"My domineering fangs..."

Just when the complaints were everywhere, a voice broke the series of complaints in vain.

"I feel very good, I feel that I am more beautiful!!"

"That's right... who would like such big fangs!"

"It's a shame that you men still think that the bigger the fangs, the more majestic. In the eyes of us women, they are so ugly!!"

Hearing these crisp voices, those who complained about losing their fangs immediately retorted: "What do you women know..."

"This is the beauty of a man, you don't understand!!"

"It's just... how majestic the fangs look!"

"The fangs are to us what antlers are to a stag!!"

Fina Night Breeze looked at the quarrel in the audience with a smile. Obviously - not all the clansmen were panicking about losing their fangs, at least the women were very happy...

Out of the nature of beauty, these women think that such a change is good.

However, it is also true - the loss of the fangs made the women's facial features softer, and the loss of the long nose made them look much more beautiful.

But——Fina couldn't let them continue to argue, because——she had more important things to announce.

Thinking of this, Fina Night Breeze shouted again: "Quiet—!"

Under the majesty of her chief priest, everyone in the audience stopped debating... They turned their attention to Fina Night Breeze.

"In your opinion, it is a scary change—but to me, it is a joyful change!!" Fina Night Breeze said slowly: "Because——this brings us closer to the gods It's because this is a gift from the Moon God!!"

"Great moon god Elune—I am here to pray for your mercy, please let my confused clansmen see the future clearly!!"

As Fina Night Breeze's prayer sounded...

A tall and empty figure descended over the Well of Eternity behind her...

All the dark trolls, for her amazing

Fascinated by the beautiful figure, they knelt down respectfully... "You are the brightest light in the night sky, you are the existence that protects all things, we praise you, goddess of the moon!"

With the prayer of the dark troll, Elune's figure became brighter.

"I am proud of being closer to the goddess!!" Fina Yefeng said loudly: "The goddess bestowed us with a form similar to her, which is a gift... and from today, we will completely separate from Trolls, from now on—our name is—Kaldorei—Children of the Stars!!"

"The Kaldorei—"


Hearing the words of the chief priest, these newly reborn Kaldorei excitedly shouted their clan names—they were no longer afraid and confused, because—they found that their transformation was indeed approaching the form of the Moon Goddess .

Even some of the fast-changing clansmen have already completed their transformation - for example, Fina Night Breeze.

Of course, they didn't feel jealous because——they knew that this might be the blessing bestowed by the Moon Goddess to her most devout believers.

Chapter 1626

Chapter 1626

A storm just passed.

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