And Fina Night Breeze also gave up the podium to Kaldorei's patriarch at the right time, and returned to her tree house alone.

Her dwelling was in the hollow of a gigantic giant tree—

In fact, this is only her temporary residence, and she will move there after the Moon Temple is completed.

But now——she could only make do with it.

Swiping away the female guard behind her, Fina Night Breeze walked into her tree house...

As soon as she walked into her tree house, she immediately deliberately slowed down her pace...

He tiptoed towards his bedroom.

The entire huge tree house is as large as the square above, and several rooms were deliberately divided into it...

And the innermost one is Fina's bedroom.

When Fina walked into her bedroom lightly, and saw the handsome young man lying on the wooden couch that was integrated with the ground, a relieved smile could not help but appear on her face.

He - didn't go away.

Thinking of this, Fina gently took off her armor, walked to the side of the couch, and when she bent down, she wanted to get into the quilt woven from unknown plant fibers—but she was caught by a hand arm...

"My lord, did I wake you up?"

Fina looked at the boy in front of her with an apologetic face...

"Didn't wake me up..." The young man stretched his waist, and then unceremoniously pulled Fina into his arms, hugging her with arms and legs like a big doll... He muttered: " Anyway, I'm used to Elune's routine of being out day and doesn't matter if I add you!!"

"My lord!!" Fina hugged the young man tightly with both hands.

She knew who the Elune this boy was talking about—

She knew better—whose husband this boy is.

But——sometimes, love is so inexplicable.

From the first moment she saw him, she knew—he was the one she had been waiting for, and for that—she was willing to take all the wrath of her goddess.

Even if she is abandoned by the goddess from now on, she will not hesitate...

Thinking of this, Fina's soft and beautiful face became a little more determined.

In fact, the phantom of Elune summoned in tonight's ceremony was only created by her with ancient magic...

The man who stole the goddess, how dare she contact the goddess? ? Do you want to die? ?

"Fina, your heart beats a little fast..." Zhou Ye put his head between the two mountains and said sullenly, "Are you still worried about Elune?"

"Hmm!!" Fina did not hide this matter. In her opinion, it is a very stupid thing to hide her thoughts in front of a god.

"Don't worry!!" Zhou Ye raised his head, looked at the ever more beautiful little face of Elune's chief priest, sighed helplessly, and said, "I told you, Elune won't I'm looking for trouble for you!!"

In fact, it has been more than a year since Zhou Ye came back from Draenor.

After returning to his floating city, Zhou Ye once again lived a shameless life with his women.

When he was bored, he would observe the daily life of these dark trolls.

When he discovered that under the influence of the Well of Eternity, these dark trolls gradually lost their ugly posture and became more and more like night elves, Zhou Ye couldn't help thinking that for the future, in these kadorei Among them, the idea of ​​planting a seed.

Now that the seeds are to be planted among these future kaldorei, what better way than to let Elune be the introducer?


So, at the strong request of her man, Elune introduced her spouse to her chief priest, Fina Night Breeze.

Of course, in a dream...

Thanks to this - Zhou Ye can observe the transformation process of these Kaldorei at close range.

He discovered that the transformation of these future kaldorei was not only affected by the energy overflowing from the Well of Eternity...they were indeed also subtly changed by the moon god Elune.

This made Zhou Ye feel more and more interesting.

Do you dare to imagine that a priestess who is at best considered handsome, under the influence of the belief in the Well of Eternity and the Moon God, gradually turned into a beautiful woman?

This is completely a living person with no PS traces...

Moreover, there is no need for surgery, this change is due to a change at the genetic level... In the future, their children will also inherit their beautiful genes.

This is really a very interesting thing.

Sure enough—World of Warcraft is—faith changes lives series.

It's just that, back and forth——Zhou Ye found that the chief high priest who had been assisting him all the time looked at him more and more wrongly.

Finally—this morning, Zhou Ye was pushed back by the moon goddess priestess without any resistance.

Of course, Zhou Ye's non-resistance was due to the fact that the priestess Fina had evolved to a body that was indistinguishable from the Kaldorei women of later generations.

She has been devoting herself to the study of the Well of Eternity, and she had more chances to get in touch with the energy of the Well of Eternity than others, and—her belief in Elune is also the most devout, which led to her transformation speed far faster to others.

The most important thing is - Zhou Ye has absolutely no resistance to Fina's pair of little tiger teeth.


Needless to say, after the dark trolls transformed into Kaldorei, they still retained a few troll fangs.

For men, it is the pair of canine teeth, and for women, it is the little canine teeth...

Zhou Ye really can't resist a girl with little canine teeth... A girl with a pair of little canine teeth is super cute when she smiles, okay?

So——he half-heartedly accepted Fina.

However——when things really happened, Fina felt a little scared again.

She is afraid of the anger of the goddess of the moon she serves... She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of being separated from the man in front of her forever.

Faced with Zhou Ye's statement that Elune would not trouble her, Fina Night Breeze was dubious.

Fina said pessimistically: "You are my light, the source of all my goodness, if one day... Lord Luna will take me... please don't be sad for me, because my love... Always be with you..."

"Smack!!" Zhou Ye slapped Feina's pout... the feeling was amazing.

He looked at the chief priest who had just handed him over to him for the first time this morning, and said helplessly: "It seems that I need to give you some reassurance..."

From Zhou Ye's point of view, Fina's state is a suspicious ghost——

However, it cannot be left alone... because it is easy to shake the faith in Elune.

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