That is not a good thing for Zhou Ye...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Come out, Elune...Look at your new sister, I know you're here!!"

"What..." Fina Night Breeze was startled by Zhou Ye's words. She couldn't believe that everything she did was witnessed by Elune—this made her even more terrified.

Chapter 1627

Chapter 1627

"Fina Night Breeze..."

As an ethereal voice sounded, countless radiance of the moon shone in from the window of the tree house.

In the end, in Fina Yefeng's bedroom, an extremely beautiful figure condensed into one.

This figure is none other than the goddess of the moon, Elune, who appeared in Fina's dream.

Seeing this figure, Fina Night Breeze hurriedly broke free from Zhou Ye's arms, then knelt down on the couch, and said hello to the goddess she served reverently: "Great Moon Goddess, your servant wishes Hello!!"

To be honest - Zhou Ye felt this scene was extremely embarrassing and ridiculous.

A woman, the man who just robbed her boss, and then—her boss came, and she hurriedly stood up to say hello to her boss.

This situation is super interesting...

Elune looked at her man's indifferent expression with some depression.

She had known for a long time that her priestess had wrong thoughts about her man.

She also knew that with her masculine character, she would never refuse... Because she is a beauty lover, none of the priestesses she carefully selected were ugly.

Even before accepting the Well of Eternity and her transformation, Fina could be called a pure and beautiful girl—er, of course, compared to now, it is incomparable.

Elune knew that this was the type of man she liked——

When she introduced her man to her priest, and then asked her priest to take orders from her man, Elune had already expected such a day.

It's just that what Elune didn't expect was——

Unexpectedly, it was not my man who made the first move, but my most devout chief priestess pushed my man back.

This made Elune a little upset.

But no matter how upset she is, she still knows—as long as she enters her man's door, she is her man's person—that is her family.

And among family members, there is absolutely no quarrel.

Even if she is the goddess of the moon, she has no privileges.

So - she kept silent on purpose, just to make Fina Yefeng uneasy for a few days, as a small punishment for her.

It’s just that this kind of punishment, even my own men are unwilling... Thinking of this, Elune felt a little wronged... She couldn’t help but glared at Zhou Ye fiercely, and said in an angry voice: "My most pious priest, you You are really devout to me...they are actually in my husband's arms!!"

"Great Moon Goddess..." Hearing Elune's angry voice, Fina Night Breeze said tremblingly, "I really can't suppress the burning flame in my heart, so I did this." The offending thing... I dare not ask for your forgiveness, I just ask you not to separate us..."

"Oh??" Elune asked indifferently: "You have committed such a crime, and you still want to stay with my man in vain?? Are you despising me??"

"No... Merciful Moon Goddess!" Fina Night Breeze's tone gradually became firm. "I am willing to accept any punishment from you, because I know that I am unforgivable, but—please don't separate us..."

"Any punishment??" There was a mischievous look in Elune's eyes: "But you also said that I am a benevolent god, so - even if you committed such a crime, I still will not punish you Yes, I will only take back the favor I once gave you, and take back everything I have given you—are you willing??"

"I am willing!!" Hearing this, Fina Night Breeze replied with some surprise.

In her view, Goddess of the Moon is already considered merciful by taking back the divine power she bestowed.

"Don't rush to answer me..." The mischievous look in Elune's eyes became more intense. "You know - my gift is not only those magic spells, but also your beautiful appearance... Losing these things, do you think - my man will still like you?"

"No—!!" Fina Night Breeze felt a burst of despair when she heard Elune's words—not to mention whether Zhou Ye would still like her when the time came, she alone couldn't tolerate her future That ugly face appeared in front of Zhou Ye - she didn't want the person she loved so much to see her like that.

A woman is the face of someone who pleases herself - this sentence is suitable for any plane.

"That's enough!" Zhou Ye interrupted Elune's prank.

Going on, it's not a prank, it's a test of yourself...

From the bottom of his heart, Zhou Ye would never like the trolled Fina, but—this is a false proposition.

Because Zhou Ye would never let Elune take back everything she bestowed on Fei Na.

"Hmph—what's the matter? Do you feel sorry for your new lover??" The Moon Goddess also loses her temper, she glared at Zhou Ye angrily and said, "I'm just talking, do you feel bad?? "

"You need to clean up!!" Zhou Ye stretched out his hand and pulled Elune over...

pressed on wood

On the couch, it was a while to tidy up...

"Come on, Fina, help me hold the arm of your goddess..."

"Fina, how dare you... babble—don't move there..."

"Hurry up, Fina, come help me..."

Fina Night Breeze looked at the scene in front of her stupidly... It seemed that her own goddess...probably...maybe...maybe...was being bullied by her lover, but should she help her goddess? Or should I help my lover? ?

After hesitating for less than three seconds——

Fina resolutely held down Elune's hand, "I'm sorry, kind goddess... I, I can't help myself..."

"Fina, I hate you... ah!!"

The goddess of the moon was bullied by her own man and her chief priestess.

It wasn't until this moment that she deeply realized the feeling of being bullied by her own creation and her man together with the life titan——Iona.

The slightly irritating feeling of grievance made her addicted to the lifting work.

And Fina Night Breeze also felt that she had never been so close to her belief...

She fought where her Moon Goddess fought, fought.

She once helped her goddess to resist the invasion of God enemy Zhou Ye.

She also once betrayed her goddess, helped the god enemy Zhou Ye, and bullied her former belief together.

This night passed so long - in Fina's feeling, it seemed like a month had passed.

In the end—the perfidious God-enemy Zhou Ye, with the help of the fallen Priest of the Moon, completely defeated the Moon Goddess. And then—blatantly tore up the alliance agreement, turned around and completely defeated the Priest of the Moon who had helped him.

And the Priest of the Moon, who lost the protection of the goddess, was completely powerless to resist the invasion of the demon Zhou Ye, and in the end——she ended up agreeing with her goddess.

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