At the moment when she fainted, she realized deeply——without the goddess of the moon, she is nothing...

The repentant Moon Priest successfully evolved into the final form...the High Priest.

And the benevolent Moon Goddess ignored the past, and gave the high priest who believed in herself again, the blessing of the more advanced Moon Goddess——Congratulations, Coca-Cola.

As for the big devil Zhou Ye? ?

He looked proudly at the two goddesses and their priests who had been completely defeated by him, and said with disdain: "There are two fighting scum, and there is no one who can fight...I asked, who else is there!!"

Chapter 1628

Chapter 1628

Time passed year by year...

The newly born kaldorei are pleasantly surprised to find that as time goes by, more positive changes are taking place in them.

Their minds start to get smarter.

Their bodies began to become strong and powerful.

The most significant change is in their lifespan.

They found that—their aging speed was greatly delayed, and their lifespan became longer—even those clansmen who were already old had a longer remaining life.

This made the Kaldorei's belief in the moon god Elune stronger.

In their view, all of this is a gift from the Moon Goddess.

Life has become long and long, which may cause the people of Kaldorei to lose their fishing nets for reproduction in the future, but... for now, they haven't reached that point yet.

Therefore, this led to... the population of the Kaldorei group began to explode.

In just a few hundred years, the Kaldorei have grown from a race of less than 10,000 people to now—a super-large tribe with a population of more than 100,000.

The area around the Well of Eternity was obviously not enough to accommodate so many Kaldorei.

So, they built new cities in other places...

When the tribe had grown to such a state, the patriarch of the Kaldorei clan welcomed his successor with great joy.


With a loud cry, in a tall building complex...

A Kaldorei baby girl is born...

This baby girl has amber eyes, which are extremely rare in the Kaldorei family, which makes her parents believe that she is the best gift given to them by the moon god Elune.

Just when the old patriarch was happily hugging his daughter, he was so happy...

"My lord, my lord High Priest, here we come..." a guard said respectfully.

"What??" The patriarch asked in surprise, "The High Priest?? Is it Lord Fina Night Breeze??"

"Yes! My lord!!" The guard responded.

"Quickly ask the high priest to come in..." the patriarch said hastily.

To know--

In these long hundreds of years, the patriarch has never welcomed his own heir, so he had to turn to the high priest for help...

It is also because of the help of High Priest Fina that he has the beautiful and lovely daughter he is today.

That's why he firmly believed that this daughter was a gift given to him by the moon god Elune.

It is a reward for his devout faith.

Following the patriarch's order, the guards quickly invited Fina Night Breeze, the Priest of the Moon, in.

"Good day, my lord!!" Fina Night Breeze greeted the wise patriarch with a smile.

"High Priest, you are still as beautiful as the moonlight!!" Seeing Fina's appearance as if time has stagnated, the patriarch said with some emotion: "Is it true that all priests who serve Lord Moon God will gain eternal youth? Woolen cloth??"

"Hehe..." Facing the patriarch's ridicule, Fina smiled slightly and said, "This is the moon god Elune's preference for us, and--the moon god Elune doesn't like male priests!!"

Fina knew that the patriarch's words sounded like ridicule, but—in fact, there was not a trace of tentative thoughts.

Because, compared with her, the patriarchs of almost the same era have begun to age slowly—and every person with power will inevitably want to obtain eternal life in the end.

"Hahaha... I guess it's the same. After all, the priestesses in the Moon God Temple are all hand-picked by Master Fina—the most beautiful girl in our clan!" Hearing Fina's words of rejection without a trace, the patriarch Haha smiled and said, "I don't know what the high priest is doing here today?"

You know, it's been a long time since Fina Night Breeze walked out of the Moon God Temple next to the Well of Eternity...

And generally, if there is nothing important, or a ceremony.

Fina Night Breeze would never appear in front of the clansmen.

However, her reputation has risen instead of falling...

Who made her the one who claims to be the closest to Elune? ?

It is said that someone once saw the arrival of the moon god Elune in her palace...

This - it's true, Fina Night Breeze is the title of Elune's most favored priest.

"I'm here for her..." Faced with the patriarch's question, Fina Night Breeze pointed at the baby girl beside him and smiled.

"For my daughter??" the patriarch asked in surprise.

"Yes, my lord!!" Fina Night Breeze nodded with a smile, "Now, as the tribe grows, don't you find that there are more and more

Does your tribal thing need to be dealt with? "

"Hmm! That's right..." Hearing what Fina Yefeng said, the patriarch nodded in agreement. "I already feel a little powerless. Although I have tried my best to handle everything well, there are still many omissions..."

The patriarch really felt that with the growth of the clan, his previous hands-on approach was no longer suitable.

It's a bit too tiring...

"But what does this have to do with my newly born daughter?" the patriarch asked back.

"Because she is the hope of our family!!" Fina Yefeng said, walking gently to the baby girl with a pair of amber eyes, and hugged her up.

While gently teasing the baby girl's face with his hands, he said softly, "You are the light of light, you are Elune's blessing—and you, too, will be crowned king and lead our Kaldorei clan , towards glory...!!"

Following Fina Night Breeze's words...

The Kaldorei patriarch was a little surprised to find that his newly born daughter was still crying just now...and now, teased by Fina Night Breeze...showing her lovely smiling face...

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