"Crowned as king... sounds very good!!" The patriarch looked at the moon priest who was playing with his daughter, and said thoughtfully.

And Fina Night Breeze also heard his muttering to herself, and replied with a smile: "Of course, but—not everyone has the potential to become a king, including you!! "

"I know..." The patriarch didn't care about Fina's words... To a certain extent, the entire Kaldorei race is a political model that separates church and state.

Fortunately, as the leader of the Elune sect - Fina Night Breeze didn't have too many fishing nets for rights.

And the patriarch who has come through the most difficult days can be regarded as a relatively wise person. He doesn't care about the great prestige of the Elune sect among the tribe, and even said that he himself is the most devout believer of the moon god Elune.

That's why—this is what makes the Kaldorei family, which is separated from church and state, always appear so harmonious.

"When she grows up, let her come to the Moon God Temple!!" Fina Yefeng said, and gently put the baby girl down from her arms.

"Are you going to teach her yourself?" The patriarch said, "Then I can rest assured!"

After all, in his opinion - the anti-moon priest, Fina Night Breeze, could be regarded as the most intelligent existence of the Kaldorei family.

"Hmm...!!" Fina Night Breeze nodded, and then asked, "What's her name!"

"Azshara, I plan to call her Azshara!!"

Chapter 1629

Chapter 1629

Having completed her mission, Fina Night Breeze led her moon female guards back to her palace.

Temple of the Moon God——

This is not only a temple-like existence, but also her residence, and it is also the residence of all the priests who serve the goddess Elune.

The entire Moon God Temple is astonishingly large.

It is also because it is too big, so - its location has to be built a little far away from the Well of Eternity.

The Temple of the Moon God consists of various facilities such as the Temple of Prayer, the Garden of Elune, the Temple of Meditation, and the residence of the priests.

Covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres...

The Kaldorei family used all their whimsy and knowledge of all things without hesitation.

Here, you can see all kinds of beautiful flowers blooming all over the temple.

Here, you can see the giant statue of Elune, which is more than 30 meters high.

Here, you can see all kinds of magnificent architectural styles...

In short—it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the Kaldorei family, the crystallization of wisdom and art.

And at this time - Fina Night Breeze had already walked into the temple.

While smiling and nodding to the trainee priests who greeted her, she walked around the long corridor towards Elune Garden at the back of the temple.

When she reached the entrance of Elune Garden, she stopped her footsteps... she turned her head and said to the Moon Guard who was following her, "You guys just stay here!!"

"Yes, my lord!!" xn

The four moon female guards respectfully agreed, and then stood at the gate of Allen Garden...

They knew they were not entitled to Elune Gardens.

Only the high-ranking priests of the temple are eligible to enter the Garden of Elune and communicate with the Moon Goddess.

As for the temple, only one trainee priest is selected every year to become a real temple priest... However, if you want to be promoted to a high-ranking priestess of the temple, you have to pass many tests.

It can be said that every high priest of the temple is an amazing existence.

Fina Night Breeze stepped into Elune Garden.

In this huge garden, Fina Night Breeze is like an old horse who knows the way, walking through the paths paved with various beautiful gems...

Soon—she came to the edge of a terrace.

As soon as she got here, Fina heard a sound like weeping from the five or six meter high terrace.

That voice is so familiar...

As soon as she heard it, she knew... what happened up there.

What is her lover doing to her high priestess...

However, Fina wasn't angry...or it should be said, she couldn't get angry anymore.

Every time, when she gets angry... that villain will implement [Love Persuasion] on her...

And every time, she was shamefully discouraged.


I don't know how many times I have experienced [Love Persuasion], Fina completely gave up the idea of ​​reasoning with her lover.

Leaving is inseparable, it is impossible to leave in this life...

Fina smiled, and then walked up the steps of the terrace...

The entire terrace is a circular structure, and the lower side of the terrace is a large room - the steps to the terrace are built on the edge of the terrace and rise in a spiral shape.

Along the steps, Fina quickly walked to the terrace. On this terrace with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, it was covered with a very precious moss called luminous grass. This kind of plant, After drying, it will emit a faint fluorescence, and there will be a refreshing fragrance.

Step on it, it is as comfortable as the most expensive wool rug.

But this kind of plant is very rare... Every year, the amount obtained is extremely limited.

The luminous grass carpet laid on the entire terrace can be said to be

It has been treasured by the entire Moon God Temple for decades.

And in front of Fina, a beautiful figure with long silver hair was being bullied by a villain, and under the bullying of that villain... She was letting out bursts of wailing sounds of unknown meaning.

This whining sound reached a peak after Fina's arrival...

Finally, the bullied white-haired high-ranking priestess let out a loud scream, and then completely fell down on the luminous grass carpet, motionless.

"My lover, you bullied Nasara again..." Fina shook her head speechlessly, then picked up her lover's clothes from the carpet, and gently helped him put them on...

"Nasara is so fun, every time I see you by my side, I feel shy!!" Zhou Ye smiled and stretched out his arms, letting Feina help him get dressed... Then he asked: "What is the matter?" How's it going??"

"The patriarch has agreed, let me teach you little Azshara!!" Fina said as she helped her lover organize the clothes, and she didn't stop until she thought it was perfect.

"Why do you have to get Azshara's education rights?" Fina asked curiously.

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