"If I say that she will become a queen who will lead Kaldorei to glory in the future, do you believe it?" Zhou Ye said while covering Nasara on the ground to save her from catching a cold. .

Although the weather here is not cold...but—this is an attitude.

"I believe it!!" Fina said here, and asked: "But, is there any necessary connection between this and you want to teach her personally?"

"Of course..." Zhou Ye hugged Fei Na and said with a smile, "There is still a second half of that prophecy!!"

"What is it?" Fina asked curiously.

She couldn't guess the prophecy in the second half, but she was very curious, what kind of future would make her man plan to teach a little loli himself? Even if she is the future Queen Azshara.

The queen is not inconspicuous in her lover's home, okay?

As far as Fina knows—at home, there are three sisters with queen attributes—the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, the green dragon queen Ysera...and the blue dragon queen Sindragosa.

Although Sindragosa can be regarded as a polished commander, but--he does have the demeanor of a queen.

Compared with them - Azshara is not enough.

What is the reason that my lover, who can sit and never stand, and who can lie and never sit, wants to teach a future queen for the first time? ?

Fina is a little confused...

This is why Fina doesn't know much about her lover.

It was also because she had to stay in the Temple of the Moon God, so she seldom went to the Floating Void City of Eden to have a tryst with her own man, and her relationship with other sisters was a little estranged.

In addition, Alexstrasza and Ysera rarely mentioned their past to others, after all, they are already queens now, and some dark history should be buried as soon as it should be buried...

If you can't mention the fact that you were tricked into eating lollipops by Zhou Ye when you were a child, then you can't mention it.

After all—the queens also need face.

Even, they are unwilling to mention that they were raised by their spouse Zhou Ye. They have been laughed at by Elune and Freya too many times, so they want to bury their dark history.

If Fina knew about the dark history of those queens—she probably wouldn't be so surprised by her lover who suddenly became so positive.

Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630

Hearing Fina's curiosity, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Little Azshara in the future will indeed become the greatest queen of the Kaldorei clan in history, and the Kaldorei clan, under her leadership, will build the An incomparably huge empire!!"

Having said this, Zhou Ye paused for a moment, then continued.

"However—the prosperity must decline. Compared with Azshara's future achievements, her later confusion is also the key to ruining the entire Kaldorei Empire."

"Her mistake even caused the entire Kaldorei Empire to fall apart!!"

Having said this, Zhou Ye stopped talking.

"Then, my love, are you planning to teach her to be a qualified leader?" Fina Night Breeze asked thoughtfully, "This seems good too!!"

"Hehe..." Hearing his woman's words, Zhou Ye smiled without saying a word.

Not to mention whether to teach him to be a qualified leader, but he will definitely teach the future queen to be what he wants, what suits his shape, that's for sure.

"Okay, the future is still early!!" Zhou Ye said, hugging Fina's slender waist and said: "I haven't seen your Luna Dance for a long time!! En is above the sky, why don't you show me a dance??"

"Wait a minute, my lover!!" Fina smiled and pecked lightly at the side of her lover's buttocks, and said, "I have prepared a little surprise for you!!"

"Oh? What little surprise??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"You'll find out later!!" Fina said, and directly used the ability that Elune bestowed on her to light up the moon lantern on the terrace.

With the light of the moonlight——

The moonlights lit up throughout Elune Gardens.

Under the faint fluorescent light of the moonlight, a graceful figure danced happily on the high ground not far from the terrace.

Her dancing posture is sometimes charming and sometimes fierce.

Even the plants danced as she danced...

"Interesting... who is she?" Zhou Ye looked at this figure and asked curiously.

"Dijana, the high priest promoted this year!!" Fina said softly with a smile, "She has a very devout belief in the goddess of the moon..."

"I can tell, her Luna Dance is very good!!" Zhou Ye nodded. "So? Are you going to let her join our family??"

"I think her piety should be rewarded!!" Fina whispered softly in Zhou Ye's ear, "Let her get closer to her beliefs, I think this is the best reward for her." !!"

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye laughed when he heard what Fei Na said.

What does it mean to be closer to your own beliefs? ?

Of course, she was on the couch, together with the goddess she believed in, resisting the invasion of the Great Demon King.

What else can be closer than fighting with the goddess you believe in? ?

Imagine that the weapon that was still fighting the goddess just now is suddenly turned on her—that is simply an expression of devotion to piety.

The best reward for a disciple.

"I agree!!" Will Zhou Ye refuse? ?

of course not--


It would be impossible for any physiologically normal man...

As the words fell, Zhou Ye's figure suddenly disappeared on the terrace, and appeared behind the dancing figure...

"I haven't told everything yet..." Before Feina finished speaking, she saw Zhou Ye on the high ground in the distance, and had already thrown the newly promoted high priest down.

And Dijana, who was dancing to the goddess of the moon she believed in, was instantly dumbfounded. She looked at the man who pushed herself down on the grass in a little bewilderment...

This man is almost the same as the Kaldorei family except that he does not have the long ears of the Kaldorei family.

Moreover, his beauty was something she had never seen in her life.

However—this is not a reason for her to stop fighting...

"Who are you? How dare you attack the great Elune's priests in her domain... guards, guards!!"

"Hehe... Elune? She doesn't dare to resist me... So, you should obey me obediently!!"

Relying on his own skills, Zhou Ye easily disarmed Di Jiana...

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