With a mournful cry—the newly promoted high priest Dijana has completely completed the transformation from a girl to a woman.

From resistance, to half-push, half-push, from half-push, half-push to active attack...

No one knows what kind of spiritual journey Dijana has gone through...

Standing in the distance, Fina, who witnessed all this happening, muttered in her mouth: "Forgive me, Dijana... In order for our lover to stay here more, this is a sacrifice that must be made. !!"

No wonder Fina behaved like this.

In the Garden of Eden, she saw how the two giant dragon legions worked together to meet her lover.

She also saw, under the provocation of those beautiful dragon girls, how her lover defeated them one by one.

That's why she had the idea of ​​increasing her own power.

How to increase? ?

Of course it is - choose more high-ranking priestesses and make them become closer to the goddess.

Fortunately, through so many years of getting along, she has almost figured out her lover's likes and dislikes.

So, basically, the priestesses she chooses can hit her lover's weakness.

However, at present, there are still a few high-ranking priestesses...

The number of high-ranking priestesses in the entire Elune sect has just reached twenty.

This is still adding the number of Dijana who is fighting the enemy bravely in front of her.


Fina is not willing to increase the number of high-ranking priestesses at will. In her opinion, quality comes first.

Must be beautiful - must be pure - must have a devotion to Elune.

This blocked the promotion path of many people.

However, the high-level priests selected in this way are also beneficial.

For example, Zhou Ye's monthly family reunion is called "Holy Grace Day" by them...

Why is it called Holy Grace Day? ?

Because on that day, they could witness the various postures of the Moon Goddess...

And through the baptism of the Holy Grace Day—every high-ranking priest found that his connection with the Moon Goddess was even closer.

cough cough...

It seems that I said something extraordinary...

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye——

Little Azshara is five years old...

According to the agreement, she was personally sent to the Moon God Temple by her father——

Here, she will accept the teachings of Fina Night Breeze, the most intelligent existence of the entire Kaldorei family - also the supreme leader of the Elune Sect, Priest of the Moon God.

Little Azshara, who had known the news for a long time, looked at the incomparably grand building in front of her with some anxiety... She didn't know how she would spend her days in the future.

After all—she was only five years old.

In the Temple of the Moon God, Zhou Ye had already started to think about how to teach Azshara, the future queen.

Chapter 1631

Chapter 1631

"You, hello..."

Little Azshara looked at the existence in front of her with some anxiety, which was completely different from herself...

He didn't have long pointed ears like his own, nor did he have shining eyes like his own people.

But——he has a handsomeness that he has never seen before, and has black eyes that are as mysterious as the night.

Especially in him, there is a characteristic that makes people want to get close, even if it is the first time they meet - little Azshara also has an urge to get close to him and listen to him.

"Hello... cutie!" Zhou Ye smiled and said to little Lori Azshara: "Who brought you here?"

"Yes, it was Ms. Night Breeze who brought me here!!" In Zhou Ye's gentle tone, Little Lolita gradually calmed down the uneasiness in her heart. She found that - this handsome young man in front of her was easy to get along with... Her uneasiness and fear just now also disappeared.

While those negative emotions disappeared, little loli's nature gradually made her lively. "Did you really exist before this world was born, as Ms. Night Breeze said?? Are you a god?? Will you be my teacher?"

"No, I'm not a god! But I'd love to be your teacher!" Zhou Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to Azshara, "Would you like to walk in this garden with me?? "

"Hmm..." Little Azshara followed her inner voice and let the young man in front of her hold her little hand.

"As today's first lesson, let me teach you how to recognize our world!!" Zhou Ye said, pulling up little Azshara and walking towards the garden.

"Our world??" Little Azshara asked curiously.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye said, pulling up little Azshara--to the garden... "At the beginning of this world, it was ruled by violent elements!!"

As Zhou Ye's words fell, little Azshara felt the scenery in front of her eyes change...

That kind of change, so fast... so fast that Azshara felt as if she was being led by her father, riding a nightsaber...

No, it feels faster than that...

Countless scenes turned into a stream of light, flashing behind him...

Little Azshara couldn't help being frightened by the strange scene in front of her and wanted to scream, but the gentle voice in her ears made her stop.

this impulse. "Don't be afraid, cutie... We are traveling backwards through the long river of time, going to the beginning of this world, and seeing what happened in this world!!"

"Hmm!!" Little Azshara felt the big warm hand tightly holding her hand, which made her feel so safe. She was even a little dependent, leaning towards Zhou Ye's side.

Feeling the attachment of the little loli next to him, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smile.

Why did you use such a massive big move right from the start? ?

The purpose is to engrave his brand in the heart of little Azshara.

After this [first class], Zhou Ye believed that even at the end of time—Little Azshara would never forget this first class that she would never forget.

Although it is shameless to use the suspension bridge theory to carve your own brand in the heart of a little loli...


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