Would Zhou Ye care about such shamelessness? ?

To him—how can the matter of picking up girls be called shameless? ?

Cough cough - pull away.

With the streamer turning around...

When the scenery in front of her didn't change anymore, little Loli found herself in a hell-like environment.

it's here--

There is no vegetation on the ground... On the dry ground, there are cracks like scars. Under these cracks... blood-red magma surges, and the scorching breath makes little Aisa Even if you pull it far away, you can feel a rush of heat.

"Where is this place, teacher..." Little Lori Azshara asked hesitantly, "Why can't I feel a breath of life here?"

"This is the territory of Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire Demons!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Do you want to meet this big guy??"

"Hmm!!" Little Lolita, whose curiosity overwhelmed everything, nodded her head without hesitation. "Is Ragnaros very powerful?? Why does it make its territory like this??"

"The Fire Demon King is the first fire elemental lord who was born in this world!!" Zhou Ye smiled, pulled the little loli and walked towards a valley...While walking, he introduced to the little loli: " It can almost be said to be the oldest existence in this world, and it likes the scorching hot environment, just like the Kaldorei likes the forest..."

Following Zhou Ye's description, little Lolita gradually understood the past of the King of Elements——

However, what caught her attention even more were the fire elemental creatures running back and forth beside them. Although these elementals had no legs, they could float in mid-air and run back and forth.

"Teacher... Are we in an illusion?" Little Lolita asked curiously, "Why don't those fire elements attack us?? Didn't you say that they are the most violent elemental creatures?"

I don't know when, little Azshara has already started to call the teacher without any sense of disobedience.

"Do you want to try to communicate with these elemental creatures?" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Yeah!" Little Azshara nodded without hesitation.

She believes that her teacher will definitely protect her... Although this feeling is so abrupt, she just believes that her teacher will never let herself suffer any harm. You can call this ——Little Lolita's intuition.

"Then try to communicate with these elemental creatures!!" Zhou Ye smiled, waved his hand lightly, and removed the veil covering them.

As Zhou Ye removed the mask from his body...

Little Azshara suddenly felt a gust of scorching air coming towards her...

If, just now, she felt that she was beside the bonfire, facing the flames——then now, she felt as if she was in a sea of ​​flames.

Even she could smell a burnt smell, it was the smell of her hair being scorched by the flames...

Before Azshara could complain twice, suddenly, a giant fire elemental with a height of more than ten meters in the distance had spotted her.

It roared, and with a berserk attitude, it rushed towards Azshara... It said words that Azshara didn't understand at all.

It wasn't until this time that Azshara realized that her idea of ​​wanting to communicate with these elemental creatures was so ridiculous, the two had no common language to communicate at all...

Facing the rushing fire element in front of him, Azshara finally couldn't help screaming... "Help, teacher!!"

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye chuckled lightly, and waved his hand at the fire element in the distance...

Azshara saw that following her teacher's actions—the fire elemental in front of her let out a deafening roar, and then—its body collapsed towards a certain center point of its chest, and finally...

With a flash of fire, the fire elemental lord, more than ten meters high, just disappeared before Azshara's eyes.

Chapter 1632

Chapter 1632

After the fire elemental lord with a height of more than ten meters died, the little loli Azshara discovered——where the fire element disappeared, there was actually a small red ball left on the scorched ground...

She rushed over curiously, reaching out to grab the round sphere.

"Be careful!!" Zhou Ye grabbed the little Lolita.

He really didn't expect that a generation of queens - Azshara, also had a childish side when she was a child.

"That's the core of the fire element!!" Zhou Ye pulled the little loli and walked towards the core of the element, and said at the same time: "Every elemental creature has a core, and different elemental cores have different uses..."

As Zhou Ye said, he bent down and picked up the bright red flame core, and then spread his hands to let little loli see clearly. "This core still has the power of the fire element just now, so - if you are not careful, you will be burned!!"

"Hmm..." At this time, the little Lolita also felt the scorching breath emanating from the core of the element in front of her. She suddenly frowned at her scorched hair, and said to Zhou Ye with a mournful face, "Teacher... My hair!!!"

"Don't worry, isn't your hair in good condition?" Zhou Ye smiled and stroked Azshara's long silver-white hair.

The scorched black hair tips that had been slightly toasted instantly regained their original beauty.

"That's great!!" The beauty-loving little loli just

Before I had time to cheer, I heard a loud voice, which suddenly sounded...

"Who-killed my son!!!"

Although he couldn't understand the meaning of the words, little Azshara could feel the anger in that voice...

She couldn't help but turn her head in the direction of the voice...

Just this one glance made her completely stunned——

I saw——

In the valley more than a thousand meters away from them, a gigantic figure was standing there.

The flame is his skin, the magma is his armor, and the spiral flame whirlwind forms his feet... His height is hundreds of meters... The flaming hammer in his hand is bigger than Azshara's residence several times larger...

"This, what is this?? Teacher!!" Little Azshara looked at the huge flame creature in front of her stupidly. In her knowledge, there had never been a creature with such a huge size.

"Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, one of the four elemental lords, the Flame Lord!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Would you like to go and see it together?"

"..." Little Lolita remained silent. To be honest, facing the Fire Demon King, she really felt scared...

But——when she saw the slightly smiling eyes in her teacher's eyes, her unyielding personality made her nod without hesitation, her little head. "Um--!"

"This is my little queen!!" Zhou Ye smiled...

"You have to know that any powerful existence can be defeated!!" Zhou Ye said as he pulled up little Lolita and walked towards Ragnaros, the king of fire—of course, he held on again. Putting on a shield that can insulate the heat... This made little Loli feel alive again.

"Can this thing in front of me be defeated?" Little Lolita asked curiously.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"Including you, teacher?" Little Lolita asked back.

"Well—including me!!" Zhou Ye nodded without hesitation... Want to defeat him? It's very simple - he only needs hundreds of oaas to besiege him, and he can't stand it.

So, which world has hundreds of oaa? ?

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