I have never changed...

"All that—is it real or unreal? Teacher?? Tell me..."

"When the truth is false, it is also true, and when it is false, it is true and false... What does it matter if it is true or false??" Zhou Ye, with the appearance of a wise man, said a life testimonial that the little queen hated.

"Then I'll check whether it's true or false!!" Little Azshara gritted her silver teeth and pouted at Zhou Ye's key point...

"Don't... your body is too small now..."

"It doesn't matter, we've done so many things anyway... ah - bastard, why does it hurt so much!!"

"I told you a long time ago that I backtracked your body time, so... oh... you really don't want to die..."

"I can still endure this kind of pain... It hurts in the morning and not later, anyway, it will hurt sooner or later... Don't you know how to get smaller?? Bad teacher..."

In the empty Elune Garden—a cat-like meowing sound gradually sounded.

After half a day ——————

The patriarch of the Kaldorei clan left the government affairs in his hands and rushed to his daughter's room... to visit his daughter, Azshara, who was injured in the Moon Temple because of her mischief.

Looking at his daughter's pale face, the patriarch said with some distress: "My little moonlight, what's wrong with you?? How could you be so careless and fell off the statue of Goddess Elune??"

"I'm fine, father!!" Azshara looked at her anxious father and put down the book in her hand with a smile... She said softly, "Ms. Yefeng has already treated me, and after three days, I will be treated again. I can run around everywhere!!"

"That's good, that's good, Yefeng High Priest's healing technique is the best in the entire temple... With her here, it's much better!!" Speaking of this, the patriarch asked hesitantly, "Little Moonlight, or else We don't go to the temple to study, right?? I can invite the most famous scholar of the Kaldorei clan to teach you..."

"No..." Hearing this, Azshara sat up excitedly... This immediately affected her wound, and she couldn't help but turn pale in pain... She started cursing someone who didn't know The restrained badass teacher is here...

She completely forgot that she started it by herself...

However, women and children were originally unreasonable beings. When the two were combined, unreasonableness became an innate skill.

"Father, I'm fine... and I'll be more careful in the future!!" Azshara said eagerly.

She doesn't want to be separated from her teacher... Even if it's not for doing that kind of thing, she doesn't want to be separated from her teacher for even a single second.

In fact, she didn't want to come back...

It was Fina Yefeng who forcibly sent her back, claiming that she could not bear such an important responsibility...

From Azshara's point of view, she was just jealous of herself, jealous that she could use her five-year-old body to make that bad guy like this...hehehehe.

"But you were injured so badly this time..." The patriarch said hesitantly.

You must know that the resilience of the Kaldorei clan itself is amazing. Coupled with the treatment of the Yefeng High Priest, they have not been able to restore their daughter to health immediately... It is conceivable that her daughter was injured to the end this time. How heavy.

Hearing his father's words, Azshara felt like shooting himself in the foot.

In fact, she lied, she didn't let Fina help her with treatment at all... In her words, that is-the feeling of wanting to remember this moment, she will remember it for a lifetime.

It is precisely because of this that she needs to rest for three days...

This is why, as a Kaldorei clan, she has a very strong recovery ability... Try another ordinary human, I am afraid that she will die at that time.

Cough-cough——It seems that Zhou Ye is too beastly to say this.

But Zhou Ye said that he is also very helpless... He is also a victim, okay... It's a little hard to talk about being turned back by a little loli, no matter how you think about it?

Thinking of the tangled look on his teacher's face when he left, little Azshara couldn't help but let out a smile.

She did it on purpose... She deliberately wanted to make him feel guilty, so that her status in his heart would be infinitely higher... Don't say that Little Lolita is too scheming, Azshara is willing to sacrifice everything for love... …

"I think I almost lost you... my little moonlight!!" The patriarch continued his words, and the little loli concealed it very well. He didn't realize that his daughter's face did not belong to her age. The proper look.

"Don't worry, father...I promise I'll be more careful in the future!!" Little Azalaza Jiao said, "Just let me continue to study at the temple... okay...father!!"

"It seems that Yefeng High Priest's educational methods are very clever!!" Looking at his daughter's sincere appearance, the patriarch asked thoughtfully, "Can you tell me, the first class, Yefeng High Priest is all Did I teach you anything??"

It wasn't Fina who taught me, it was my teacher who taught me...

While complaining in his heart, little Azshara said, "The teacher taught me some history..."

Little Azshara described to his father bit by bit the history of the dark troll family that he heard from his teacher...

Of course she wouldn't tell her father that her teacher took her on a tour of ancient Azeroth, brought her to see the oldest ruler, and took her to see the battle between the ancient evil god and the four elements that descended from the sky

The struggle brought her to see the establishment of the majestic and vast dark empire...

She even took her to see the end of the Dark Empire and the origin of the Well of Eternity.

Although Little Loli's body was traced back to when she was five years old by her teacher... but her mind has already matured...

She knows what to say and what not to say...

Therefore, she will take out the few words about the history of the Kaldorei that she heard from her teacher... to fool her father.

Even if it was just a few words, for the Kaldorei's patriarch, it was enough to make him feel extremely surprised...

He discovered that many of the things his daughter recounted, even he didn't know...

However, he believes that it is definitely not the history that Du Lun came up with, because as long as it exists, there will be ripples in the long river of history, and through those ripples, it is enough for the wise patriarch to know the truth of those histories. sex.

Chapter 1636

Chapter 1636

"It seems that the High Priest Yefeng has taught you very well... My little moonlight!!" The Kaldorei patriarch nodded and said with relief: "In this way, it is necessary for you to continue to study in the temple. now..."

"Thank you, father!!" Little Azshara said happily after hearing his father's words.

"But—for your safety, I decided to send two maids to follow you..." The patriarch said with a smile, "Because I don't want to see you hurt again... And the High Priest of Yefeng is obviously a little naughty towards you. I can't discipline, so... it's all for your own good, my little moonlight..."

"Yes..." Hearing his father's words, little Azshara immediately became lethargic... Still taking two maids? ? Elune is on top, with them on the side, how can I meet my teacher? ?

...Or else, just drag the two maids into the water, eh—— thinking about it like this, it seems to be a good feeling... Anyway, with the ability of my teacher, I have never seen him satisfied, and I can replace myself in the future. To please him, that's a really good idea. Hmm- in that case...

Thinking of this, Little Loli said directly to her father: "Then can I choose the maid who will follow me? Father?"

"Of course...my little moonlight!" All the patriarch wanted was to have two maids to remind his daughter of the dangers and what not to do at a critical moment... As for disciplining his daughter?

Do not make jokes……

Little Azshara can be said to be the jewel of the entire family, and no one can control her...not even himself.

But the patriarch believed that her daughter was a naturally intelligent child, and she knew that following the advice of others, all she needed was the experience of some elders.

Seeing his daughter in good spirits, the patriarch felt a little relieved...

After chatting with his daughter for a while, he hurried back to the government affairs hall again, there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

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