Little Azshara picked up her book again and started reading to relieve her boredom.

Beside her pillow, there are one red and one blue, two circular elemental cores exuding magical light... This is her treasure, and it is the proof that she has verified the ancient history.

In fact, it was the two gadgets Zhou Ye used to make the magic water heater.

Years are always inadvertently - slowly passing by...

With the passage of time, the patriarch of the Kaldorei clan eventually grew old...

After all, as the first generation of immigrants, although their bodies were subtly transformed by the magic of the Well of Eternity, but because they themselves belonged to the transformation after maturity, they only gained a longer life, not immortality. .

And the Kaldorei Patriarch, who felt that his death was approaching, did not hesitate to follow the advice of the High Priest of the Night Wind, and radically transformed his own race...

He distributed his relatives to various places and became the leader of each emerging Kaldorei city, while he himself was in charge of the Kaldorei Royal Court and bound his relatives.

With his wise mind and flexible means, the patriarch of the Kaldorei clan still firmly controls the various lords.

But——he didn't claim to be king because——he wanted to give his daughter, Azshara, the honorable title of [First King] of the Kaldorei clan.

That is today... His daughter, Azshara, will be the glorious Queen of the Kaldorei.

To this end, he is constantly helping his daughter to build momentum...

Years ago, he began to let his daughter handle some government affairs on his behalf, intentionally or unintentionally... and his little moonlight did not disappoint him.

Her beauty has attracted the hearts of all the kaldorei clan, and her wisdom, even the most wise scholar of the kaldorei clan, has to be resigned.

Her kindness was widely spread among the Kaldorei people...

The birth of Queen Azshara was unstoppable.

Everyone is the same...

Today————the royal city of the Kaldorei clan, standing by the lake of the Well of Eternity, the main city of the night elves, this royal capital Eldis named after the Moon God... in a sea of ​​joy.

Countless magic fireworks dotted the sky over the entire main city with a beautiful scene.

Hundreds of thousands of local people cheered and took to the streets... and hundreds of thousands of elves who gathered from all over the world to participate in this holy scripture also joined this sea of ​​joy.

In a luxurious palace, the elf lords who came from all over, brought their families, and chatted with their familiar friends on the square of the palace.

In their mouths, a name is repeatedly mentioned... that is - the light of the light, Azshara.

They recognized Azshara's accession to the throne.

They believe that this incomparably beautiful queen can definitely lead them to a more brilliant tomorrow.

At this time, the person they were talking about was in a palace somewhere in the palace, looking sadly at his father lying on the sickbed.

" me...please let my father not leave me..." Azshara looked at his father's aged face sadly, and begged to his teacher and his man road.

"No little moonlight!!"

Before Zhou Ye could speak, the old patriarch on the sickbed opened his mouth first... He trembled, opened his eyes, and forced a smile, "Let's meet officially for the first time, my lord... …”

"Yes, Your Excellency the Patriarch!!" Zhou Ye was willing to maintain a certain respect for his woman's father.

"I knew that behind the High Priest of Yefeng, there was always someone supporting her..." The old patriarch said with a smile, "Also, it is this great existence who taught my daughter and made her an excellent person. The ruler of her...she is excellent, even beyond my expectations...all of this is your credit, my lord!!"

"No, although I like to brag, but... I have to say, the clever little Azshara gave me a lot of surprises!!" Zhou Ye said here, and asked curiously, "Why does Your Excellency the Patriarch keep calling me Lord?? Have we met before??"

"Of course I have seen..." The old patriarch smiled mysteriously: "Perhaps you never care about ants like us, but—I have seen you, at the foot of Mount Hyjal, you ride a dragon flying in the sky The heroic appearance made me yearn for incomparable... At that time, I was still a teenager, and now I am old... But you have never changed a little..."

"Father, don't say it... Let Ye help you continue your life... Let him help you become an immortal existence..." Azshara believed that his man could easily do such a thing.

"No, my little moonlight... I have lived long enough..." The old patriarch stopped his daughter. "Originally, the life of the troll family is so short, fighting with wild beasts, fighting with harsh nature, and fighting with the dangers that are everywhere in the forest... The troll family, the longest-lived, can't live for 150 years... ...And now, I've lived for hundreds of years, I've lived enough... I'm tired, don't let me worry about those things anymore... Let me... take a good, good rest..."

The old patriarch knew that Zhou Ye could easily continue his life, but—he also knew that if he was alive, it would only bring uneasiness to his daughter's rule... There are no two days, if he is still alive, By then, not that he

If you don't want to worry about it, you can leave it alone... Some careerists will use his name to make trouble, and his daughter will be tied up because of his existence...

So—he must die... This is the best gift a father can leave for his daughter. " daughter, don't miss your ceremony, go...let me rest!!"

Chapter 1637

Chapter 1637

With a loud and long-lasting horn sounded————

In the palace square, the elf lord and his family who were talking about stopped their discussions.

Everyone turned their attention to the light blanket made of noctilucent grass in the middle.

At this time, it is the time when Yaoyue is in the sky.

For the night elves who still retain the habit of living at night, this time is equivalent to the daytime of normal humans.

Except for the magic fireworks that were still shining in the sky, the entire palace, and even the entire Royal City of Aldis, fell silent with the sound of the vast horn.

A slender figure slowly walked out from the end of the light carpet in the center of the square.

Her dolphin-like silver hair was draped neatly behind her... A long moon-white dress wrapped her impeccable body.

The first time they saw this figure, everyone couldn't help shouting excitedly. "Praise you, light of great light..."

When these chaotic voices gradually converged into a torrent...

All the night elves were praising the night elf queen who was about to board the plane.

And Azshara, with a smile on his face, nodded to his supporters, and then—step by step, walked toward the highest throne in the royal court.

When she walked in front of the throne...

The cheers of the entire royal city reached their peak...

Azshara turned, as they wished, to face them.

"My people..."

As soon as Azshara spoke, the originally boiling royal city gradually returned to quiet again.

They didn't want to miss every word of their queen... So, they closed their eyes and listened quietly to the voice from Queen Azshara.

"Today, I stand here with a sense of panic..."

"I will put this crown representing rights and responsibilities on my head..."

"I swear that I will do my best to love my people..."

"I swear to make the great night elf empire even more prosperous!!"

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