Who can make all the dragons bow their heads? ?

Who can own the ancient creation, the floating city? ?

There is only one answer, and that is the incomparably handsome man in front of me...

At this moment, there was even a feeling in the hearts of many night elves [If anyone is worthy of their beautiful and merciful Her Majesty the Queen, then there is only this handsome and powerful man in front of them. 】a feeling of.

Zhou Ye walked towards Azshara who was standing on the high platform step by step, and followed him up the high platform...

All the dragons he passed by stood up, fluttered their wings, and flew into the air.

With a deafening dragon roar, all the giant dragons spewed out their own dragon flames toward the air.

In an instant, the entire palace was demarcated by the light carpet... Half of it was fiery red and irradiated by the dragon flames of the red dragon, while the other half was green and emerald green, illuminated by the dragon flames of the green dragon.

The whole scene looks so gorgeous...

As for Zhou Ye, he also came to Azshara at this time... he smiled and shook his head at her. "You gave me a surprise...my little queen..."

"Then are you surprised?" Azshara said, winking playfully at her man.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye nodded, then... out of his arms, he took out a dazzling pearl the size of a baby's fist and handed it to Queen Azshara. "Now, it's my turn to surprise you..."

"What is this...?" Queen Azshara was instantly shocked by the gift in her hand—she had already mastered magic, and could feel the boundless energy contained in this pearl.

Chapter 1640

Chapter 1640

"This is the entire life essence of an unborn Titan!!" Hearing Azshara's words, Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously and said.

"Titan's life essence??" Azshara was really shocked at this moment.

She's seen what a Titan looks like...

That kind of existence like a giant in the sky, was actually made like this by his lover? ?

Azshara opened her little scorpion with a look of surprise—it looked extremely cute.

Zhou Ye understood Azshara's thoughts in seconds, and he smiled slightly: "It's not what you think, it's just a star soul that hasn't fully conceived a Titan..."

"The star soul of the Titan has not yet been conceived - is it still??" Azshara couldn't help but complain: "A star soul is the soul of a planet, isn't that what you told me?? You gave it away A planet for me?? My love!!"

"Uh—that's right!!" Zhou Ye thought for a while, then nodded in response.

"Can you tell me its name??" Azshara couldn't help asking.

"Heart of Quietness!!" Zhou Ye turned to him and said, "The name of this orb is Heart of Quietness!!"

Just kidding, how could he tell Azshara that this orb was created by himself on a trip to Argus some time ago and extracted the star soul of that planet in the Argus planet? ?

Elsa and the others will complain about this thing.

Although, Zhou Ye had good reasons for taking out the star soul of this planet that had not yet been born with a Titan, but——this kind of thing is hard to say.

In fact, from what he had seen and heard on Argus, the Burning Legion above and the eredar who had taken refuge in them were using the power of fel to corrupt their planet.

As a person who thought that he would face the Burning Legion sooner or later, Zhou Ye did it without hesitation - weakening the enemy was to strengthen his own actions, pulling out the star soul that had not been completely corrupted...

According to Zhou Ye's idea, this thing is a rare thing, whether it is used to make equipment or given to people, it can definitely achieve unexpected results.

And on the planet of Argus at this time——

Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, the two upstarts of the Burning Legion, were already jumping around in anger.

Their idea of ​​corrupting the Agustitan not only didn't get the desired effect, but also was taken away by the fat they were looking for.

How can this not make them angry? ?

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye...

He was receiving a gift from a queen who had received a priceless treasure.

All the essence of a star soul? ?

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure...

Even Azshara, the queen of the most wise night elves, who had been instilled by Zhou Ye with countless knowledge that she should have and should not have since she was a child, could not resist such a gift.

She couldn't care anymore, and rushed frantically in front of her lover, and then——

Holding his lover, he offered her little guinea pig.

This gesture is roughly the same as a woman in the world receiving a limited edition out-of-print luxury bag.

Elune, who was in mid-air, played up the effect of this beam of light, wrapping Zhou Ye in it.

Alexstrasza, who was on the side, also snickered. In the dark mid-air, a magical light curtain was cast... Just like a super-large movie screen, the night elves in the entire royal city were sure to find out. Seeing what Her Majesty the Queen she admires is doing at this moment.

"Sister, is this... not good??" Ysera tugged at the corner of her sister's clothes helplessly, and said in a low voice, "You will make little Azshara feel bad about it.

Night elves, rebel! ! "

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight!! Isn't this what our lover taught us??" Alexstrasza said solemnly and plausibly: "Also, since little Azshara has decided to make his marriage public today, then These drawbacks will be exposed sooner or later...!!"

Having said this, Alexstrasza paused for a while, and then put on a sly smile on his face: "And—don't you think it's interesting to distribute dog food to hundreds of thousands of people at the same time?"

Ysera rolled her eyes helplessly when she heard her sister's exchange... I'm afraid the second half of the sentence is what you really want? ?

However, forget it...

Since her own man didn't say anything... why did she bother to stop her sister's jokes? ?

And at this time —————

Whether it is the noble lords in the palace, or the ordinary citizens who are noisy in the city.

All stopped his words and all his actions... He stared at the high-hanging magic screen in the air in stunned eyes...

At this moment, the entire royal city can hear the needle dropping quietly...

After a while—

"No, it's not true..."

"Queen Azshara... woo woo..."

"No, my dear majesty, you cannot do this..."

It's one thing to know that your queen is going to get married, but it's another thing to see your queen quarrel with a man with your own eyes.

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