At this moment, almost hundreds of night elves fainted at the same time.

They can't accept this reality...

On the other side, in the city, there are also royal guards who occupy various commanding heights and are responsible for maintaining order. They quickly make up the portraits of the fainted night elves.

With their longer and longer lives, they always look for something to pass the boring time, and those royal guards have deliberately cultivated various reconnaissance skills - drawing is one of them.

Not only those fainted civilians were registered as portraits, but even in the palace, there were royal guards doing the same thing.

In fact - those lords and nobles, although they love the queen, but - they are rarely so hysterical.

Only a noble named Xavius ​​collapsed to the ground...


This nobleman named Xavius ​​was also registered by the loyal royal guards.

This is the blacklist...

These people will never be able to enter the decision-making level of the elves. Their future is already doomed, and mediocrity is the portrayal of their future.

As for your question - those royal guards, facing their beloved queen, what with a man, why is there nothing at all? ?

Because—they, uh no, I should say them... They are the guardians that Queen Azshara has secretly cultivated and are completely loyal only to themselves, let's put it this way...

In order to cultivate their loyalty, Azshara did not hesitate to share his love with them...

Yep, exactly what you think...

In a way, Azshara is sister to them.

Don't say it's just a show of affection, it's Azshara and Zhou Ye, they don't know how many times they have participated.

Chapter 1641

Chapter 1641

The sun is rising gradually...

Eludis, the royal city of the night elf family, which was originally very lively, has gradually returned to its serenity and tranquility.

The Queen's enthronement ceremony that shocked and heartbroken the entire night elves' clan last night has come to an end.

On the gorgeous streets of the entire royal city, from time to time a few drunkards can be seen lying on the side of the road. They have completely lost the elegance and wisdom of the past. They are like dead pigs, lying on the side of the road and sleeping soundly. To murmur a few words in a dream.

"Uuuu... My Majesty the Queen!!"

"Why do you want to marry such a little white face!!"

Almost all drunks will snort words like this in their mouths...

Of course, compared to the population base of night elves, such people are still small.

After all, more people like Azshara because of her beauty and kindness. Although Azshara's enthronement ceremony has also become the wedding of the century, they also feel a little uncomfortable, but they soon accept this reality... …

After all - the queen is also a woman, and she also needs love.

At this time, in a tavern, a young night elf was drinking fruit wine cup by cup.

The gorgeous dress on his body makes people know at a glance that this is an elf noble.

"Master Xavius, you can't drink anymore... Your father is waiting for you to return to the territory together!" a guard standing behind him whispered.

"No, why does that short ear get Her Majesty's favor??" Xavius ​​ignored the words of his bodyguard, but slapped the table angrily and roared, "He must have been bewitched by an unknown magic. Her Majesty, I must kill him...I must kill him!!"

"Master, be careful!!" Hearing the words of his young master, the guards hurriedly covered his own young master's grandfather, and looked around in a panic...

Fortunately, in this tavern, there are no night elves who still have consciousness.

Almost everyone was drunk on the table... And the owner of this tavern seemed to be a little impatient with these drunks, so he simply hid in his room upstairs, unwilling to see them...

As for saying, leave without giving money? ?

In the night elf empire, such a bad thing has never happened before, so——the boss doesn't care at all.

Xavius, who was covered by his guard, quickly calmed down...

He stood up staggeringly and walked outside... "Okay, let's go!!"

"Master, are you alright??" The guard asked in disbelief, looking at the young master who was like a different person in an instant.

"I'm fine... How could I be in trouble?" The young man said lightly, but—some words in his heart were not spoken to his guards.

Xavius, who had deeply hidden the haze in his eyes, said coldly, "We have to go back soon... We still have a lot of things to do. I have never felt that time is so urgent..."

"This... yes, young master!!" The guard replied in a daze, and followed the boy towards their quarters.

[I will tell you with my strength how ridiculous your choice is, Azshara, and I will tell you with facts, you are wrong... The short ear you chose is just an incompetent coward! 】

With this thought in mind, a night elf boy named Xavis, along with his father's team, left the royal city of Aldis and walked towards his father's territory.

And what is the person who makes Xavius ​​extremely jealous at this time? ?


he is sleeping...

In Azshara's bedroom...

There is no male presence here, or it should be said that all male guards are not allowed to enter here, only the royal maid of Queen Azshara can enter here.

But at this time, you can't see the existence of any royal maids in your post, so where are they? ?

Let's take a look at Queen Azshara's huge and astonishing bedroom.

I saw that in this palace, which is over a thousand square meters, there are people lying on the ground at this moment...

Female elves, female titans, queens, dragon girls, female guards, priestesses, and goddesses...

These women all have one unifying characteristic, that is beauty...and they also have almost the same smile on their faces - the name of this smile is contentment.

Well, even a palace with thousands of square meters is not enough for thousands of people...

So, they have to occasionally overlap...

The one that overlaps the most is Queen Azshara's incomparably gorgeous couch.

On the couch, you will see Elune and other women piled up like a small mound.

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