In fact, you can't see Zhou Ye at all...

Because he was buried deep in this mound composed of countless beautiful women.

Beneath him was Ysera and Alexstrasza and Sindragosa and Iona.

And he was covered with a quilt composed of Queen Azshara, Goddess Elune, her chief priest Fina Yefeng and Freya...

Seriously, Zhou Ye could make a certain Ju Ru fall into his mouth with just a single request... In fact, that's what he did.

Don't worry about the Red Dragon Queen and the others. With their physiques, let alone a few people on top of them... Even if they press ten tons of steel, it won't affect them in the slightest... They can still fall asleep when they should.

simply put----

It was a certain queen who miscalculated last night...

When she delivered the small gift she had carefully prepared to her lover, Zhou Ye did reveal a smile...

But—— Zhou Ye, who claimed to have clear rewards and punishments, didn't want to let the Red Dragon Queen and the others go.

So——not only the giant dragon army suffered, but one counts as one, and all the women who participated in deceiving their lovers are unlucky...

time? It was just Zhou Ye's toy.

To outsiders, it may only be a few short hours.

But for these women, they endured a full week of revenge.

That's why—they were so tired at this time.

In Zhou Ye's words——that is——

If it weren't for the convenient magic, this place would definitely become a swamp...

Why did it turn into a swamp? ?

Cough, you can imagine for yourself...

Of course, outsiders can't see this absurd scene... Because Azshara's palace has been imbued with some kind of isolation magic, outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out...

That's why it was so exaggerated. In fact, Zhou Ye also had a hint of his grief in order to let Azshara vent his grief.

Because - just last night - when Azshara was crowned Queen.

Her father, who authenticated his own race, was transformed from a humble dark troll family into an old patriarch of a noble night elves family... He passed away forever.

He left with a smile...

Because he not only witnessed the moment his daughter ascended the throne, but also saw his daughter announce that she was going to get married.

He has no regrets anymore...

Chapter 1642

Chapter 1642

Queen Azshara's enthronement ceremony, which the night elves talked about for a while, gradually fell silent.

Life has to go on, and the queen's enthronement ceremony may become a legend that will forever be circulated in the night elves, but - life cannot continue by relying on legends.

They have to eat, they have to live...

Of course, all this has been very, very easy for the night elves.

Have you ever seen a fruit that ripens in a day? ?

Here is...

With the application of magic, the night elves gradually discovered that in the past, they had to risk their lives to capture the prey, but now - just a little magic is enough to get everything...

Of course, magic is also about talent...

After all—not all night elves can become noble magicians.

Others, too, have their own choices.

Such as the forest ranger who is proficient in communicating with beasts with bows and arrows.

Another example is the goddess guard wearing armor and riding a night saber... wait...

If you don't like the combat profession, then choose to be a scholar who pursues the truth, then what if you don't like reading books...

Uh—then just be an ordinary civilian.

Azshara Calendar - Azshara 302.

This year marks the three hundred and two years since Azshara ascended the throne.

Magic has become very popular in the night elf empire.

Azshara established a magic academy next to the Well of Eternity... Quel'dorei Magic Academy, where the knowledge of magic is open to all night elf people with magical talent for free.

There are many night elves who love magic, all here, like a sponge that absorbs water, absorbing the knowledge of magic.

These night elves were grateful for Queen Azshara's kindness, and at the same time swore in their hearts that they would always be loyal to their Queen Azshara.

However, these elves, because of their superior magical talent, began to despise those people who did not have magical talent.

This made Queen Azshara a particular headache.

In fact, she has a lot of headaches...

for example--

In recent years, the population growth of the night elves has shown a downward trend.

Because of their long lives, these guys are too lazy to breed any more offspring. They put more attention on other places, such as - art, such as music, such as magic, such as faith... and so on.

Hundreds of years have passed, but the entire population of the night elves is only more than one million, and they are nodding their heads.

This makes it possible for people who are committed to building their empire into the most powerful empire ever.

How could Azshara tolerate it?

But——there is no way to enforce this kind of thing, so——for now, we can only focus on easing the class conflicts in the night elf society.

Thinking of this, Azshara, who was sitting on the throne, sighed helplessly, "Vashj... Where is His Royal Highness now??"

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness should be in Suramar at this time. It is said that the leader of the Sisterhood of Elune - Mistress Digana invited him!!" Speaking of His Royal Highness, Azshara's little maid, Vas Qi complained a little depressedly: "It's obvious that they all believe in the existence of the moon god Elune, why do you want to establish a sisterhood of Elune in Suramar?? Let His Royal Highness run around..."

"Hahaha... Your Majesty, the little Vashj is jealous!!" The bright-faced Asisa laughed and teased: "Little Vashj, are you jealous of Digana or the Great Magister Elisande? ??"

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