As the Queen's lieutenant, Asisa is of course qualified to tease and play the little Vashj, who asked her to be dragged into the chuang of her own man by Queen Azshara... Uh, no, it's a boat... That's right, absolutely Is it a boat, not a chuang...

Well, I admit it - it is indeed chuang.

There is no way, Azshara has too many secrets that cannot be shared with ordinary people, so——Only by becoming her own sister, Azshara can communicate with them at ease.

For this reason...Aqisa and Vashj were sold to her own man by her.

Azshara had no idea that her lieutenant was teasing her little maid... She was almost used to this kind of relaxed and happy family relationship.

Of course, in front of outsiders, she is still the majestic Queen Azshara.

"Oh, forget it, then I'll wait for my dear to come back from Suramar and talk about it!!" Queen Azshara sighed and said.

Suramar - is a new main city of the night elves under construction. According to Queen Azshara's intention, this city is to be built into a huge city second only to the king city Aldis.

Moreover, she will also hand over the management of the city to someone she trusts...

In this way—the dual-core empire pattern with the king’s city in the east and Suramar in the west is formed. Of course—Suramar still wants to be under her rule, and the people who trust—are currently on Azshara. In other words, she doesn't trust anyone except her own sisters and lovers.

No way, after seeing the power of the whispers of the ancient gods in the battle of the ancients... Even if the ancient gods are still under seal, Azshara is still worried about the corruption of the people.

So—except for her own sisters and lovers, she doesn't trust anyone else.

In her opinion, any outsider may be corrupted by the whispers of the ancient gods...because her lover told her that the seal of the ancient gods was not strong...this also led to her doubting the psychology of all outsiders... …

Azshara's concern was something Zhou Ye had never thought of...

But it didn't matter, as long as Azshara remained vigilant, it was a good ending.

And at this time——

What is Zhou Ye doing in Suramar? ?

Ahem - he's teasing one of Azshara's magical advisors.

"My lord... Could you please leave here, I'm going to work!!" Great Magister Elisande said helplessly as he looked at His Royal Highness in front of him with a depressed expression.

His Royal Highness, ever since he left the capital for some reason and came to Suramar, he has been leaning towards her...

She was almost driven mad by him.

Yes - that's right - His Royal Highness is indeed beautiful and powerful enough to impress any woman.

But - if you know how corrupt his life is, all your heartbeats will be calmed down.

As Queen Azshara's chief magical advisor, Elisande has seen the prince hold other maids in his arms more than once.

This made her, on more than one occasion, speak to Her Royal Highness, telling her Her Majesty that her husband was carrying her behind his back and stealing food.

And Her Majesty the Queen, who has always been extremely intelligent, has become extremely dull at this moment... I can't even hear it at all.

Instead, His Majesty the Prince seems to have heard some wind and has been entangled by his side...

This makes Elisande very distressed...

beat? ? Not to mention the problem that you can't beat him, the identity of Prince Zhou Ye alone is enough to make Elisande unable to start.

scold? ? For Zhou Ye - Elisander's [Please show some respect. 】【I will tell Her Majesty if you do this again】These kinds of words are not threatening...

In desperation, Elisande had to apply himself to supervise the construction of the second largest main city of the elves.

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1643

"Have I disturbed you??" Zhou Ye asked innocently.

"Of course!!" Elisander wouldn't save Zhou Ye any face. She pointed at the tens of thousands of night elves who were working hard to build their city on this land as soon as possible. Said, "If you really want me to see you differently, please be like them and do something meaningful instead of always being there for me..."

"How dare you let His Royal Highness work like these commoners..." Before Zhou Ye could speak, a waitress in armor behind him said to Elisande furiously, "Great Magister Elisande, Are you despising the majesty of the royal family??"

"Don't get little cutie!!" Zhou Ye smiled and comforted the angrily maid behind him. She was not only Azshara's maid, but also Zhou Ye's pillow.

"Yes, His Royal Highness!!" The maid, who was still furious at first, was fondled by Zhou Ye's words and turned into a well-behaved little wild cat... She gave Elisande a vicious look, and then returned to the place again. Behind Zhou Ye, with loving eyes, he looked at the tall and straight back in front of him.

After comforting his little guard, Zhou Ye smiled and looked at Elisande and asked, "Are you sure you want me to help build the city??"

"Of course... I think you should spend your time on more meaningful things instead of wasting it on me!!" Although the female bodyguard's reprimands made Grand Magister Elisande feel a little unhappy, but , she still said something like this.

For Grand Magister Elisander, her magical talent is far higher than her political talent.

Let's put it this way-

She doesn't have any political talent per se... It's no exaggeration to say she's a political idiot.

"Haha..." Facing Elisande's words, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly, then walked to Elisande's side unceremoniously, stretched out his hand and embraced Elisande's slender waist...

"You..." Elisande's face changed, and an arcane brilliance flashed in his hand.

Obviously—she wanted to throw a magic spell to the unruly prince in front of her, whether it was transfiguration, ice magic that freezes everything, or perhaps the most concise and direct arcane explosion... Ye, the bastard, got his hands off him, so Elisande doesn't mind what kind of magic he uses.

It's a pity that her actions were stopped by Zhou Ye's words below...

"You dare to smash magic on me... Then I'll put you here, in front of tens of thousands of people, don't tell me that you fall in love with me!!" After saying this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Just like that time in It's the same in the palace!!"

"You, you, you bastard!!" Elisande was shaking with anger...

However, in the end, the arcane brilliance in her hands—disappeared.

When she was in the palace, she was pressed against the wall several times by the villain around her while no one was around. She was insulted for a while... At that time, she was really insane.

Moreover, even if she went to complain in front of Queen Azshara with a face of grievances, she still didn't get the response she deserved.

This kind of thing happened not once, or twice...

It's not that she never resisted, but—her resistance, in the hands of the bastard in front of her, seemed meaningless.

Let's put it this way-

Her shape-shifting magic is ineffective against Zhou Ye, and her frost magic is like blowing cool wind to Zhou Ye... Even the time magic that she is most proud of, is even more useless to this bastard in front of her. A little effect... This made her doubt for a time that she had chosen the wrong path in her life, which caused her magical power to become so unbearable? ?

Fortunately, it was useless except for Zhou Ye.

When facing other people, her magical power is quite good.

But——for some reason, her magic had no effect on His Royal Highness.

In desperation, Elisande could only ask for his own orders and come to Suramar as a supervisor, wanting to get rid of Zhou Ye completely...

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