So, a certain chief arcanist is also unlucky...

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

A month later————the royal city of the night elves——in the royal palace of Eldis...

"Welcome back, my love!!" Azshara smiled and greeted the figure in front of her that made her think about it day and night.

He threw himself into this embrace without hesitation, hugged his body tightly, and after a long time—only then did he feel that his thoughts had received a trace of solace.

"It seems that our Great Magister Your Excellency has not escaped from your clutches after all... my dear!!" Raising her little head slightly, Azshara looked at her man, laughed and joked: "Otherwise , According to the plan, you should have come back half a month ago!!"

"Haha... the plan can't keep up with the changes!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and then pointed at the little maid Vasqi who was standing not far behind Azshara, who wanted to pounce, but was a little afraid of competing with her master. : "My lovely little Wasky, what are you waiting for??"

Azshara also smiled from his lover's arms, stood up straight, looked at his little maid and said, "Little cute, don't you come and act like a spoiled child to your Highness??"

"Yeah, if you don't go, then I'm welcome!" Aqisa said, making a gesture of wanting to seize Zhou Ye's arms.

"Who, who said I wouldn't go!!" Little Wasqi couldn't bear it any longer. She trotted up and threw her body into Zhou Ye's arms. "His Royal Highness, welcome back..."

Seeing Vashj's actions, Asisa and Azshara couldn't help laughing.

"I miss you too, sweetie!" Zhou Ye smiled and said softly beside Wasi Qi's ear.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, a happy smile appeared on Little Wasqi's face.

After greedily taking a few deep breaths of the air with Zhou Ye's breath, Little Wasqi obediently gave up her arms to the queen's lieutenant, Aqisa.

And Aqisa also walked up unceremoniously, and then stepped forward and offered her apology to Zhou Ye—after a long while, they parted, "Welcome back, Your Highness!!"

Seeing Aqisa's actions, Little Wasqi murmured in annoyance, "I actually forgot to give His Highness an excuse..."

Azshara, who was standing by the side, heard Vashj's whisper and couldn't help laughing...

Little Wasqi's cutest expression appeared. This annoyed look was shown on her originally arrogant face, giving people the feeling of wanting to hold her in her arms and bully her.

Azshara thought so, and did so...

She immediately hugged the little Wasky in her arms and said with a smile, "No, I'm going to be fascinated by the cute expression of the little Wasky!!"

"Your Majesty..." Vashj struggled slightly embarrassedly, but in the end, she still didn't break free from Azshara's arms.

After a while of laughter————

Everyone finally quieted down... On Azshara's large throne, Zhou Ye sat there with Azshara in his arms.

And Vashj and Acisa snuggled obediently beside his legs.

It wasn't that Azshara didn't let them snuggle up in Zhou Ye's arms, but they kept their duty and didn't want to sit on the throne.

In their words - the queen can share the throne with the prince, and it would be rude if we sat on it.

So, this is almost their habitual position.

"As soon as I came back, I heard that you have been frowning a lot recently??" Zhou Ye stroked Azshara's long hair lightly and asked in a low voice, "Is something wrong with the empire??"

"Yeah!!" Azshara put her little face in Zhou Ye's arms, listening to the heartbeat from her lover, Xiongzhong, and said lazily, "Those guys from Quel'dore College, a They all regard Quel'dorei as their own race, calling themselves high elves, and look down on those kaldorei civilians who have no talent for spellcasting... Although it seems that there is no sign of social conflicts breaking out, I am worried ——If this continues, sooner or later the class conflict will become acute!!”

"Class conflict...??" Zhou Ye said thoughtfully.

"Yeah!!" Azshara's adjutant, Azisa nodded his head, and said, "I feel that in my investigation these days, those guys who call themselves Quel'dorei are very arrogant. They are completely arrogant. I don’t think of ordinary elves as my own race, and think that commoners without spellcasting talent are inferior races!!”

"Interesting... high elves??" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "Since they want to be high elves, then we will let them be high elves..."

"Let them be high elves??" xn

Whether it's Azshara or the little maid Vashj... even Azisa looks like she doesn't know what to do.

"That's right, let them be high-level elves!!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "But----what kind of kaldorei is worthy of being called a high-level elves, we have the final say!!"

"Looks like, dear, you already have a good idea?? Right??" Azshara couldn't help but put on a smile.

"That's right!!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "If you want to call yourself a Quel'dorei, then you can exchange for real merits... First, grant them to a group of Kaldorei civilians who have made outstanding contributions to the empire. The honorable title of the Quel'dorei... In this way, some people will find that it is not necessary to have spellcasting talent to call themselves Highborne

Yes! ! They must also be loyal to the Empire and contribute something..."

"Turn Quel'dorei into a title recognized by the Empire..." Azshara thought to himself...

Gradually, her amber eyes became brighter...

She also realized that this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

It not only hit the arrogance of those spellcasters, but also drew a big cake for them.

If you want to get this respectable title, then you can exchange for merits...

This is only good for the entire night elf empire, not bad...

"Honey, you're really amazing..." Azshara hugged her man excitedly and offered her excuses.

After half an hour————

The two are finally separated...

"The business has been talked about..." Azshara's eyes contained some kind of heart-warming look, and Gu Jiao pulled out a smile and said, "What are you waiting for? My love...and Don't you hurry up and do your duty??"

What are the duties of the prince? ?

It's a bit complicated to say - but - at the end of the day, there's only one item - and that is the Queen.

Of course, Zhou Ye will not refuse to accept this responsibility...

"As you wish, my beautiful little queen..." Zhou Ye threw himself up with a smile...

On the side, little Vashj and Asisa also started to help their queen disarm with a smile. After disarming their queen, they still have to disarm themselves... They have to rush up when the queen begs for mercy. Block the gun...

Queen Azshara's maid and lieutenant are not good either.

Chapter 1653

Chapter 1653

When the morning sun was rising————the entire palace of Eldice had fallen into silence.

After all—thousands of years have passed, the night elves still haven’t changed their work and rest time, although the scorching sun during the day does not affect their sight, but—if it is not necessary, they will not choose to be busy during the day...

In Azshara's bedroom that has been expanded several times, beautiful girls are lying all over the place...

The battle last night was too tragic...

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