Azshara, her maid, the little Vashj, and the adjutant, Asisa, obviously couldn't resist the footsteps of a certain big devil, so as a last resort, the maids in the palace also went into battle...

However, this was far from enough for Zhou Ye. With the combination of time barrier and ten thousand strikes, it took Zhou Ye only one second to defeat these maids...

In desperation, Azshara had to ask her sisters for help through arcane magic...

So, the Red Dragon Legion responded to the call and came here under the leadership of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza...

The Green Dragon Legion also responded to the call, woke up from the Emerald Dream, and led by Ysera, came to help...

The eredar twins, who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, also pulled their own clan Elsa to join the battle, and the female titans were indulging in experiments with their own creations and could not respond... and Elune was also busy, only He sent his own priesthood to fight.

Although the black panther demigod Ashaman thought it was a bit ridiculous for her sister to make such a fuss, but——out of my unspeakable idea that you will help me next time, she also came out of the emerald dream and pulled the witch Haierya and the blue dragon queen Sindragosa, participated in this battle...

result--? ? ?

Do you still need to ask? ?

In Zhou Ye's words - you scumbags, none of you can fight.

Looking at the indescribable expressions on the girls' faces, they passed out on the carpet of Azshara's bedroom, and Zhou Ye was still in good spirits to know - what is the ending! !

"Humph... These people just want to defeat me, you are all asking for your own death!!" Zhou Ye pretended to be deep...

"Ah, by the way, there are still two cuties who haven't participated in the battle!!" Zhou Ye said, with a wave of his hand, a golden portal opened in front of him, and he passed through in this celestial form without hesitation. the portal...

On the other side of the portal, is a gorgeous tent...

On the big couch in the tent, two slender figures were chatting face to face.

Although the sky was already slightly bright, it was almost midnight for humans for the night elves, but the two women still had no idea of ​​sleeping.

"I can't sleep... Thalyssra..." Elisande said with a depressed expression, "I'm starting to miss that bad guy!!"

"I don't want that bastard at all!!" Thalyssra gritted her teeth and said, "Why did I, the middleman who helped you reconcile, end up being harmed by that bastard?? How many times have you been teased by him for so long? So it's not surprising that he fell, but what about me?? I didn't have anything to do with him before, okay... Why should I be harmed by him??"

"It turns out that you have been entangled in this matter..." Elisander couldn't help laughing.

"Of course... I don't like that bastard, why should I be blamed by him!!" Speaking of this, Thalyssra felt annoyed for a while—

Waking up from a hangover, not only has a headache, but also hurts under me...

After instantly remembering what happened that night, Thalyssra had the urge to cry...

Are you a idiot who talks about being with others but puts yourself in? ?

As a result, when she endured the pain and planned to sneak away, just when it was a dream last night... The bastard pressed himself under him again, and ravaged...

It is also euphemistically called, afraid that she was drunk last night and has no memory, so I specially deepened her impression...

Deepen the impression of a ghost...

She can't wait to bite that bastard to death...

Of course, if she had beaten him...she would definitely do that.

The results of it? ?

As a result, her memory was indeed deepened, and it was deepened quite thoroughly...

If only that was the case.

It's a big deal, everyone treats it as a dream, and when you wake up, it will go away...

but? ?

That bastard actually found himself again the next day, and under his own resistance, he forcibly gave himself to...

What disappointed her the most was that the person who helped restrict her hands and feet was actually the great magus she had helped, Elisande.

[Ellisander: Don’t talk nonsense, I just held your hand gently, I didn’t limit your freedom, you just shouted and didn’t resist! 】

[Talisa: You just limited my freedom, you used high-level magic on me, powerless enchantment...]

[Elysander: Huh? What magic is that? I don't at all? What is the casting formula? How to mobilize the arcane factor? ? 】

[Talisa: Long, long-winded, I said you use it! ! 】

In a word——

Thalyssra just feels like she's being forced... let this couple be entrapped.

In the face of this shameless pair of men and women, one is her boss, the other is the existence at the top of the empire's power pyramid, how could she, a little arcanist, be able to resist?

So——she was full of humiliation, and was played wanton by this couple...

Alas - it sounds like tears.

With regard to the chief assistant whose arrogance attribute is no less than his own, Elisande knew that he did not debunk her insincere words, "If only my dear were here now!"

"Hmph... You are delusional!!" After nearly a month of running in, Thalyssa was able to complain about her boss very well. "He is His Royal Highness, the Queen's consort, how can he possibly have time?

Always with us..."

"Haha..." Elisande didn't immediately debunk the sick words in his subordinate's mouth. Thalyssra, who spoke insincerely, was still very cute...

At this moment... Suddenly a golden portal opened in front of their couch... Then, a guy in a celestial state came out.

The moment he saw this figure, there was a hint of surprise in Elisande's eyes. "Honey……"

However, just when Elisande was about to get up and pounce on the figure, Thalyssra moved faster than her.

I saw—Talisa jumped into Zhou Ye's arms with an agile tiger pounce, her mouth still full of reluctance. "You bastard, you don't stay in Her Majesty's palace, do you want to harm me again?? I fought with you..."

"..." Elisande looked at the movements of his chief arcanist, speechless for a while...

It is said that the chief arcanist's family used to be a very famous forest ranger family, and now it seems that the rumors are somewhat credible...

With this agility alone, Elisande felt that his assistant had definitely been trained before.

But—why do you shout and fight with him, but you swing your waist so that he can bully you faster and more conveniently? Did you really fight him? Are you sure you're not delivering x to your door? ?

Ah... well, that's actually pretty fun, isn't it? ?

Chapter 1654

Chapter 1654

Azshara Calendar - Year 302.

The Kaldorei Empire promulgated the famous Quel'dorei Act.

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