Following the command of the Moon Guards, Matilda gave an order... The Moon Guards controlled the Night Sabers under their crotch and chased after them.


Of the more than 2,000 troll headhunters, only less than a palm number managed to escape.

When the Guardians of the Moon returned happily with victory, the entire bloody battlefield had already been cleaned up.

This is not difficult for Zhou Ye...

Although Zhou Ye had never learned Druid spells before, he had trained a Druid.

If you want to meet, sleep with the master...

Zhou Ye had no idea how many times he had slept with Ashamam, the first Druid and black panther demigod in the history of Azeroth, how could he not have learned anything at all? ?

It was just a simple vine technique. The vines surging out of the ground dragged the corpses of those trolls into the depths of the ground and became the nutrients in this land.

Come to think of it, by this time next year, the wildflowers here will bloom more beautifully, right? ?

After the battle, it was naturally time for Zhou Ye to fulfill his promise.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened.

In fact, in order to get to the front line as soon as possible, this unit traveled day and night, so——when they were attacked, it happened to be evening.

Now that it was getting dark, Zhou Ye simply lit a bonfire more than ten meters high, and then took out all the fine wines in his wristband without hesitation...

And the guards of the moon also entered the forest and hunted a lot of prey...

For a time, in this open space at the bottom of the valley, which was just a battlefield, a unique bonfire party began.

In order to let these lovely girls have fun, Zhou Ye simply used his great power to temporarily separate this open space from the world, forming a special half plane.

And the girls who didn't know anything about it thought they had fallen into some kind of magic trap... If it wasn't for Zhou Ye's explanation, they probably wouldn't even be in the mood for a party.

But after learning that all this was done by Zhou Ye, the girls suddenly became noisy...

When a woman faces a lot of men, that woman is a vulnerable group.

However, when a man faces a lot of girls, he has to say that the girls will become very strong.

In addition, these girls have just been baptized on the battlefield, and the hostility in their hearts has not yet dissipated, so—

I don't know since when, this bonfire party has changed its flavor...

From the beginning of the girls singing and dancing, to the blatant eating of Zhou Ye's tofu, and finally to the last - one by one, they made no secret of their thoughts and rushed towards Zhou Ye. In the end...the bonfire turned into a celestial meeting...

Chapter 1662

Chapter 1662

I don't know when, the bonfire is about to go out.

And beside the bonfire, there are more than a thousand night elf girls who are naked.

Let's put it this way, including the little Loli Maiev, all of them are lying on the ground, and they can't get up again.

There is only one figure, sitting by the river, staring blankly at the river...

It was none other than Matilda, the commander of the Moon Guard.

She did not indulge herself like her subordinates, but silently hid aside.

Just when Matilda was thinking about something, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her... She didn't need to look back, she knew who the person who still had the energy at this time would be.

"Those cute girls under my command still don't seem to be able to beat you, Your Royal Highness!!" Matilda said without looking back.

"You know, Matilda..." Zhou Ye didn't care about his current state of being naked, and sat beside Matilda, "What are you thinking??"

"I'm thinking... this war, how many of these girls can't return to the temple again..." Matilda said in a deep voice.


Zhou Ye unceremoniously pressed Matilda to his lap, and slapped her on the dolphin.

"Deepness is not suitable for you, little guy, it's better for you to tell me your thoughts honestly!!"

"It's been a long time since I heard you call me little guy!!" Matilda's tone was full of nostalgia. "From when I was very young, when I was elected to the temple and became a guardian of the little moon who fought to guard the glory of the goddess, you often called me little guy..."

"..." Zhou Ye was about to speak, but Matilda covered him.

"Don't talk, let me finish!!"

Having said this, Matilda turned around slightly and straddled Zhou Ye's arms. She cupped Zhou Ye's cheeks with her hands and stared at Zhou Ye's eyes. "At that time, when I saw you for the first time... I was stunned. It turns out that there are such handsome men in the world!!"

"I still remember when you gently stroked my head with your hand and said to me [little guy, you will definitely become a powerful moon guard]!"

"That quote has always inspired me..."

"No matter how hard or tiring the training in the temple is, as long as I think of your words, I feel like my whole body is full of strength!!"

"But what about you?? What are you doing??" Said here, Matilda said here, her face changed and she became gnashing.


You ignored my love and focused all your attention on those high priests! ! "

"You are in the Elune Garden, singing with them every night... but you completely ignore the feeling of our guardianship these months!!"

"At that time, I hated you, and even... I wanted to kill you for a while!!"

"But—— as expected, I still can't do it!!"

"Hundreds of years have passed, and the little moon guard has become the guard commander in the temple... but you are still stingy about setting your sights on me!!"

"Today, I finally got a chance... a chance for revenge, I know you are very powerful, but—I will let you lose in my hands..."

To be honest, the expression on Zhou Ye's face now can only be described in one word - 囧.

what is this? ? A manifesto of revenge? ?

But, since it's revenge...why are you taking off your clothes? ? In what way is she going to beat herself? ? ?

"After the raids of those girls, you are already at the end of the battle?!!" Matilda said slightly proudly: "And now, let me end the myth of your invincibility... s... ok. Pain...but it's okay, this kind of pain is nothing compared to the pain you experience during training..."

Zhou Ye looked at Matilda who was talking to himself in a speechless manner...

This girl didn't participate in the war just now, just to defeat him in this way? ?

Really——I think too much.

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