Not to mention that it was the first time that Matilda's clumsy move not only did not mean defeating Zhou Ye in the slightest, but instead made herself hurt.

...Besides, with Zhou Ye's physique, even after experiencing the bloody battle of over a thousand girls, he still had nothing to do.

Why is the blood flowing? ?

Because those guardians of the moon and priests of the moon are pure and good girls... This is the stipulation in the teachings of the moon god, only girls with pure bodies can serve the goddess of the moon Elune.

Hehe, get the idea.

Whoa, whoa, far away...

Zhou Ye looked at himself, using clumsy movements, Matilda, who was constantly doing up, down, movement and movement... couldn't help but want to laugh.

He knows what Matilda thinks... Actually, this girl has been hiding here because she wants to monopolize the last time, not to attend the just-rans conference.

And what she just said seemed to be nonsense, in fact, she did express her inner feelings. She did have a love and hatred for Zhou Ye for a while...

In fact, it was precisely because of the discovery that the highest priest, Fina Yefeng, deliberately proposed the idea of ​​Zhou Ye taking the Moon Guard and the Moon Priest together.

It's scary to think about how scary a woman is because of love.

And in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Fina made such a move of meat buns and dogs...

Sending more than 1,000 beautiful and pure night elf girls to his man's side, you don't need to think about what it will be... But Fina can't do anything about it, she can't change batches every few hundred years. guard? ? That's not fair to these girls...and it's not realistic.

Zhou Ye, who was well aware of this, certainly wouldn't say anything.

"Little guy, are you ready to enjoy this wonderful night??" Zhou Ye said, turning over and pinning Matilda under him... With a wicked smile, he said, "I feel that this is coming from the prince. Punishment!!"

"No... slow down... bastard... ah-!!"

Matilda found herself doing the same thing she had just despised from her subordinates.

The whole person made all kinds of blushing sounds involuntarily... All she can do now is to hold the man on her body tightly with her arms and let him lead her to the unknown world. ...

And just when Zhou Ye was enjoying the victorious bonfire party...

Far in the jungle, among the Burning Branch troll clan... a storm is brewing.

This storm will eventually pull the entire Zu'Aman Empire into the vortex of war, and eventually, pull the entire trolls of Azeroth into this war.

On the Kalimdor Continent, it seemed to recall the sound of the war drums that shook the sky.

Chapter 1663

Chapter 1663

"Archer, my old friend...what made you use the brazier??"

In the tent of the Burning Branch Troll Chief, the Chief of the Burning Branch Troll is standing in front of a brazier with blue flames...

In this brazier, a troll image that looks about the same age as the Burning Branch Troll Chief Archer, is pulsing with the blue flames in the brazier, and it is bright and dark - it looks very strange.

"Gorner, my friend...!!" The Chief of the Burning Troll, Archer said with an ugly expression: "I contacted you today because I have very bad news to tell you!!"

"Oh? Very bad news??" There was a hint of surprise on the face of the troll who was called Gorner, but after a while, he returned to a smiling expression. "Is it the fact that your tribe is facing the threat of war? Don't worry... I have ordered Siled to bring his most elite headhunter troops to your place to support your war... Don't worry, in the forest In China, we trolls are the worthy of the heaven!"

Speaking of this, Gorner looked behind Archer with a strange look. "Archer, why didn't I see my lovely Galanka?? Did he go on a mission??"

"No, Gorner..." Archer finally decided to tell the truth... "Galanka, disregarding my orders, ambushed an army of long-eared people... But I didn't expect that army was actually a long-eared army. The elite troops of the ears, my headhunter troops, have been wiped out... Galanka also died on the spot!!"


Hearing the words of Chief Burning Branch, the troll in the brazier suddenly turned extremely ferocious...

His words were full of pain... "Those damn long ears, I'm going to make them pay!!"

Speaking of this, Gorner's voice changed. "But Archer, my old friend, don't you need to give me an explanation?? Why did my lovely Galanka go back to block the long-eared elite??"

"I said, he ignored my orders and acted privately!!" Chief Burning Branch said bitterly.

That idiot Galanka, he screwed everything up...

"Okay..." Gorner's expression seemed to return to normal. After a long silence, he said, "Don't worry, just the death of a son will not affect our friendship. Now you have to protect Archie. In your territory, you must not let those long ears enter the territory of our ancestral Aman Empire. The warriors of our Amani tribe are ready to go. They will soon arrive at the front line and join the warriors of your tribe to resist the invasion of those long ears. , In this war, our ancestral Aman Empire will win!"

"The Zul'Aman Empire - Victory!!" Chief Burning Branch seemed to be infected by Gorner's words, and he shouted loudly.

"Okay, that's it!! I still have some things to deal with... I look forward to the next time we meet, that's when we win!!" Saying that, Gorner took the lead in extinguishing the communication brazier... …

Looking at the blue brazier that had lost its image, but was still burning... Chief Burning Branch fell into silence.

At this moment, his face did not have the excitement when he shouted the slogan just now, but was full of worry...

"Master Chief, what are you worried about??" At this time, behind the piles of debris in his tent, a few trolls emerged, not others - the elders and witch doctors in this tribe... ..."The most powerful tribe in the Zul-Aman Empire, the chief of the Amani tribe, Gorner has promised to send troops to support us, what are you still worried about??"

It was none other than the witch doctor who said this...

"...Huh!" Chief Burning Branch did not speak, but sighed deeply... After a while, he said: "You always complain that I am pampering Galanka, but... you know why I want to Indulge Galanka??"

"..." xn

Hearing the words of Chief Burning Branch, although everyone had a little guess in their hearts, they still shook their heads...

"Ten years ago, our Burning Branch Tribe lost our territory in the battle with the Evil Branch Tribe!!" Chief Burning Branch took a deep breath and said, "You all know about this... "

"Hmm!!" xn

"At that time... I had to go to the most powerful Amani tribe for help and want their help..."

"At that time, Gorner, who had just received the position of the chief of the tribe, received me..."

"He made a request, he asked me to raise his youngest son Galanka... and in the future, pass the position of the clan chief to him, then he will lend a helping hand to us!!"

"I was desperate, but in desperation, I could only agree to his request!!"

"I took Galanka, who was still in its infancy, and at the same time, our tribe also obtained this forest for reproduction!!"

"Remember that powerful headhunter, Galanka's teacher? He is the guardian sent by Gorner to train Galanka!!"

"I know that Gorner is plotting against my clan, but - in that desperate situation, even if I know it's a poison, I have to eat it with my eyes closed!!"

"Now - Galanka is dead... Gorner will never let it go!!" Saying this, a light flashed in the eyes of Elder Burning Branch Chief. "We, it's time to get out of here..."


"Leave here, how are we going to live?? Chief!!"

"It's about to enter the harsh winter. Because our tribe is preparing for war, there is no time to store food for the winter!!"

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