Ordinary magic is as useless to them as scratching a tick.

And these loa gods are enough to pose a threat to the kaldorei army...even destroy them here.

It's just that those tribes are concerned about their holy places, so they have not launched an attack at present... Once they realize that the Kaldorei Empire will never withdraw... They will definitely launch an attack desperately.

This is what the top military officials are most worried about.

But—now, Elisande is not worried anymore...

Because, her lover, the queen's consort, the prince of the empire... invented a magic circle that is enough to deal with those beasts. In this magic circle that gathers all the power of the magic army, it only needs no one to pay some insignificant The magic power of the magic circle can make the person who acts as the magic power commander in the magic circle exert the ability to destroy the world.

I have to say... With this magic circle, this war—they are sure to win.

Chapter 1669

Chapter 1669

And Zhou Ye, who heard Elisande's words, smiled slightly... "Okay, we should prepare and teach those stinky trolls a lesson!!"

"That's right, dear!!" Elisander smiled and took Zhou Ye's arm.

The two walked out of the hall side by side...

For their ancestral land, these trolls are quite willing... The ground is paved with golden bricks, and the ones responsible for lighting are also big gems.

The two walked through the long palace corridor and came to the open space in front of the palace.

At this time, in the open space, there are already thousands of magicians from the magician army, who have lined up according to certain rules.

When they saw Zhou Ye come out, they bowed their waists towards Zhou Ye respectfully.

In the past, for them... Maybe the name Zhou Ye only represented Her Majesty's spouse.

But now, the name Zhou Ye, to them, represented the invincible commander and the incomparably powerful magician.

In the past half a month, they have verified countless times how their commander played those trolls in the palm of his hand.

I also saw how the magician occupies the absolute main position in the war...

If in the past those ordinary soldiers saw them and admired them because they were afraid of the magical power they possessed, then now - those soldiers saw them and admired them because - they could let soldiers on the battlefield Bleeding as little as possible...

These two completely different admiration transformations made these magicians feel very useful.

Being feared and being respected are two completely different concepts...

"Your Highness, good day!" xn

The uniform greetings showed the admiration of the magicians for Zhou Ye.

In response, Zhou Ye just scratched his cheek a little embarrassed...

In fact, for Zhou Ye, this war was just a playthrough.

A guy who can slaughter an entire troll race by himself in one minute, and his purpose of starting this war is only to play.

That's why Zhou Ye hid his strength in this war... Although it was said, just a little bit of what he revealed was enough to make these magicians admire him immensely. However, compared to his real strength... these revealed things are really insignificant.

Therefore, in the face of the worship of these magicians, Zhou Ye felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's all take our place and prepare our anti-military magic!!" Elisander saw the embarrassment of her man, and she ordered directly.

"Yes!!" xn

The magicians agreed and began to adjust their own magic frequency to form a resonance with the magic power in other magicians...

Then—— Elisande walked to the middle of the magic circle, and she would be the person in charge of guiding the enemy's magic this time.

With thousands of magicians, their magic power was injected into Elisande's body through a certain frequency through the magic circle...

A dazzling light appeared on Elisande's body...

Above Zul'Aman, a phantom of Elisande, a hundred meters high, stood there out of thin air...

This strange scene caused chaos in the troll camp outside Zul'Aman...

"The ancestors are above, what is that??"

"Damn, it's not the magic of those long ears again??"

"Go and report to the patriarch!!"

Just when the trolls' camp was in a mess...

The phantom of Elisande, who was hundreds of meters high, slowly opened his eyes.

From her eyes, two beams of light were projected, like two searchlights.

A loud voice came out of her mouth...

"Dirty trolls don't deserve to live under a sky with our kaldorei!! Feel the wrath from the kaldorei empire... testify the fall of the stars!!"

With this sound like a muffled thunder...

Thousands of meteorites, dragging their long tails from the sky, smashed towards the troll's camp...

In front of this natural disaster-like scene, even the gods of Loa, who are 100 meters tall, can only bury their heads in the ground.

Face, there is room for shivering.

And Zhou Ye was speechless when he looked at this apocalyptic scene...

Holy crap - baby Elisande, you're pushing too hard.

What is the concept of more than a thousand meteorites? ?

Let's just say...

On Earth, the extinction of dinosaurs was only caused by a meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers hitting the surface of the earth.

The smoke and dust brought by it because of the impact permeated the entire earth's atmosphere, causing the earth to enter the Great Ice Age in advance, which led to the extinction of the earth's overlord, the dinosaurs.

The result of these nearly 1,000 meteorites hitting the ground is only higher than the result of the meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers hitting the ground.

Although it is said that this is a magical world... However, Azeroth absolutely cannot withstand such a collision...

No, it shouldn't be said that Azeroth can't afford it, it should be said that the night elves can't afford it.

After all, even if Azeroth is hit, there is no big problem... The key is that the smoke and dust will definitely make the entire continent enter the Great Ice Age.

"Hey - I have to come to the end of the hard work!!" Zhou Ye helplessly waved his hand.

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